Hossain, Mahabub; Lewis, David J.; Bose, Manik Lal; Chowdhury, Alamgir. |
This case study builds on an ongoing large-scale quantitative research project undertaken by BIDS/IRRI since 1987 originally in 64 unions from 57 districts of the country. It adds a qualitative research component to examine the impact of modern rice varieties (MVs) on livelihoods in a structured sample of eight of these villages across a range of favorable and unfavorable contexts. This component was structured using the sustainable livelihoods framework and employed focus groups stratified by poverty ranking and gender. Rice is grown over almost 75 percent of the land area and is the country's most important crop. Two-thirds of this land area is now covered by MV technology after a rapid expansion over the past 15 years. The adoption process has been... |
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper |
Palavras-chave: Crop Production/Industries. |
Ano: 2003 |
URL: http://purl.umn.edu/16082 |