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Caractérisation des systèmes gaz/hydrates de gaz de la Mer Noire par imagerie sismique haute résolution remorquée en fond de mer (SYSIF) ArchiMer
Colin, Florent.
The study of marine gas hydrates in great water depths using seismic data is limited by the resolution of current acquisition systems. The acquisition of very highresolution multichannel deep-towed seismic data aims to break this limitation. Deep-towed seismic system can provide seismic data with metric vertical resolution when the proper processing sequence is employed. However, the processing of deep-towed multichannel data is challenging as the source and receivers are constantly moving with respect to each other. In the first part of this PhD project, we developed processing methods tailored to the acquisition system SYstème SIsmique de Fond (SYSIF), developed by Ifremer. The processing sequence allows vertical and lateral resolutions up to 0.65 m and...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Traitement sismique; Très haute résolution; Sismique grand fond; Hydrates de gaz; Gaz libre; Mer Noire; Seismic processing; Very high resolution; Deep-tow; Gas hydrates; Free gas; Black Sea.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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Deep-towed high resolution seismic imaging II: Determination of P-wave velocity distribution ArchiMer
Marsset, Bruno; Ker, Stephan; Thomas, Yannick; Colin, Florent.
The acquisition of high resolution seismic data in deep waters requires the development of deep towed seismic sources and receivers able to deal with the high hydrostatic pressure environment. The low frequency piezoelectric transducer of the SYSIF (SYstème Sismique Fond) deep towed seismic device comply with the former requirement taking advantage of the coupling of a mechanical resonance (Janus driver) and a fluid resonance (Helmholtz cavity) to produce a large frequency bandwidth acoustic signal (220–1050 Hz). The ability to perform deep towed multichannel seismic imaging with SYSIF was demonstrated in 2014, yet, the ability to determine P-wave velocity distribution wasn't achieved. P-wave velocity analysis relies on the ratio between the...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Deep-towed seismic; Seismic imaging; P-wave velocity distribution.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Fine-scale velocity distribution revealed by datuming of very-high-resolution deep-towed seismic data: Example of a shallow-gas system from the western Black Sea ArchiMer
Colin, Florent; Ker, Stephan; Marsset, Bruno.
Very High-Resolution (VHR) marine seismic reflection helps to identify and characterize potential geohazards occurring in the upper part (300 m) of the sub-seafloor. Whereas the lateral and vertical resolutions achieved in shallow water depth (<200 m) using conventional surface-towed technology are adequate, these resolutions quickly deteriorate at greater water depths. SYSIF (SYstème SIsmique Fond), a multichannel deep-towed seismic system, has been designed to acquire VHR data (frequency bandwidth [220-1050 Hz] and vertical resolution of 0.6 m) at great water depths. However, the processing of deep-towed multichannel data is challenging as both the source and receivers are constantly moving with respect to each other according to the towing...
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Ano: 2020 URL:
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Integrated geophysical, sedimentological and geotechnical investigation of submarine landslides in the Gulf of Lions (Western Mediterranean) ArchiMer
Badhani, Shray; Cattaneo, Antonio; Collico, Stefano; Urgeles, Roger; Dennielou, Bernard; Leroux, Estelle; Colin, Florent; Garziglia, Sebastien; Rabineau, Marina; Droz, Laurence.
The Gulf of Lions presents recurring mass-transport deposits (MTDs) within the Plio-Quaternary sediments suggesting a long history of mass movements. The two large, surficial MTDs are located on the eastern and western levee of the Rhone canyon over an area exceeding 6000 km2 and volumes exceeding 100 km3. Both MTDs were emplaced 21 ka ago (peak of the Last Glacial Maximum), suggesting a common trigger. Here, we present a multidisciplinary high-resolution geophysical, sedimentological and in-situ geotechnical study of the source and deposit areas of both MTDs to characterise distinct expressions of sediment deformation as well as their spatial and chronological distributions. We show the internal structure of mass movements and resulting MTDs with...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2020 URL:
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Irregular BSR: Evidence of an Ongoing Reequilibrium of a Gas Hydrate System ArchiMer
Colin, Florent; Ker, Stephan; Riboulot, Vincent; Sultan, Nabil.
Gas hydrate (GH) systems constitute methane sinks sensitive to environmental changes such as pressure, temperature, and salinity. It remains a matter of debate as to whether the large GH system of the Black Sea has reached a steady state since the last glacial maximum (LGM). We report on an irregular free gas distribution in specific sediment layers marking an irregular bottom‐simulating reflector (BSR). This anomalous free gas distribution revealed by very high resolution seismic images, acquired by a deep‐towed multichannel seismic system, might be evidence of an on‐going migration of the base of the GH stability zone (GHSZ). We show that the reequilibrium is not occurring homogeneously as overpressure from hydrate dissociation slows their decomposition...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Hydrates; Seismic; Very high resolution; Dissociation; Black Sea.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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Morphology of retrogressive failures in the Eastern Rhone Interfluve during the Last Glacial Maximum (Gulf of Lions, Western Mediterranean) ArchiMer
Badhani, Shray; Cattaneo, Antonio; Dennielou, Bernard; Leroux, Estelle; Colin, Florent; Thomas, Yannick; Jouet, Gwenael; Rabineau, Marina; Droz, Laurence.
The Gulf of Lions (NW Mediterranean Sea) is a SW-NE oriented passive continental margin formed since the Oligocene. It presents small to large scale mass movement features suggesting a long history of seafloor instability. Of particular interest are the two surficial large mass-transport deposits along the Rhone turbiditic levee, known as the Rhone Eastern and Western Mass-Transport Deposits (REMTD and RWMTD). With the help of the recently acquired multi-beam bathymetric, sub-bottom profiler, high-resolution seismic and sedimentological data, we investigate the morphology, timing, kinematics, and possible triggering mechanisms of the source area of the REMTD, which we refer to as the Eastern Rhone Interfluve Slide (ERIS). ERIS has an estimated run-out...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Submarine landslide; Mass transport deposits; Gulf of Lions; Western Mediterranean; Turbiditic levees.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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