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Global status and conservation potential of reef sharks 5
Macneil, M. Aaron; Chapman, Demian D.; Heupel, Michelle; Simpfendorfer, Colin A.; Heithaus, Michael; Meekan, Mark; Harvey, Euan; Goetze, Jordan; Kiszka, Jeremy; Bond, Mark E.; Currey-randall, Leanne M.; Speed, Conrad W.; Sherman, C. Samantha; Rees, Matthew J.; Udyawer, Vinay; Flowers, Kathryn I.; Clementi, Gina; Valentin-albanese, Jasmine; Gorham, Taylor; Adam, M. Shiham; Ali, Khadeeja; Pina-amargos, Fabian; Angulo-valdes, Jorge A.; Asher, Jacob; Barcia, Laura Garcia; Beaufort, Oceane; Benjamin, Cecilie; Bernard, Anthony T. F.; Berumen, Michael L.; Bierwagen, Stacy; Bonnema, Erika; Bown, Rosalind M. K.; Bradley, Darcey; Brooks, Edd; Brown, J. Jed; Buddo, Dayne; Burke, Patrick; Caceres, Camila; Cardenosa, Diego; Carrier, Jeffrey C.; Caselle, Jennifer E.; Charloo, Venkatesh; Claverie, Thomas; Clua, Eric; Cochran, Jesse E. M.; Cook, Neil; Cramp, Jessica; D'Alberto, Brooke; De Graaf, Martin; Dornhege, Mareike; Estep, Andy; Fanovich, Lanya; Farabough, Naomi F.; Fernando, Daniel; Flam, Anna L.; Floros, Camilla; Fourqurean, Virginia; Garla, Ricardo; Gastrich, Kirk; George, Lachlan; Graham, Rory; Guttridge, Tristan; Hardenstine, Royale S.; Heck, Stephen; Henderson, Aaron C.; Hertler, Heidi; Hueter, Robert; Johnson, Mohini; Jupiter, Stacy; Kasana, Devanshi; Kessel, Steven T.; Kiilu, Benedict; Kirata, Taratu; Kuguru, Baraka; Kyne, Fabian; Langlois, Tim; Ledee, Elodie J. I.; Lindfield, Steve; Luna-acosta, Andrea; Maggs, Jade; Manjaji-matsumoto, B. Mabel; Marshall, Andrea; Matich, Philip; Mccombs, Erin; Mclean, Dianne; Meggs, Llewelyn; Moore, Stephen; Mukherji, Sushmita; Murray, Ryan; Kaimuddin, Muslimin; Newman, Stephen J.; Nogues, Josep; Obota, Clay; O'Shea, Owen; Osuka, Kennedy; Papastamatiou, Yannis P.; Perera, Nishan; Peterson, Bradley; Ponzo, Alessandro; Prasetyo, Andhika; Quamar, L. M. Sjamsul; Quinlan, Jessica; Ruiz-abierno, Alexei; Sala, Enric; Samoilys, Melita; Scharer-umpierre, Michelle; Schlaff, Audrey; Simpson, Nikola; Smith, Adam N. H.; Sparks, Lauren; Tanna, Akshay; Torres, Ruben; Travers, Marie-agnes; Van Zinnicq Bergmann, Maurits; Vigliola, Laurent; Ward, Juney; Watts, Alexandra M.; Wen, Colin; Whitman, Elizabeth; Wirsing, Aaron J.; Wothke, Aljoscha; Zarza-gonzalez, Esteban; Cinner, Joshua E..
Decades of overexploitation have devastated shark populations, leaving considerable doubt as to their ecological status1,2. Yet much of what is known about sharks has been inferred from catch records in industrial fisheries, whereas far less information is available about sharks that live in coastal habitats3. Here we address this knowledge gap using data from more than 15,000 standardized baited remote underwater video stations that were deployed on 371 reefs in 58 nations to estimate the conservation status of reef sharks globally. Our results reveal the profound impact that fishing has had on reef shark populations: we observed no sharks on almost 20% of the surveyed reefs. Reef sharks were almost completely absent from reefs in several nations, and...
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Ano: 2020 URL:
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Liste des poissons côtiers de Polynésie française 5
Siu, Gilles; Bacchet, Philippe; Bernardi, Giacomo; Brooks, Andrew J.; Carlot, Jeremy; Causse, Romain; Claudet, Joachim; Clua, Eric; Delrieu-trottin, Erwan; Espiau, Benoit; Harmelin-vivien, Mireille; Keith, Philippe; Lecchini, David; Madi-moussa, Rakamaly; Parravicini, Valeriano; Planes, Serge; Ponsonnet, Cedric; Randall, John E.; Sasal, Pierre; Taquet, Marc; Williams, Jeffrey T.; Galzin, Rene.
On the occasion of the 10th Indo-Pacific Fish Conference ( to be held in Tahiti in October 2017, it seemed timely to update Randall's 1985 list of the fishes known from French Polynesia. Many studies focusing on fishes in this area have been published since 1985, but Randall's list remains the authoritative source. Herein we present an expanded species list of 1,301 fishes now known to occur in French Polynesia and we review the expeditions and information sources responsible for the over 60% increase in the number of known species since the publication of Randall's checklist in 1985. Our list of the fishes known from French Polynesia includes only those species with a reliably verifiable presence in these waters. In cases where...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Coral reef fishes; Deep and Pelagic fishes; Freshwater fishes; French Polynesia; Endemic fishes; Inventory.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Preliminary insights into the population characteristics and distribution of reef (Mobula alfredi) and oceanic (M. birostris) manta rays in French Polynesia 5
Carpentier, Alice S.; Berthe, Cécile; Ender, Isabel; Jaine, Fabrice R. A.; Mourier, Johann; Stevens, Guy; De Rosemont, Moeava; Clua, Eric.
In French Polynesia, both currently recognized manta ray species, Mobula alfredi and M. birostris, are observed. Despite being an important cultural asset and generating significant economic benefits through manta ray watching tourism, published data on the ecology and threats to these species in the region are scarce. Based on an 18-year dataset of sighting records collected by citizen scientists and during two scientific expeditions, this study provides the first insights into the population characteristics and regional distribution of the two manta ray species in French Polynesia. A total of 1347 manta ray photographs (1337 for M. alfredi and 10 for M. birostris) were examined for the period January 2001–December 2017, with photo-identification...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Site fidelity; Citizen science; Sympatry; Spatial connectivity; Ecotourism management.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Towards multidisciplinary indicator dashboards for coral reef fisheries management 5
Clua, Eric; Beliaeff, Benoit; Chauvet, Claude; David, Gilbert; Ferraris, Jocelyne; Kronen, Mekhi; Kulbicki, Michel; Labrosse, Pierre; Letourneur, Yves; Pelletier, Dominique; Thebaud, Olivier; Leopold, Marc.
The diversity of reef ecosystems, the multiplicity of reef resource uses and the breadth of the range of the island socio-cultural contexts concerned make coral reef fisheries (CRF) management in the South Pacific a complex task. The health and state of the targeted resources depend both on ecosystem characteristics (as determined by ecological and biological factors) and on fishing pressure, whose effects are only partly known. Increasing harvests from commercial and recreational fishing increasingly overlap with traditional Subsistence activity, creating an important CRF management challenge. This paper presents a new approach to CRF assessment and monitoring by providing a set of multidisciplinary indicators. The fisheries system is assessed from three...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Dashboard; Indicators; Co management; Fishing; Coral reefs.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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