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A novel agribusiness model for backward linkages with farmers: a case of food retail chain AgEcon
Mangala, K.P.; Chengappa, P.G..
One of the leading food retail chains, ‘Spencers’ have established backward linkages with farmers for procuring fresh fruits and vegetables. The main strategy of this system ensures a steady and continuous supply of fresh vegetables to the food retail chain and flow of income to farmers. This linkage has been able to change the method of farming and the marketing arrangement followed by the food retail chains. The marketing arrangement by Spencers food retail chain has reduced the market risks and transaction cost of farmers and has helped them in breaking away from the clutches of traditional brokers/wholesalers/commission agents. Direct supply by farmers has allowed the retail chain to simultaneously increase control over quality, supply reliability and...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Agribusiness.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Contract farming and its implications for input-supply, linkages between markets and farmers in Karnataka AgEcon
Nagaraj, N.; Chandrakanth, Mysore G.; Chengappa, P.G.; Roopa, H.S.; Chandakavate, Pramod M..
This study is focused on the economic analysis of contract farming with a comparison of income, access to technology and credit of contract and non-contract farmers. The advantages of contract farming for smallholders have also been evaluated. In contract farming, quality inputs such as seeds, fertilizers and plant protection chemicals are provided to the farmers at their farm gate, coupled with the technical advice on production aspects. This not only reduces the working capital needs of farmers but also substantially reduces their transaction cost per unit of output. Borrowing of crop loans has been found 33 per cent higher by non-contract farmers than contract farmers, as the former have to buy material inputs. The net returns have been found higher for...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Farm Management.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Cost Effectiveness of Rainwater Harvesting for Groundwater Recharge in Micro-Watersheds of Kolar District of India: The Case Study of Thotli Micro-Watershed AgEcon
Nagaraj, N.; Pradhani, Umesh; Chengappa, P.G.; Basavaraj, G.; Kanwar, Ramesh S..
This study has estimated the supply augmentation of groundwater recharge due to creation of water harvesting structures and has assessed the cost-effectiveness of rainwater harvesting for groundwater recharge on watershed basis in one of the sub-watersheds of the Kolar district, Peninsular India — a typically hard-rock area. The study is based on the primary data for the year 2008-09 collected from a sample of 90 farmers having irrigation bore-wells in the selected watershed named Thotli. The study has indicated that the annual draft of irrigation water exceeds the annual recharge, causing a negative balance. On an average, the returns per rupee investment have been found to be ` 1.80 on farm pond, ` 1.78 on recharge pit and ` 1.39 on field bund. The cost...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Rainwater harvesting; Economic feasibility; Groundwater recharge; Watershed; Agricultural and Food Policy; Q15; Q25.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Geographical Indications for Kodagu Coffee – A Socio-economic Feasibility Analysis AgEcon
Chethana, A.N.; Nagaraj, N.; Chengappa, P.G.; Gracy, C.P..
The feasibility of Geographical Indications (GI) for the Kodagu coffee has been explored, as the coffee is grown under shade and unique conditions in the midst of rich biodiversity; as a result, the productivity of coffee turns out to be relatively low. The results have indicated that productivity of coffee is lower (6 q/ acre) when grown under high shade and native tree cover than under low shade condition (8.9 q/acre). Although, the difference in cost of cultivation between the two shade conditions is not significant, the net gain is to the tune of Rs 10.40/kg for the planters growing under low shade and exotic trees cover. The net loss has been estimated to be around Rs 15.50/kg for the planters growing under high shade and native trees cover. The...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Agricultural and Food Policy.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Impact of Research Investment on Technology Development and Total Factor Productivity in Major Field Crops of Peninsular India AgEcon
Ananth, G.S.; Chengappa, P.G.; Janaiah, Aldas.
Increase in agricultural productivity is induced by public investment in research. Several studies have analyzed the impact of research investment at the national level but such analyses at the state or regional level are a few. The present study is an attempt to analyze the pattern and quantify the returns to research investment made over a period of 25 years on major field crops such as rice, jowar, finger millet (ragi), red gram, groundnut, sunflower, cotton and sugarcane in a predominantly agrarian state of Karnataka in peninsular India. The impact of research investment was assessed in terms of technology developed and growth in total factor productivity. The agricultural research investment had profound effect on the development of technologies...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Research investment; TFP; Technology development; India; Field crops; Crop Production/Industries; Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies; O3.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Impacts and Implications of MGNREGA on Labour Supply and Income Generation for Agriculture in Central Dry Zone of Karnataka AgEcon
Harish, B.G.; Napraj, N.; Chendrakant, M.G.; Murthy, P.S. Srikantha; Chengappa, P.G.; Basavaraj, G..
This study has evaluated the impact of MGNREGA on income generation and labour supply in agriculture in one of the districts in central dry zone of Karnataka. Results have shown that the number of days worked in a year with the implementation of MGNREGA programme has significantly increased to 201 days, reflecting 16 per cent increase. Regression analysis has revealed that gender, education and family size of the workers are the significant factors influencing the worker’s employment under the Program. The increase in income is to the tune of 9.04 per cent due to additional employment generated from MGNERGA. In the total income, the contribution of agriculture is the highest (63%), followed by non-agricultural income (29%) and MGNREGA income (8%)....
Tipo: Article Palavras-chave: MGNREGA; Labour supply; Labour scarcity; Income generation; Employment; Agricultural and Food Policy; J21; J22; J31.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Optimum Cropping Pattern for Sericulture-dominant Farms in Southern Dry Zone of Karnataka AgEcon
Srinivasa, G.; Chengappa, P.G.; Achoth, Lalith; Reddy, Keshava; Nagaraja, G.N..
Sericulture is labour-intensive and well-suited to small and marginal farms with surplus labour, especially female labour. Ample labour and a small land-base encourage farmers to practise sericulture as a subsidiary occupation. While income from crop production is seasonal, sericulture provides a year-round income, which is an important incentive for small farmers to take up sericulture. The agricultural production is seasonal, while consumption is evenly spread over the years. Under such circumstances, the planners and policymakers are confronted with the challenge of formulating a suitable agricultural production policy with which the desired growth of agricultural production can be achieved. In the present study, optimum cropping patterns for different...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Agricultural and Food Policy.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Stability Analysis of Raw Cotton Export Markets of India – Markov Chain Approach AgEcon
Mahadevaiah, G.S.; Ravi, Pemmanda C.; Chengappa, P.G..
Cotton is an important fibre crop of India which plays a dominant role in the country’s economy by meeting the domestic and export demands. It contributes significantly to both agriculture and industry in terms of farm income, employment and export earnings. India, despite being the third largest producer of cotton in the world, has not exploited its potential to emerge as a major player in the world raw cotton exports. The present level of exports is not consistent and exhibits high variations in volume and revenue earnings. In this paper, the dynamics of changes have been measured in the export of raw cotton from India to different export markets employing the Markov-Chain model. The results have shown China as the sole stable destination for our cotton...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Agricultural and Food Policy.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Valuation of Externalities in Water, Forests and Environment for Sustainable Development AgEcon
Varghese, Shalet K.; Manjunatha, A.V.; Poornima, K.N.; Akarsha, B.M.; Rashmi, N.; Tejaswi, Pillenahalli Basavarajappa; Saikumar, B.C.; Jeevarani, A.K.; Accavva, M.S.; Amjath Babu, T.S.; Suneetha, M.S.; Unnikrishnan, P.M.; Deshpande, R.S.; Nagaraj, N.; Chandrashekar, H.; Mahadev, G. Bhat; Chengappa, P.G.; Mundinamani, S.M.; Shanmugam, T.R.; Chandrakanth, Mysore G..
Conceptual development in the theory of externalities have opened up several policy options for their internalization including payment towards environmental services. Hence as externalities are social costs, accountability is crucial in increasing environmental awareness and for collective action through education and extension more so in developing countries. Here a modest attempt has been made to estimate externalities in water, forests and environment with field data from peninsular India to reflect on the economic perception of externalities by farmers and users of environment for the consideration of policy makers to devise institutions for payment towards environmental services. The methodology largely used here in estimation / valuation of...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Externalities; Environmental services; Sustainable development; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Verghese, Shalet K.; Manjunatha, A.V.; Poornima, K.N.; Akarsha, B.M.; Rashmi, N.; Tejaswi, Pillenahalli Basavarajappa; Saikumar, B.C.; Jeevarani, A.K.; Accavva, M.S.; Amjath Babu, T.S.; Suneetha, M.S.; Unnikrishnan, P.M.; Deshpande, R.S.; Nagaraj, N.; Chandrashekar, H.; Bhat, Mahadev G.; Chengappa, P.G.; Mundinamani, S.M.; Shanmugam, T.R.; Chandrakanth, Mysore G..
Paper presented at EAAE 2008 Congress
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Consumer/Household Economics; Demand and Price Analysis; Environmental Economics and Policy; Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies; Research Methods/ Statistical Methods; Externalities; Environmental services; Sustainable development.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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