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First record of the coloured righteye flounder, Poecilopsetta colorata (Teleostei: Poecilopsettidae) from the Sakalaves seamounts in the Mozambique Channel 5
Chen, Wei-jen; Chen, Jhen-nien; Pernet, Marie Eve Julie; Olu, Karine.
Background: The coloured righteye flounder, Poecilopsetta colorata Günther, 1880 was previously known from the eastern Indian Ocean to the South China Sea and Indonesia. Here, a new record from the western Indian Ocean is reported. Results: The new record is based on a specimen collected on the Sakalaves seamounts at 375 m in depth in the Mozambique Channel during a recent oceanographic survey. Four other teleost fish species including an uncommon ophidiid species, Neobythites somaliaensis Nielsen, 1995 were also collected on the same seamounts. Conclusions: The presence of P. colorata in the Mozambique Channel suggests a broad and Indo-West Pacific wide distribution for this relatively rare deep-sea species. The sequence of the cytochrome oxidase...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Fishes; New record; Distribution; Western Indian Ocean; Mozambique Channel; Sakalaves seamounts; COI; PAMELA-MOZ01 cruise.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Nouveau cas d’asymétrie latérale chez les poissons : une nouvelle sous-famille, genre et espèce de porte-écuelles en eaux profondes de la Papouasie-Nouvelle-Guinée dans l’océan Pacifique ouest 5
Fricke, Ronald; Chen, Jhen-nien; Chen, Wei-jen.
The unusual clingfish Protogobiesox asymmetricus n. gen, n. sp. is described on the basis of four specimens collected in deep water off the north coast of Papua New Guinea in 2012. The species is characterized by its 9-10 dorsal rays, 8 anal rays, 17-24 pectoral-fin rays, 15 principal caudal-fin rays, 3 gills, third arch with 3 gill rakers, 34-35 total vertebrae, with asymmetrical lateral bending starting behind the skull, bent at an angle of 858-928; skull asymmetrical in frontal view; skin naked, surface of head and body without striae; disc without adhesive papillae. A new subfamily Protogobiesocinae is described for this species and Lepadicyathus mendeleevi Prokofiev, 2005, which is redescribed. The new subfamily is compared within the family; keys to...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Gobiesocidé; Porte-écuelles; Nouvelle sous-famille; Nouveau genre; Nouvelle espèce; Papouasie-Nouvelle-Guinée; Phylogénie moléculaire; Expédition biodiversité PAPUA NIUGINI; Gobiesocidae; Clingfishes; New subfamily; New genus; New species; Papua New Guinea; Molecular phylogeny; PAPUA NIUGINI biodiversity expedition.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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