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Coastal upwelling events in front of the ivory-coast during the focal program ArchiMer
Colin, C.
Tipo: Text
Ano: 1988 URL:
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Deep-water mass source and dynamic associated with rapid climatic variations during the last glacial stage in the North Atlantic: A multiproxy investigation of the detrital fraction of deep-sea sediments ArchiMer
Ballini, M; Kissel, C; Colin, C; Richter, T.
[1] In order to investigate North Atlantic Deep Water (NADW) dynamics and variability during the last glacial stage, a very high resolution multiproxy analysis of the detrital fraction of sediments deposited during Heinrich event 4 and Dansgaard-Oeschger cycles 8 and 7 has been conducted on three deep-sea cores. These cores are distributed along the path of the North Atlantic Deep Water from the Faeroe Shetland Channel to the Reykjanes ridge and the Irminger basin. The concentration in fine-grained magnetites, the Ti-content, and the smectite percentage within the clay minerals show similar and coeval fluctuations at each site and are comparable from one site to the other. This is the imprint of the detrital fraction originating from the northern basaltic...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Glacial period; Dansgaard-Oeschger cycles; North Atlantic; Bottom water circulation; Magnetic properties; Clay minerals.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Equatorial upwelling at 4 degree W during the FOCAL program ArchiMer
Colin, C; Gonella, J; Merle, J.
The intensification of the South Equatorial Current at the surface and the corresponding decrease of the Equatorial Undercurrent below are associated on a seasonal time scale with a decrease of the temperature at and below the surface; the abrupt increase and decrease of the surface and subsurface currents in February-March 1983 lead, by geostrophic adjustment, to an uplift of the 20 degree C isotherm, contained within the thermocline, of 14 m. In October-November, the decrease of the equatorial undercurrent at 85 m depth induces by the same way a vertical displacement of the 17 degree C isotherm of 16 m. Vertical mixing takes place during the two cooling periods; maxima and vertical shear are found for both years in June-July between 10 and 35 m depths...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 1987 URL:
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Evolution of weathering patterns in the Indo-Burman Ranges over the last 280 kyr: Effects of sediment provenance on Sr-87/Sr-86 ratios tracer ArchiMer
Colin, C; Turpin, L; Blamart, D; Frank, N; Kissel, C; Duchamp, S.
A high-resolution study of mineralogy and major element geochemistry combined with Sr and Nd isotopes has been conducted on high sedimentation rate cores collected off the Irrawaddy River mouth in the Andaman Sea and the Bay of Bengal to reconstruct the erosional and weathering history of the Irrawaddy River basin. In both cores, epsilon Nd(0) values imply that both glacial and interglacial sediments share a common crustal source: the Irrawaddy River. Strong glacial/interglacial cycles are recorded by Sr-87/Sr-86: interglacial periods yield values between 0.713 and 0.717, whereas glacial periods show higher values between 0.717 and 0.719. Variations of the pedogenic clays (smectite and kaolinite) to primary mineral (feldspar, quartz, illite, and chlorite)...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Sr and Nd isotopes; Major elements; Erosional history; Indo-Burman Ranges; Irrawaddy River.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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High-frequency variability of insitu wind, temperature and current measurements in the equatorial atlantic during the focal-sequal experiment ArchiMer
Colin, C; Garzoli, S.
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Ano: 1988 URL:
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Sur les "upwellings" équatorial et côtier (5°N) dans le Golfe de Guinée ArchiMer
Colin, C.
The wind, temperature and current data collected during the joined French-USA FOCAL/SEQUAL programme carried in the equatorial Atlantic band in 1983 and 1984, allowed for the first time a simultaneous study of both the equatorial and coastal (5-degrees-N) upwellings along 4-degrees-W. At the equator, the decreases of both the surface temperature and the depth of the thermocline in boreal summer are correlated with the zonal component of the local windstress in the period band 1-2 months. This corresponds to the time required by the thermocline to lift up at 0-4-degrees-W in the presence of an easterly wind. The local wind cannot however explain the entire vertical variability of the thermal structure at 0-4-degrees-W. The correlation function shows in...
Ano: 1991 URL:
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Western boundary current variability off french-guiana as observed from moored current measurements ArchiMer
Colin, C; Bourles, B; Chuchla, R; Dangu, F.
Moored current measurements carried out from 31 March 1990 to 15 September 1991 in two stages at a point (near 6 degrees N) located over the mid-continental slope off French Guiana are presented. Six current meters were positioned between 200 and 2700 m depth. Upper level mean current data showed a northwestward flowing North Brazil Current (NBC) with mean velocity values decreasing from 10 cm/s in the range 200-250 m to almost zero at 800 m depth, the level of the Antarctic Intermediate Waters. In the range 500-800 m, the current reversed in spring in the presence of the southeastward Western Boundary Under Current (WBUC); the mean velocity from February to June 1991 is around 2 cm/s. Deep currents over the continental rise show a strong southeastward...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 1994 URL:
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Western boundary currents and transports off french-guiana as inferred from pegasus observations ArchiMer
Colin, C; Bourles, Bernard.
Pegasus current measurements carried out along a section located off French Guiana are presented; the section was repeated five times from September 1989 to June 1991 during the NOE (region Nord-Ouest equatoriale)/STACS (Sub Tropical Atlantic Climate Studies) cruises on board the NOAA (National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration) research vessels. The data (vertical and horizontal distributions) show, as suggested by earliest observations, the presence of different currents. At the surface, and in winter, the North Brazil Current (NBC) flows northwestward (positive), is strong (120 cm/s), confined in the first 250 m, coastally trapped (within 250 km) and fed by offshore waters; in summer the NBC strengthens (the velocity increases to 150 cm/s),...
Ano: 1994 URL:
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