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Detection and genetic characterization of Mamastrovirus 5 from Brazilian dogs BJM
Alves,Christian D.B.T.; Budaszewski,Renata F.; Torikachvili,Marcela; Streck,André F.; Weber,Matheus N.; Cibulski,Samuel P.; Ravazzolo,Ana P.; Lunge,Vagner R.; Canal,Cláudio W..
Abstract Mamastrovirus 5 (MAstV5), belonging to the Astroviridae (AstV) family, previously known as canine astrovirus or astrovirus-like particles, has been reported in several countries to be associated with viral enteric disease in dogs since the 1980s. Astroviruses have been detected in fecal samples from a wide variety of mammals and birds that are associated with gastroenteritis and extra enteric manifestations. In the present study, RT-PCR was used to investigate the presence of MAstV5 in 269 dog fecal samples. MAstV5 was detected in 26% (71/269) of the samples. Interestingly, all MAstV5-positive samples derived from dogs displaying clinical signs suggestive of gastroenteritis, other enteric viruses were simultaneously detected (canine parvovirus,...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Mamastrovirus 5; Canine astrovirus; Dog; Gastroenteritis; MAstV5.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Identification of enteric viruses circulating in a dog population with low vaccine coverage BJM
Alves,Christian D.B.T.; Granados,Oscar F.O.; Budaszewski,Renata da F.; Streck,André F.; Weber,Matheus N.; Cibulski,Samuel P.; Pinto,Luciane D.; Ikuta,Nilo; Canal,Cláudio W..
ABSTRACT Although the use of vaccines has controlled enteric diseases in dogs in many developed countries, vaccine coverage is still under optimal situation in Brazil. There is a large population of nonimmunized dogs and few studies about the identification of the viruses associated with diarrhea. To address this situation, stool samples from 325 dogs were analyzed by polymerase chain reaction for the detection of common enteric viruses such as Canine adenovirus (CAdV), Canine coronavirus (CCoV), Canine distemper virus (CDV), Canine rotavirus (CRV) and Carnivorous protoparvovirus 1 (canine parvovirus 2; CPV-2). At least one of these species was detected in 56.6% (184/325) of the samples. The viruses detected most frequently in either diarrheic or...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Distemper; Parvovirus; Diarrhea; Dog; Co-infection.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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