Lazard, Jerome; Baruthio, Aurele; Mathe, Syndhia; Rey-valette, Helene; Chia, Eduardo; Aubin, Joel; Clement, Olivier; Morissens, Pierre; Mikolasek, Olivier; Legendre, Marc; Levang, Patrice; Blancheton, Jean-paul; Rene, Francois. |
The new sustainable development data repository requires new analysis grids, in particular for factors accounted for in productive system typologies. This paper, based on the aquaculture example, analyses the diversity in aquaculture systems with respect to sustainable development. Various typologies are obtained by evaluating structural and functional approaches integrating variables related to production and regulation systems and to the territorial insertion of fish farms. Categories have been defined on a scale based on a set of five sites, which are representative of a wider range of aquaculture systems. Use of these categories goes beyond the local typologies and prepares a generic meta-typology classification for the systems. This generic... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Typology; Sustainable development; Aquaculture. |
Ano: 2009 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/2009/publication-6560.pdf |
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Rey-valette, Helene; Clement, O; Aubin, Joel; Mathe, Syndhia; Chia, Eduardo; Legendre, Marc; Caruso, D; Mikolasek, Olivier; Blancheton, Jean-paul; Slembrouck, J; Baruthio, Aurele; Rene, Francois; Levang, Patrice; Morissens, Pierre; Lazard, Jerome. |
It cannot be said that aquaculture has ignored sustainable development (SD), judging by the number of standards, guides and indicators devoted to it, produced mainly under the aegis of international organizations such as FAO, The European Union and sorne NGOs. However, these continue to be perceived in large measure as constraints rather than as shared objectives by actors. Faced with this situation, which is not specific to aquaculture but on the contrary quite general regardless of sector, context or scale, the authors seek to propose a generic approach that through a collective process, i.e. a co-construction, promotes the implementation and appropriation of SD. What makes this approach original is not only the participatory nature of the construction,... |
Tipo: Text |
Ano: 2010 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00012/12297/9088.pdf |
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Lazard, Jerome; Baruthio, Aurele; Mathe, Syndhia; Rey-valette, Helene; Chia, Eduardo; Clement, Olivier; Aubin, Joel; Morissens, Pierre; Mikolasek, Olivier; Legendre, Marc; Levang, Patrice; Blancheton, Jean-paul; Rene, Francois. |
Initiatives for the sustainable development of aquaculture have so far focused on the production of codes of conduct, of best management practices, of standards etc., most of which have been developed by international organisations, the industrial sector and non governmental organisations. They were, to a large extent, produced using a "top down" process and inspired by models from intensive industrial shrimp and sea fish farming (mainly salmon). However, most of global aquaculture production comes from small-and medium-sized farms, essentially in Asia which contributes 92% of the total world aquaculture production volume. The objective of this article is to define the contours of systemic typologies that are able to express the sustainability conditions... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Sustainable development; Sustainable aquaculture; Typology; Social representations. |
Ano: 2010 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00011/12227/9009.pdf |
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Lazard, Jerome; Rey-valette, Helene; Aubin, Joel; Mathe, Syndhia; Chia, Eduardo; Caruso, Domenico; Mikolasek, Olivier; Blancheton, Jean Paul; Legendre, Marc; Rene, Francois; Levang, Patrice; Slembrouck, Jacques; Morissens, Pierre; Clements, Olivier. |
Little work dealing with the evaluation of aquaculture system sustainability has so far been undertaken on a global and comparative basis. Moreover, such work is mostly based on very unbalanced approaches in terms of the dimensions of sustainable development that are taken into account. The approach adopted in this article is designed to encompass all the dimensions of sustainability including the institutional one (governance). The taking into account of this latter, in particular, together with the role played by aquaculture in sustainability at the territorial level gives the approach its original and innovative nature. The process of establishing the checklist of sustainability indicators in aquaculture relies on a hierarchical nesting approach which... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Aquaculture; Indicators; Co-construction; Sustainability. |
Ano: 2014 |
URL: https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00245/35598/34151.pdf |
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Lazard, Jerome; Rey-valette, Helene; Aubin, Joel; Mathe, Syndhia; Chia, Eduardo; Caruso, D.; Mikolasek, Olivier; Blancheton, Jean-paul; Legendre, Marc; Baruthio, Aurele; Rene, Francois; Levang, Patrice; Slembrouck, J; Morissens, Pierre; Clement, O.. |
Tipo: Text |
Ano: 2011 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00051/16203/13696.pdf |
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Aubin, Joel; Rey-valette, Helene; Mathe, Syndhia; Wilfart, Aurelie; Legendre, Marc; Slembrouck, Jacques; Chia, Eduardo; Masson, G; Callier, Myriam; Blancheton, Jean-paul; Tocqueville, Aurélien; Caruso, Domenico; Fontaine, P. |
Ce guide a été réalisé dans le cadre du projet de recherche pluridisciplinaire PISCEnLIT financé par l’Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR, programme SYSTERRA). L’objectif était d’identifier des voies d’intensification écologique de l’aquaculture à partir de cas d’étude diversifiés. Ce guide est le fruit d’une co-construction rassemblant des chercheurs de diverses disciplines des sciences sociales et des sciences du vivant ainsi que des représentants d’institutions et d’organisations de producteurs dans le domaine de l’aquaculture, en France et dans les pays partenaires (Brésil, Indonésie). |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Intensification écologique; GUIDE; Systèmes aquacoles. |
Ano: 2014 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00177/28851/27333.pdf |
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Biais, Gerard; Chia, Eduardo; Darbon, Dominique; Tachoires, Stephanie; Favoreu, Guillaume; Deglise, Caroline; Dupin, Benoit; Guerin, Benoit; Letellier, Nicolas. |
In 2000, and after a long period of gestation, an offshore oyster farming experiment, on depths of 10 to 20 meters, started in the Pertuis Charentais. It faced strong opposition from fishermen, without the unanimous support of oyster farmers. In this context, an analysis of the rationalities in place seemed to be able to help to better understand the positions of the various actors. Monographies of fishing and oyster firms have been carried out using methods developed for family farms. Following them, so-called functioning typologies have classified the farms according to their evolution capacities. This part of the study was completed by an analysis of the management system for fisheries and shellfish culture in Pertuis Charentais. It highlighted its weak... |
Tipo: Text |
Ano: 2004 |
URL: https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00498/60981/64388.pdf |
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