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Analyse de la structure du système de pêche artisanal guyanais. Introduction à sa dynamique ArchiMer
Blanchard, Fabian; Charuau, Anatole; Rose, Joel; Achoun, Joseph.
Les activités de la petite pêche et de la pêche côtière en Guyane ne sont pas encore assez bien organisées pour permettre un suivi rigoureux. On sait surtout qu'il s'agit d'une activité en baisse et le déclin amorcé au début des années 80 n'a fait que se confirmer dans les années récentes. Alors que le nombre de bateaux pratiquant de façon régulière la petite pêche avoisinait les 150 en 1985, en 1998, la flottille était réduite à 65 unités. Un chiffre fera mieux comprendre cette évolution: dans les années 80, il y a eu jusqu'à 12 tapouilles à Cayenne, alors qu'à la fin 1998, il en restait 4. On peut espérer qu'en 1999, 2 tapouilles supplémentaires et les 3 navires expérimentaux construits par la Région Guyane viendront s'ajouter à cette flottille et...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 1999 URL:
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Consequences des recents changements de maillage sur les rendements de la flotille langoustiniere lorientaise en Mer Celtique ArchiMer
Morizur, Yvon; Charuau, Anatole.
Some trawlers from Lorient (France) are fishing for Nephrops at the North of 48th parallel. During the last years, the mesh size of their cod-end changed twice. It increased from 45 mm to 60 mm at the end of year 1978 and to 70 mm at the end of year 1979.'. Whereas the change to 60 mm seems to have no immediate- effect on Nephrops landings, the increase from 60 mm to 70 mm results in a loss in Nephrops landings of 30-40 %. That loss in Nephrops landings goes with an increase in some by-catches species as whiting, cod and hake.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: ANE; Celtic Sea Nephrops Malacostraca Catch statistics Crustacean fisheries Yield Fishery management Mesh regulations.
Ano: 1981 URL:
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Etat des principaux stocks de poissons démersaux et de langoustine exploités par la France en 1992 dans le Nord-Est Atlantique. ArchiMer
Mellon, Capucine; Charuau, Anatole; Tetard, Alain.
Fisheries are managed by stocks. A stock is defined by species and geographical area. Their management is international including all the countries which have a fishing activity in each geographical area. The International Council for Exploration of the Sea (ICES) is an international structure which undertakes to organize working groups each year. The groups are made up of scientists from different countries. Those experts are put in charge of assessing the most important stocks. The main results of these assessments are described in that report. The most important French and international landings of demersal fishes and nephrops in North-Eastern Atlantic are presented in the introduction of the report. The species are cod, whiting, saithe, haddock, sole,...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Atlantique Nord-Est; Gestion des stocks; Espèces démersales exploitées; Poissons démersaux; Langoustine; Distribution géographique; Nord-East Atlantic; Stock assessment; Exploited demersal species; Demersal fishes; Nephrops; Geographical distribution.
Ano: 1994 URL:
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Etude d'une gestion optimale des pecheries de langoustine et de poissons demerseaux en Mer Celtique. Tome 1 ArchiMer
Charuau, Anatole; Biseau, Alain.
The entire study is divised into three parts : Phase 1 - Collection of data and description of fisheries. Phase 2 - Diagnosis on the exploitation level for the main species. Phase 3 - Fleets analysis and simulation of the exploitation of the fishery. In addition to the description of the fisheries, in the first part, a very cheap method for the study of discards is described for all species and all fleets, the purpose being to use length cohorts analysis according to the JONES'method (1981). Preliminary works on monks, megrim and cuckoo ray are also presented.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Discard; Fleet; Demersal species; Celtic Sea; Rejet; Flottille; Espèce démersale; Mer Celtique.
Ano: 1989 URL:
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Etude d'une gestion optimale des pecheries de langoustine et de poissons demerseaux en mer Celtique. Tome 2 ArchiMer
Charuau, Anatole; Biseau, Alain.
The theory of the evaluation of discards applied in phase 1 to the main eight species is described. Then, for each one, the biological parameters are calculated and diagnosis based on length cohorts analysis JONES (1981) are proposed The gadoids, whiting and cod, are heavily exploited and the catches are always recruitment dependant. The bottom species (monks, megrim, rays and Nephrops) are fully exploited or lightlhy over - exploited. Using the fisheries statistics of the data basis about the Celtic Sea, a first classification of fleets is proposed with the individual fishing powers.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Puissances de pêche; Rejet; Espèce démersale; Mer Celtique; Fishing power; Discard; Demersal species; Celtic Sea.
Ano: 1989 URL:
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Etude d'une gestion optimale des pecheries de langoustine et de poissons demerseaux en mer Celtique. Tome 3 ArchiMer
Charuau, Anatole; Biseau, Alain.
All the biological elements obtained in the two first phases of the study and the basical economical data are synthetized in a bio-economical model. From a typology of French fleets fishing in Celtic Sea, the carried out "métiers" (target-species + areas) are pointed out, which allows to define spatio-temporal "boxes". In each compartment, at a given time, the interactive components between fleets and stocks are known. The principle of the model consists to distribute, for each time interval, the fleets in each box. The allocation of fishing effort is assigned by two coefficients : "adherence" and "preference", expressing the abilities of fleets to seize the opportunities. Thus, it is possible to assess the consequences of usual management measures :...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Bio economical model; Typology of fleets; Celtic sea; Modèle bio économique; Typologie des flottilles; Mer Celtique.
Ano: 1989 URL:
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Etude d'une gestion optimale des pecheries de langoustines et de poissons demersaux en mer Celtique ArchiMer
Laurec, Alain; Charuau, Anatole; Perodou, Jean-bernard; Nedelec, Daniel; Biseau, Alain; Durand, Jean-louis; Rivoalen, Jean-jacques; Dupouy, Herve; Le Louarn, G.; Leroux, L..
The general study, scheduled from 1984 to 1986, aims at providing a judgement about the fisheries in the Celtic Sea. This area has been chosen because it is frequented by EEC vessels with, for the time being, a large majority of French vessels. Activities there are easier to monitor than anywhere else as coastal fisheries are little developed in the area. The final product will consist of a certain number of hypotheses about the planning strategies that could be implemented in the Celtic Sea. The main idea is, firstly, to conduct analytical studies, stock by stock, in order then, to synthesize them into a model integrating the interactions between fleets in relation to their target species. A bio-economical model, deriving from the latter, will enable the...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Monk; Cuckoo ray; Blue whiting; Cod; Hake; Ling; Common dab; Data bases; Fishing statistics; French fisheries; Demersal fish; Nephrops; Celtic Sea; Baudroies; Raie fleurie; Julienne; Cardine; Morue; Merlu; Merlan; Base de données; Rejets; Statistiques de pêche; Pêcheries françaises; Poissons demersaux; Langoustine; Mer Celtique.
Ano: 1985 URL:
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Etude sur la pêcherie de langoustines de mer Celtique ArchiMer
Charuau, Anatole; Chesnier, Véronique; Conan, Gérard; Derennes, Marc; Destanque, Catherine; Guenole, Annie; Isifou, Amadou; Jezequel, Michèle; Miossec, Gilbert; Missaoui, Ichmi; Morizur, Yvon; Rivoalen, Jean-jacques.
Introduction : Since 1978, new measures to better manage lobster fisheries were implemented in the Celtic Sea within the context of Community regulations. Meshing, in particular, was set at 60mm, but many owners, in order to maintain sufficient leeway vis-à-vis the regulations and to avoid administrative hassles adopted at the outset fish meshing at 70mm, even 80mm. Certain habits aiming to compensate for the losses due to these increases were established: Adoption of better-performing trawls, increase in the secondary catch and enlargement of the fisheries. At the same time, especially because of strong demand from international bodies, OEM and especially EEC, knowledge about the lobster spread and more reliable assessments were achieved, the main problem...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Stock assessment; Norway lobster; Celtic sea; Nephrops Norvegicus; Crustacea; Lobster fishery; Mer Celtique; Nephrops Norvegicus; Crustacea; Effort Peche; Sex Ratio; Capture; Relation Taille Poids; Maillage; Chalut; Gestion stock; Peche.
Ano: 1982 URL:
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Évaluation des rejets sur la pêcherie de langoustine de Mer celtique ArchiMer
Charuau, Anatole.
If Sea Bass fish farming (Dicentrarchus labrax L.) is currently experiencing an increase in Southern Europe, it is vital, in order to better reflect raising structures, to control its wastes. In order to do so, quantifying this species' wastes is essential to be able to present simple excretion ratios, easily useable by the farmer. Those ratios have been based on nitrogen, phosphorus and carbon masses established on intensive farming and 4 batches belonging to his stock (averaging 24, 5 to 362, 5 g). Each batch was followed up during the course of 1 month and fish farming in its entirety for 2 months. Mass assessments for nitrogen and phosphorus were level ((intrants = extrants) but never precise, contrary to what can be found in bibliography. The main...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Fleet; Statistics; Celtic sea; Discard; Lobster fishery.
Ano: 1985 URL:
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Evolution de l'activite-des flottilles françaises en Mer d'Irlande et en Mer Celtique ArchiMer
Charuau, Anatole; Morizur, Yvon; Rivoalen, Jean-jacques.
Since 1978, the habits of the french fishermen working with bottom trawl in the Irish Sea and in the Celtic Sea were altered (CHARUAU et M0RIZUR, 198l) under the pressure of the new mesh regulation. Two facts are pointed out: - the shifting, stabilized during 1980 and 198l, of a part of the effort of the vessels fishing for gadoids, from the area VIIa to the areaVIIf - a tendancy inside the area VIIg of a part of the effort of the Nephrops trawlers to be transferred on benthic fishes when the yield of Nephrops is low.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Celtic sea; Fishing fleets; Irish sea.
Ano: 1982 URL:
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La dynamique des pêches côtières du pays bigouden ArchiMer
Charuau, Anatole.
In the beginning, the coastal fleet of the Bigouden region fished by trawling and was completely focused on exploiting lobster and hake. It is a traditional business that expanded between the last war and the 70s, reaching its peak between 1975 and 1980. The best image to give an idea of this fleet is that of a "bucket waterwheel" endlessly discharging its catch in the four ports of the Guilvinec district. Where there is a seafaring business in Guilvinec, Loctudy and Saint-Guénolé, there is a complementarity that is expressed in two ways: - coastal fishing constitutes a very noticeable and regular supplement to production, since sales happen daily and only bad winter weather causes a relative decrease in the supplement. - coastal fishing gives a...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: France; Brittany; Data; Fishing zone; Fleet; Trawling; Commercial species; Costal fisheries; Finistere; Bretagne; Atlantique Nord Est; Golfe de Gascogne; Merluccius; Lophius; Pisces; Nephrops Norvegicus; Zone peche; Exploitation; Flottille; Chalut; Donnee; Espece commerciale; Peche cotiere.
Ano: 1989 URL:
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La pêche du vivaneau rouge en Guyane. Un bilan de l'exploitation sous le régime vénézuélien, des techniques de capture à adapter et à développer ArchiMer
Rivot, Etienne; Charuau, Anatole; Rose, Joel; Achoun, Joseph.
En Guyane française , le vivaneau rouge (Lutjanus purpureus) est capturé par 3 flottilles, les ligneurs vénézuéliens, les caseyeurs antillais et les chalutiers crevettiers guyanais. Pour les crevettiers, il s'agit d'une capture accessoire inévitable, mais qui ne semble pas sans conséquences, puisque, si l'on tient compte de l'effectif total de la flottille, c'est 1 million à 1.5 millions de juvéniles qui sont pêchés (et souvent rejetés à la mer) annuellement par les crevettiers. Pour les ligneurs vénézuéliens qui pêchent 1200 tonnes, les individus de petite taille sont devenus prépondérants dans leurs captures. Ainsi dans la gamme de taille 20-30cm (125-425 grammes), on est passé, entre 1990 et 1998, de 37 000 poissons débarqués (6% de la capture) à 616...
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Ano: 2000 URL:
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Les pêcheries mixtes de langoustine et de merlu du golfe de Gascogne. Description, préparation à une modélisation et à une simulation des procédures de gestion ArchiMer
Charuau, Anatole; Ifremer.
1 - Study's goals review The management of Norway Lobster and Hake fisheries can be considered as the most important issue in the Gascogne gulf. Calculation methods used to evaluate prediction variations under various efforts and mesh constraints all pinpoint to the crucial role narrow mesh fishing plays in Hakes' Northern stock status. The involvement of Gascogne gulf Norway Lobster fisheries regarding Hakes over exploitation seems over dimensioned when comparing the size of both of these stocks. Hake stocks spread from Northern Great Britain to Northern Spain, while Norway Lobster stocks are located in the Gascogne gulf's mud flats. The biological solution is well known and consists in globally increasing mesh nets to 80mm which would bring up Hakes...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Procedures of management; Modeling; Bay of Biscay; Mixed fishery; Lobster; Hake.
Ano: 1987 URL:
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Les pêcheries mixtes de langoustine et merlu du Golfe de Gascogne, modélisation bio-économique et simulation des procédures de gestion ArchiMer
Charuau, Anatole.
Fishing crayfish on the gulf's mudflats is a traditional business practised by 450 boats of 12 to 18 metres in length and employs 2,500 sailors. In the north of the gulf, this activity is exclusive, in the south, immature hake are also caught, because the crayfish areas coincide, in part, with the nurseries of the northern stock of this species. Management of these fisheries, called mixed, of crayfish and hake is one of the greatest problems of the Gulf of Gascony. All assessments tend to show the responsibility of the crayfish boats in the future of the hake stock. The solution is likely to pass through a generalised increase of the 80 mm meshing that would lead, eventually, the hake stock yield to its maximum, but would eliminate a great many trades...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Mixed fisheries; Bio economical modelisation; Bay of Biscay; Simulation; Prawn; Hake; Fishing fleet strategy; Fishing assessment; Pecherie mixre; Golfe de Gascogne; Modele bio economique; Simulation; Langoustine; Merlu; Stratégie des flottilles; Gestion des pêcheries.
Ano: 1988 URL:
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National report of French Guiana ArchiMer
Charuau, Anatole.
Tipo: Text
Ano: 1999 URL:
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National Report on the Shrimp & Gro undfish Fisheries of French Guiana ArchiMer
Charuau, Anatole.
Tipo: Text
Ano: 1997 URL:
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Preliminary Results on the Studies of Recruitment of Penaeus subtilis in the Shrimp Fishery of French Guiana (1994-1995) ArchiMer
Charuau, Anatole.
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Ano: 1997 URL:
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Programme d Orientation Pluriannuel concernant une action commune de restructuration, de modernisation et de développement du secteur de la peche ArchiMer
Minet, Jean-pierre; Biseau, Alain; Charuau, Anatole; Dupouy, Herve; Durand, Jean-louis; Perodou, Jean-bernard.
Answering a need of the Office of Regional Marine Affairs of Brittany, the "fisheries" laboratory of the Ifremer in Lorient provides synthesis elements about the status of the stocks of the main species exploited in the Bay of Biscay, Celtic Sea and Western Ireland in 1983. It provides information about the fishing capacity according to the different jobs done and compares two fleets from South-Brittany: Lorient and Concarneau. This report will have to be completed by the laboratories of Roscoff for activities in North-Brittany and of la Rochelle for activities in the Bay of Biscay.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Fishing fleet; Concarneau; Lorient; Fishing resources; West Ireland; Celtic Sea; Bay of Biscay; Brittany; Fishing; Flottille de pêche; Concarneau; Lorient; Ressource de pêche; Ouest Irlande; Mer Celtique; Golfe de Gascogne; Bretagne; Pêche.
Ano: 1984 URL:
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Red Snapper (Lutjanus purpureus) fishery in French Guiana ArchiMer
Charuau, Anatole; Die, D.
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2000 URL:
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Structure des couts de production de la flottille semi- industrielle de mer celtique ArchiMer
Gilly, Bernard; Biseau, Alain; Charuau, Anatole.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: SEM.
Ano: 1986 URL:
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