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Characterization of the long-term mechanical behavior and the durability of polyamide mooring ropes for floating wind turbines ArchiMer
Chevillotte, Yoan.
PhD study was performed within the framework of an France Energies Marines project receiving funding from the French national Investments in the Future program called POLYAMOOR which responds to the need of industrial developers of EMR technologies to design the future development of cheaper anchoring systems in shallow waters. The French government has initiated an offshore energy production programme (Rabain, 2019), and the development of innovative solutions, such as floating wind turbines, is essential to achieve the objectives. Furthermore, near-shore wind turbines have operating limits such as geographic space and population agreement in the Mediterranean Sea, and operability issues in areas further from the coast. An advantage of floating wind power...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2020 URL:
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Fatigue of improved polyamide mooring ropes for floating wind turbines ArchiMer
Chevillotte, Yoan; Marco, Yann; Bles, Guilhem; Devos, Karel; Keryer, Mathieu; Arhant, Mael; Davies, Peter.
This paper describes a study of the fatigue characterization of polyamide mooring ropes for floating wind turbines. Under some conditions polyester ropes, which are favoured for offshore oil and gas platform station-keeping, are too stiff for wind turbine moorings, and polyamide may be a suitable alternative. While early studies on fatigue of braided nylon ropes showed very short lifetimes some recent results have indicated that it is possible to significantly enhance lifetime by modifying rope construction and improving fibre coatings. In this paper yarn-on-yarn abrasion testing is used first to evaluate a new yarn coating. Significant lifetime enhancement was noted, so fatigue testing of ropes was then performed. Results confirm that excellent fatigue...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Fatigue; Rope; Nylon; Mooring; Water; Floating wind turbine.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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Fatigue of polyamide mooring ropes for floating wind turbines ArchiMer
Chevillotte, Yoan; Marco, Yann; Davies, Peter; Bles, Guilhem; Arhant, Mael.
This paper describes a study of the fatigue characterization of polyamide mooring ropes for floating wind turbines. Under some conditions polyester ropes, which are favoured for offshore platform station-keeping, are too stiff for wind turbine moorings, and polyamide may be a suitable alternative. While early studies on fatigue of braided nylon ropes showed very short lifetimes some recent results have indicated that it is possible to significantly enhance lifetime by modifying rope construction and improving fibre coatings [1]. The fatigue results presented here for ropes from a different supplier, confirm this result. In order to develop an accelerated evaluation of the fatigue performance, heat build-up tests have been performed, and promising first...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2018 URL:
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