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Caulicolous Botryosphaeriales from Thailand Naturalis
Trakunyingcharoen, T.; Lombard, L.; Groenewald, J.Z.; Cheewangkoon, R.; To-anun, C.; Crous, P.W..
Members of Botryosphaeriales are commonly encountered as endophytes or pathogens of various plant hosts. The Botryosphaeriaceae represents the predominant family within this order, containing numerous species associated with canker and dieback disease on a wide range of woody hosts. During the course of routine surveys from various plant hosts in Thailand, numerous isolates of Botryosphaeriaceae, including Aplosporellaceae were collected. Isolates were subsequently identified based on a combination of morphological characteristics and phylogenetic analysis of a combined dataset of the ITS and EF1-α gene regions. The resulting phylogenetic tree revealed 11 well-supported clades, correlating with different members of Botryosphaeriales. Other than confirming...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: Aplosporella; Botryosphaeriaceae; Diplodia; Lasiodiplodia; Multigene phylogeny; Pseudofusicoccum; Sexual morph; Systematics.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Finding the missing link: resolving the Coryneliomycetidae within Eurotiomycetes Naturalis
Wood, A.R.; Damm, U.; Linde, E.J. van der; Groenewald, J.Z.; Cheewangkoon, R.; Crou, P.W..
Species belonging to the Coryneliaceae and parasitizing Podocarpaceae hosts were collected from different locations in South Africa and studied morphologically by light microscopy and molecularly by obtaining partial nrDNA (ITS-1/5.8S/ITS-2, 18S and 28S) gene sequences. The position of the Coryneliaceae within the Eurotiomycetidae was not confirmed and a new subclass, Coryneliomycetidae, was introduced. While Eurotiomycetidae usually form cleistothecia/gymnothecia with evanescent, unitunicate asci, and Chaetothyriomycetidae mostly perithecia with bitunicate/fissitunicate to evanescent asci, Coryneliomycetidae form pseudothecial mazaedial ascomata, initially with double-walled asci with the outer layer deliquescing, resulting in passive ascospore release....
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: Corynelia; DNA phylogeny; Lagenulopsis; Phytopathogenic fungi; Sordariomycetes; Systematics; Tripospora.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Fungal Planet description sheets: 154–213 Naturalis
Crous, P.W.; Wingfield, M.J.; Guarro, J.; Cheewangkoon, R.; Bank, M. van der; Swart, W.J.; Stchigel, A.M.; Cano-Lira, J.F.; Roux, J.; Madrid, H.; Damm, U.; Wood, A.R.; Shuttleworth, L.A.; Hodges, C.S.; Munster, M.; Jesús Yáñez-Morales, M. de; Zúñiga-Estrada, L.; Cruywagen, E.M.; Hoog, G.S. de; Silvera, C.; Najafzadeh, J.; Davison, E.M.; Davison, P.J.N.; Barrett, M.D.; Barrett, R.L.; Manamgoda, D.S.; Minnis, A.M.; Kleczewski, N.M.; Flory, S.L.; Castlebury, L.A.; Clay, K.; Hyde, K.D.; Maússe-Sitoe, S.N.D.; Chen, Shuaifei; Lechat, C.; Hairaud, M.; Lesage-Meessen, L.; Pawłowska, J.; Wilk, M.; Śliwińska-Wyrzychowska, A.; Mętrak, M.; Wrzosek, M.; Pavlic-Zupanc, D.; Maleme, H.M.; Slippers, B.; Mac Cormack, W.P.; Archuby, D.I.; Grünwald, N.J.; Tellería, M.T.; Dueñas, M.; Martín, M.P.; Marincowitz, S.; Beer, Z.W. de; Perez, C.A.; Gené, J.; Marin-Felix, Y.; Groenewald, J.Z..
Novel species of microfungi described in the present study include the following from South Africa: Camarosporium aloes, Phaeococcomyces aloes and Phoma aloes from Aloe, C. psoraleae, Diaporthe psoraleae and D. psoraleae-pinnatae from Psoralea, Colletotrichum euphorbiae from Euphorbia, Coniothyrium prosopidis and Peyronellaea prosopidis from Prosopis, Diaporthe cassines from Cassine, D. diospyricola from Diospyros, Diaporthe maytenicola from Maytenus, Harknessia proteae from Protea, Neofusicoccum ursorum and N. cryptoaustrale from Eucalyptus, Ochrocladosporium adansoniae from Adansonia, Pilidium pseudoconcavum from Greyia radlkoferi, Stagonospora pseudopaludosa from Phragmites and Toxicocladosporium ficiniae from Ficinia. Several species were also...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: ITS DNA barcodes; LSU; Novel fungal species; Systematics.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Fungal Planet description sheets: 214–280 Naturalis
Crous, P.W.; Shivas, R.G.; Quaedvlieg, W.; Bank, M. van der; Zhang, Y.; Summerell, B.A.; Guarro, J.; Wingfield, M.J.; Wood, A.R.; Alfenas, A.C.; Braun, U.; Cano-Lira, J.F.; García, D.; Marin-Felix, Y.; Alvarado, P.; Andrade, J.P.; Armengol, J.; Assefa, A.; Breeÿen, A. den; Camele, I.; Cheewangkoon, R.; De Souza, J.T.; Duong, T.A.; Esteve-Raventós, F.; Fournier, J.; Frisullo, S.; García-Jiménez, J.; Gardiennet, A.; Gené, J.; Hernández-Restrepo, M.; Hirooka, Y.; Hospenthal, D.R.; King, A.; Lechat, C.; Lombard, L.; Mang, S.M.; Marbach, P.A.S.; Marincowitz, S.; Marin-Felix, Y.; Montaño-Mata, N.J.; Moreno, G.; Perez, C.A.; Pérez Sierra, A.M.; Robertson, J.L.; Roux, J.; Rubio, E.; Schumacher, R.K.; Stchigel, A.M.; Sutton, D.A.; Tan, Y.P.; Thompson, E.H.; Linde, E. van der; Walker, A.K.; Walker, D.M.; Wickes, B.L.; Wong, P.T.W.; Groenewald, J.Z..
Novel species of microfungi described in the present study include the following from South Africa: Cercosporella dolichandrae from Dolichandra unguiscati, Seiridium podocarpi from Podocarpus latifolius, Pseudocercospora parapseudarthriae from Pseudarthria hookeri, Neodevriesia coryneliae from Corynelia uberata on leaves of Afrocarpus falcatus, Ramichloridium eucleae from Euclea undulata and Stachybotrys aloeticola from Aloe sp. (South Africa), as novel member of the Stachybotriaceae fam. nov. Several species were also described from Zambia, and these include Chaetomella zambiensis on unknown Fabaceae, Schizoparme pseudogranati from Terminalia stuhlmannii, Diaporthe isoberliniae from Isoberlinia angolensis, Peyronellaea combreti from Combretum...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: ITS DNA barcodes; LSU; Novel fungal genera; Novel fungal species; Systematics.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Fungal Planet description sheets: 371–399 Naturalis
Crous, P.W.; Wingfield, M.J.; Le Roux, J.J.; Richardson, D.M.; Strasberg, D.; Shivas, R.G.; Alvarado, P.; Edwards, J.; Moreno, G.; Sharma, R.; Sonawane, M.S.; Tan, Y.P.; Altés, A.; Barasubiye, T.; Barnes, C.W.; Blanchette, R.A.; Boertmann, D.; Bogo, A.; Carlavilla, J.R.; Cheewangkoon, R.; Daniel, R.; Beer, Z.W. de; Jesús Yáñez-Morales, M. de; Doung, T.A.; Fernández-Vicente, J.; Geering, A.D.W.; Guest, D.I.; Held, B.W.; Keykoop, M.; Hubka, V.; Ismail, A.M.; Kajale, S.C.; Khemmuk, W.; Kolařík, M.; Kurli, R.; Lebeuf, R.; Lévesque, C.A.; Lombard, L.; Magista, D.; Manjón, J.L.; Marincowitz, S.; Mohedano, J.M.; Nováková, A.; Oberlies, N.H.; Otto, E.C.; Paguigan, N.D.; Pascoe, I.G.; Pérez-Butrón, J.L.; Perrone, G.; Rahi, P.; Raja, H.A.; Rintoul, T.; Sanhueza, R.M.V.; Scarlett, K.; Shouche, Y.S.; Shuttleworth, L.A.; Taylor, P.W.J.; Thorn, R.G.; Vawdrey, L.L.; Solano-Vidal, R.; Voitk, A.; Wong, P.T.W.; Wood, A.R.; Zamora, J.C.; Groenewald, J.Z..
Novel species of fungi described in the present study include the following from Australia: Neoseptorioides eucalypti gen. & sp. nov. from Eucalyptus radiata leaves, Phytophthora gondwanensis from soil, Diaporthe tulliensis from rotted stem ends of Theobroma cacao fruit, Diaporthe vawdreyi from fruit rot of Psidium guajava, Magnaporthiopsis agrostidis from rotted roots of Agrostis stolonifera and Semifissispora natalis from Eucalyptus leaf litter. Furthermore, Neopestalotiopsis egyptiaca is described from Mangifera indica leaves (Egypt), Roussoella mexicana from Coffea arabica leaves (Mexico), Calonectria monticola from soil (Thailand), Hygrocybe jackmanii from littoral sand dunes (Canada), Lindgomyces madisonensis from submerged decorticated wood...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: ITS DNA barcodes; LSU; Novel fungal species; Systematics.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Fungal Planet description sheets: 469–557 Naturalis
Crous, P.W.; Wingfield, M.J.; Burgess, T.I.; Hardy, G.E.St.J.; Crane, C.; Barrett, S.; Cano-Lira, J.F.; Roux, J.J. Le; Thangavel, R.; Guarro, J.; Siqueira, C.M. , J.P.Z.; Souza-Motta, C.M.; Stephenson, S.L.; Sutton, D.A.; Tamakeaw, N.; Telleria, M.T.; Valenzuela-Lopez, N.; Viljoen, A.; Visagie, C.M.; Vizzini, A.; Stchigel, A.M.; Wartchow, B.D. , F.; Wingfield, B.D.; Yurchenko, E.; Zamora, J.C.; Groenewald, J.Z.; Martín, M.P.; Alfredo, D.S.; Barber, P.A.; Barreto, R.W.; Baseia, I.G.; Cano-Canals, J.; Cheewangkoon, R.; Ferreira, R.J.; Gené, J.; Lechat, C.; Moreno, G.; Roets, F.; Shivas, R.G.; Sousa, J.O.; Tan, Y.P.; Wiederhold, N.P.; Abell, S.E.; Accioly, T.; Albizu, J.L.; Alves, J.L.; Antoniolli, Z.I.; Aplin, N.; Araújo, J.; Arzanlou, M.; Bezerra, J.D.P.; Bouchara, J.-P.; Carlavilla, J.R.; Castillo, A.; Castroagudín, V.L.; Ceresini, P.C.; Claridge, G.F.; Coelho, G.; Ceresini, P.C.; Claridge, G.F.; Coelho, G.; Coimbra, V.R.M.; Costa, L.A.; Cunha, K.C. da; Silva, S.S. da; Daniel, R.; Beer, Z.W. de; Dueñas, M.; Edwards, J.; Enwistle, P.; Fiuza, P.O.; Fournier, J.; García, D.; Gibertoni, T.B.; Giraud, S.; Guevara-Suarez, M.; Gusmão, L.F.P.; Haituk, S.; Heykoop, M.; Hirooka, Y.; T.A. Hofmann, J. Houbraken, D.P. Hughes, I. Kautmanová, O. Koppel, O. Koukol,, T.A.; T.A. Hofmann, J. Houbraken, D.P. Hughes, I. Kautmanová, O. Koppel, O. Koukol,, J.; Hughes, D.P.; Kautmanová, I.; Koppel, O.; Koukol, O.; Larsson, E.; Latha, K.P.D.; Lee, D.H.; Lisboa, Á. López-Villalba,, D.O.; Lisboa, W.S.; López-Villalba, Á.; Maciel , J.L.N.; Manimohan, P.; Manjón, J.L.; Marincowitz, S.; Marney, T.S.; Meijer, M.; Miller, A.N.; Olariaga, I.; Paiva, L.M.; Piepenbring, M.; Poveda-Molero, J.C.; Raj, K.N.A.; Raja, H.A.; Rougeron, A.; Salcedo, I.; Samadi,, R.; Santos, T.A.B.; Scarlett, K.; Seifert, K.A.; Shuttleworth, L.A.; Silva, G.A.; Silva, M..
Novel species of fungi described in this study include those from various countries as follows: Australia: Apiognomonia lasiopetali on Lasiopetalum sp., Blastacervulus eucalyptorum on Eucalyptus adesmophloia, Bullanockia australis (incl. Bullanockia gen. nov.) on Kingia australis, Caliciopsis eucalypti on Eucalyptus marginata, Celerioriella petrophiles on Petrophile teretifolia, Coleophoma xanthosiae on Xanthosia rotundifolia, Coniothyrium hakeae on Hakea sp., Diatrypella banksiae on Banksia formosa, Disculoides corymbiae on Corymbia calophylla, Elsinoë eelemani on Melaleuca alternifolia, Elsinoë eucalyptigena on Eucalyptus kingsmillii, Elsinoë preissianae on Eucalyptus preissiana, Eucasphaeria rustici on Eucalyptus creta, Hyweljonesia queenslandica...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: ITS nrDNA barcodes; LSU; Novel fungal species; Systematics.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Fungal Planet description sheets: 558–624 Naturalis
Crous, P.W.; Wingfield, M.J.; Burgess, , T.I.; Hardy, G.E.St.J.; Barber, P.A.; Alvarado,, P.; Barnes, C.W.; Buchanan, P.K.; Heykoop, M.; Moreno, G.; Vabeikhokhei, J.M.C.; Diepeningen, A.D. van; Hoa, N. van; Tri, M. van; Wiederhold, N.P.; Wrzosek, M.; Zothanzama, J.; Groenewald, J.Z.; Thangavel, R.; Spuy, S. van der; Barili, A.; Barrett, S.; Cacciola, S.O.; Cano-Lira, J.F.; Crane, C.; Decock, C.; Gibertoni, T.B.; Guarro, J.; Guevara-Suarez, M.; Hubka, V.; Kolarík, M.; Lira, C.R.S.; Ordoñez, M.E.; Padamsee, M.; Ryvarden, L.; Soares, A.M.; Stchigel, A.M.; Sutton, D.A.; Vizzini, A.; Weir, B.S.; Acharya, K.; Aloi, F.; Baseia, I.G.; Blanchette, R.A.; Bordallo, J.J.; Bratek, Z.; Butler, T.; Cano-Canals, J.; Carlavilla, J.R.; Chander, J.; Cheewangkoon, R.; Cruz, R.H.S.F.; Silva, M. da; Dutta, A.K.; Ercole, E.; Escobio, V.; Esteve-Raventós, F.; Flores, F.A.; Gené, J.; Góis, J.S.; Haines, L.; Held, B.W.; Horta Jung, M.; Hosaka, K.; Jung, J.; Jurjević, Ž.; Kautman, V.; Kautmanova, I.; Kiyashko, A.A.; Kozanek, M.; Kubátová, A.; Lafourcade, M.; Spada, F. La; Latha, K.P.D.; Madrid, H.; Malysheva, E.F.; Manimohan, P.; Manjón, J.L.; Martín, M.P.; Mata, M.; Merényi, Z.; Morte, A.; Nagy, I.; Normand, A.-C.; Paloi, S.; Pattison, N.; Pawłowska, J.; Pereira, O.L.; Petterson, M.E.; Picillo, B.; Raj, K.N.A.; Roberts, A.; Rodríguez, A.; Rodríguez-Campo, F.J.; Romański, M.; Ruszkiewicz-Michalska, M.; Scanu, B.; Schena, L.; Semelbauer, M.; Sharma, R.; Shouche, Y.S.; Silva, V.; Staniaszek-Kik, M.; Stielow, J.B.; Tapia, C.; Taylor, P.W.J.; Toome-Heller, M..
Novel species of fungi described in this study include those from various countries as follows: Australia: Banksiophoma australiensis (incl. Banksiophoma gen. nov.) on Banksia coccinea, Davidiellomyces australiensis (incl. Davidiellomyces gen. nov.) on Cyperaceae, Didymocyrtis banksiae on Banksia sessilis var. cygnorum, Disculoides calophyllae on Corymbia calophylla, Harknessia banksiae on Banksia sessilis, Harknessia banksiae-repens on Banksia repens, Harknessia banksiigena on Banksia sessilis var. cygnorum, Harknessia communis on Podocarpus sp., Harknessia platyphyllae on Eucalyptus platyphylla, Myrtacremonium eucalypti (incl. Myrtacremonium gen. nov.) on Eucalyptus globulus, Myrtapenidiella balenae on Eucalyptus sp., Myrtapenidiella eucalyptigena on...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: ITS nrDNA barcodes; LSU; Novel fungal species; Systematics.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Myrtaceae, a cache of fungal biodiversity Naturalis
Cheewangkoon, R.; Groenewald, J.Z.; Summerell, B.A.; Hyde, K.D.; To-anun, C.; Crous, P.W..
Twenty-six species of microfungi are treated, the majority of which are associated with leaf spots of Corymbia, Eucalyptus and Syzygium spp. (Myrtaceae). The treated species include three new genera, Bagadiella, Foliocryphia and Pseudoramichloridium, 20 new species and one new combination. Novelties on Eucalyptus include: Antennariella placitae, Bagadiella lunata, Cladoriella rubrigena, C. paleospora, Cyphellophora eucalypti, Elsinoë eucalypticola, Foliocryphia eucalypti, Leptoxyphium madagascariense, Neofabraea eucalypti, Polyscytalum algarvense, Quambalaria simpsonii, Selenophoma australiensis, Sphaceloma tectificae, Strelitziana australiensis and Zeloasperisporium eucalyptorum. Stylaspergillus synanamorphs are reported for two species of...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: Corymbia; Eucalyptus; Microfungi; Syzygium; Taxonomy.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Phylogeny and taxonomy of the genus Gliocephalotrichum Naturalis
Lombard, L.; Serrato-Diaz, L.M.; Cheewangkoon, R.; French-Monar, R.D.; Decock, C.; Crous, P.W..
Species in the genus Gliocephalotrichum (= Leuconectria) (Hypocreales, Nectriaceae) are soilborne fungi, associated with post-harvest fruit spoilage of several important tropical fruit crops. Contemporary taxonomic studies of these fungi have relied on morphology and DNA sequence comparisons of the internal transcribed spacer region of the nuclear rDNA (ITS) and the β-tubulin gene regions. Employing DNA sequence data from four loci (β-tubulin, histone H3, ITS, and translation elongation factor 1-alpha) and morphological comparisons, the taxonomic status of the genus Gliocephalotrichum was re-evaluated. As a result five species are newly described, namely G. humicola (Taiwan, soil), G. mexicanum (rambutan fruit from Mexico), G. nephelii (rambutan fruit from...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: Gliocephalotrichum; Leuconectria; Phylogeny; Taxonomy.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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