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Moisture sorption in polyamide 6.6: experimental investigation and comparison to four physical-based models ArchiMer
Broudin, Morgane; Le Saux, V.; Le Gac, Pierre-yves; Champy, C.; Robert, G.; Charrier, P.; Marco, Y..
Water sorption in polyamide 6.6 has been characterized for a wide range of temperature (25°C to 80°C) and various water activities using a Dynamic Vapor Sorption testing machine. Complex sorption mechanisms govern the water uptake in the material. The competition between two main temperature dependant mechanisms has been observed: a Henry’s sorption mechanism that mainly governs the sorption curve at low water activities, and a second mechanism at high water activities that could be related to the formation of water clusters. It is observed that the temperature dependency can mainly be attributed to the Henry’s contribution. Four physically based models are then used and identified thanks to the extended experimental database. It is shown that a simple...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Polyamide 6.6; Water sorption; Temperature; Relative humidity; Physically-based models.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Water diffusivity in PA66: Experimental characterization and modeling based on free volume theory ArchiMer
Broudin, M.; Le Gac, Pierre-yves; Le Saux, V.; Champy, C.; Robert, G.; Charrier, P.; Marco, Y..
Diffusion of water in polyamide 6.6 has been characterized for a wide range of temperatures (from 25 to 80 °C) and various humidities using dynamic vapor sorption machine. The decrease in glass transition temperature (Tg) has also been measured using DMA tests. As usually observed, PA66 absorbs a large amount of water (up to 5% at 90%RH) with a Fickian behavior with a diffusion coefficient that depends on water activity for all temperatures. Moreover, it appears that the diffusion coefficient for tests performed below Tg is almost independent of the water activity whereas a strong dependency is observed above Tg. This behavior is to be compared to a large decrease of Tg with the absorption of water. The increase of the water diffusion can therefore be...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Water absorption; Free volume; Polyamide; Modeling.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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