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Environmental DNA reveals tropical shark diversity in contrasting levels of anthropogenic impact 5
Bakker, Judith; Wangensteen, Owen S.; Chapman, Demian D.; Boussarie, Germain; Buddo, Dayne; Guttridge, Tristan L.; Hertler, Heidi; Mouillot, David; Vigliola, Laurent; Mariani, Stefano.
Sharks are charismatic predators that play a key role in most marine food webs. Their demonstrated vulnerability to exploitation has recently turned them into flagship species in ocean conservation. Yet, the assessment and monitoring of the distribution and abundance of such mobile species in marine environments remain challenging, often invasive and resource-intensive. Here we pilot a novel, rapid and non-invasive environmental DNA (eDNA) metabarcoding approach specifically targeted to infer shark presence, diversity and eDNA read abundance in tropical habitats. We identified at least 21 shark species, from both Caribbean and Pacific Coral Sea water samples, whose geographical patterns of diversity and read abundance coincide with geographical differences...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Global spatial risk assessment of sharks under the footprint of fisheries 5
Queiroz, Nuno; Humphries, Nicolas E.; Couto, Ana; Vedor, Marisa; Da Costa, Ivo; Sequeira, Ana M. M.; Mucientes, Gonzalo; Santos, Antonio M; Abascal, Francisco J.; Abercrombie, Debra L.; Abrantes, Katya; Acuna-marrero, David; Afonso, Andre S.; Afonso, Pedro; Anders, Darrell; Araujo, Gonzalo; Arauz, Randall; Bach, Pascal; Barnett, Adam; Bernal, Diego; Berumen, Michael L.; Lion, Sandra Bessudo; Bezerra, Natalia P. A.; Blaison, Antonin V.; Block, Barbara A.; Bond, Mark E.; Bonfil, Ramon; Bradford, Russell W.; Braun, Camrin D.; Brooks, Edward J.; Brooks, Annabelle; Brown, Judith; Bruce, Barry D.; Byrne, Michael E.; Campana, Steven E.; Carlisle, Aaron B.; Chapman, Demian D.; Chapple, Taylor K.; Chisholm, John; Clarke, Christopher R.; Clua, Eric G.; Cochran, Jesse E. M.; Crochelet, Estelle C.; Dagorn, Laurent; Daly, Ryan; Cortes, Daniel Devia; Doyle, Thomas K.; Drew, Michael; Duffy, Clinton A. J.; Erikson, Thor; Espinoza, Eduardo; Ferreira, Luciana C.; Ferretti, Francesco; Filmalter, John D.; Fischer, G. Chris; Fitzpatrick, Richard; Fontes, Jorge; Forget, Fabien; Fowler, Mark; Francis, Malcolm P.; Gallagher, Austin J.; Gennari, Enrico; Goldsworthy, Simon D.; Gollock, Matthew J.; Green, Jonathan R.; Gustafson, Johan A.; Guttridge, Tristan L.; Guzman, Hector M.; Hammerschlag, Neil; Harman, Luke; Hazin, Fabio H. V.; Heard, Matthew; Hearn, Alex R.; Holdsworth, John C.; Holmes, Bonnie J.; Howey, Lucy A.; Hoyos, Mauricio; Hueter, Robert E.; Hussey, Nigel E.; Huveneers, Charlie; Irion, Dylan T.; Jacoby, David M. P.; Jewell, Oliver J. D.; Johnson, Ryan; Jordan, Lance K. B.; Jorgensen, Salvador J.; Joyce, Warren; Daly, Clare A. Keating; Ketchum, James T.; Klimley, A. Peter; Kock, Alison A.; Koen, Pieter; Ladino, Felipe; Lana, Fernanda O.; Lea, James S. E.; Llewellyn, Fiona; Lyon, Warrick S.; Macdonnell, Anna; Macena, Bruno C. L.; Marshall, Heather; Mcallister, Jaime D.; Mcauley, Rory; Meyer, Michael A.; Morris, John J.; Nelson, Emily R.; Papastamatiou, Yannis P.; Patterson, Toby A.; Penaherrera-palma, Cesar; Pepperell, Julian G.; Pierce, Simon J.; Poisson, Francois; Quintero, Lina Maria; Richardson, Andrew J.; Rogers, Paul J.; Rohner, Christoph A.; Rowat, David R. L.; Samoilys, Melita; Semmens, Jayson M.; Sheaves, Marcus; Shillinger, George; Shivji, Mahmood; Singh, Sarika; Skomal, Gregory B.; Smale, Malcolm J.; Snyders, Laurenne B.; Soler, German; Soria, Marc; Stehfest, Kilian M.; Stevens, John D.; Thorrold, Simon R.; Tolotti, Mariana T.; Towner, Alison; Travassos, Paulo; Tyminski, John P.; Vandeperre, Frederic; Vaudo, Jeremy J.; Watanabe, Yuuki Y.; Weber, Sam B.; Wetherbee, Bradley M.; White, Timothy D.; Williams, Sean; Zarate, Patricia M.; Harcourt, Robert; Hays, Graeme C.; Meekan, Mark G.; Thums, Michele; Irigoien, Xabier; Eguiluz, Victor M.; Duarte, Carlos M.; Sousa, Lara L.; Simpson, Samantha J.; Southall, Emily J.; Sims, David W..
Effective ocean management and the conservation of highly migratory species depend on resolving the overlap between animal movements and distributions, and fishing effort. However, this information is lacking at a global scale. Here we show, using a big-data approach that combines satellite-tracked movements of pelagic sharks and global fishing fleets, that 24% of the mean monthly space used by sharks falls under the footprint of pelagic longline fisheries. Space-use hotspots of commercially valuable sharks and of internationally protected species had the highest overlap with longlines (up to 76% and 64%, respectively), and were also associated with significant increases in fishing effort. We conclude that pelagic sharks have limited spatial refuge from...
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Ano: 2019 URL:
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Global status and conservation potential of reef sharks 5
Macneil, M. Aaron; Chapman, Demian D.; Heupel, Michelle; Simpfendorfer, Colin A.; Heithaus, Michael; Meekan, Mark; Harvey, Euan; Goetze, Jordan; Kiszka, Jeremy; Bond, Mark E.; Currey-randall, Leanne M.; Speed, Conrad W.; Sherman, C. Samantha; Rees, Matthew J.; Udyawer, Vinay; Flowers, Kathryn I.; Clementi, Gina; Valentin-albanese, Jasmine; Gorham, Taylor; Adam, M. Shiham; Ali, Khadeeja; Pina-amargos, Fabian; Angulo-valdes, Jorge A.; Asher, Jacob; Barcia, Laura Garcia; Beaufort, Oceane; Benjamin, Cecilie; Bernard, Anthony T. F.; Berumen, Michael L.; Bierwagen, Stacy; Bonnema, Erika; Bown, Rosalind M. K.; Bradley, Darcey; Brooks, Edd; Brown, J. Jed; Buddo, Dayne; Burke, Patrick; Caceres, Camila; Cardenosa, Diego; Carrier, Jeffrey C.; Caselle, Jennifer E.; Charloo, Venkatesh; Claverie, Thomas; Clua, Eric; Cochran, Jesse E. M.; Cook, Neil; Cramp, Jessica; D'Alberto, Brooke; De Graaf, Martin; Dornhege, Mareike; Estep, Andy; Fanovich, Lanya; Farabough, Naomi F.; Fernando, Daniel; Flam, Anna L.; Floros, Camilla; Fourqurean, Virginia; Garla, Ricardo; Gastrich, Kirk; George, Lachlan; Graham, Rory; Guttridge, Tristan; Hardenstine, Royale S.; Heck, Stephen; Henderson, Aaron C.; Hertler, Heidi; Hueter, Robert; Johnson, Mohini; Jupiter, Stacy; Kasana, Devanshi; Kessel, Steven T.; Kiilu, Benedict; Kirata, Taratu; Kuguru, Baraka; Kyne, Fabian; Langlois, Tim; Ledee, Elodie J. I.; Lindfield, Steve; Luna-acosta, Andrea; Maggs, Jade; Manjaji-matsumoto, B. Mabel; Marshall, Andrea; Matich, Philip; Mccombs, Erin; Mclean, Dianne; Meggs, Llewelyn; Moore, Stephen; Mukherji, Sushmita; Murray, Ryan; Kaimuddin, Muslimin; Newman, Stephen J.; Nogues, Josep; Obota, Clay; O'Shea, Owen; Osuka, Kennedy; Papastamatiou, Yannis P.; Perera, Nishan; Peterson, Bradley; Ponzo, Alessandro; Prasetyo, Andhika; Quamar, L. M. Sjamsul; Quinlan, Jessica; Ruiz-abierno, Alexei; Sala, Enric; Samoilys, Melita; Scharer-umpierre, Michelle; Schlaff, Audrey; Simpson, Nikola; Smith, Adam N. H.; Sparks, Lauren; Tanna, Akshay; Torres, Ruben; Travers, Marie-agnes; Van Zinnicq Bergmann, Maurits; Vigliola, Laurent; Ward, Juney; Watts, Alexandra M.; Wen, Colin; Whitman, Elizabeth; Wirsing, Aaron J.; Wothke, Aljoscha; Zarza-gonzalez, Esteban; Cinner, Joshua E..
Decades of overexploitation have devastated shark populations, leaving considerable doubt as to their ecological status1,2. Yet much of what is known about sharks has been inferred from catch records in industrial fisheries, whereas far less information is available about sharks that live in coastal habitats3. Here we address this knowledge gap using data from more than 15,000 standardized baited remote underwater video stations that were deployed on 371 reefs in 58 nations to estimate the conservation status of reef sharks globally. Our results reveal the profound impact that fishing has had on reef shark populations: we observed no sharks on almost 20% of the surveyed reefs. Reef sharks were almost completely absent from reefs in several nations, and...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2020 URL:
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