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A note on <i>Rhipilia nigrescens</i> Coppejans & Prud'homme van Reine (Chlorophyta) OMA
Coppejans, E.; Prud'homme van Reine, W.F..
In our paper on seaweeds of the Snellius-II expedition (Coppejans & Prud'homme van Reine, 1989) we suggested that the new species <i>Rhipilia nigrescens</i> had been described in Phycologia. Due to regulations of that journal and corroborated by the short spell between acceptance and publication in Blumea, the Latin description can no longer be expected to be published as suggested. To validate the name of the new species a Latin description of the holotype is published here.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Rhipilia nigrescens.
Ano: 1990 URL:
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A note on Rhipilia nigrescens Coppejans & Prud’homme van Reine (Chlorophyta) Naturalis
Coppejans, E.; Prud’homme van Reine, W.F..
In our paper on seaweeds of the Snellius-II expedition (Coppejans & Prud’homme van Reine, 1989) we suggested that the new species Rhipilia nigrescens had been described in Phycologia. Due to regulations of that journal and corroborated by the short spell between acceptance and publication in Blumea, the Latin description can no longer be expected to be published as suggested. To validate the name of the new species a Latin description and a designation of the holotype is published here.
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1990 URL:
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A preliminary study of the marine algal communities on the islands of Milos and Sikinos (Cyclades-Greece) OMA
Coppejans, E..
This marine-phytosociological study of the two islands of Milos (1971) and Sikinos (1972), both belonging to the Cyclades, gives a general idea of the algal vegetation of the Aegean Sea. Comparative observations in the field as well as the analysis of many transects and the identification of collected material contributed to the recognition of some algal communities. The existence of other seasonal communities (especially winter ones) was indicated by the occurrence of a poor summer-aspect. Ecological requirements (such as light, exposure and slope) of the different algal communities were recorded and their vertical distribution was obtained from the transect data. Comparisons between these observations and conclusions were made with those of other authors...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Ano: 1974 URL:
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Algues marines nouvelles pour la Côte du Boulonnais ( Pas-de-Calais, France), 2 = Algues marines nouvelles pour la Côte du Boulonnais ( Pas-de-Calais, France), 2 OMA
Mol, I.; Coppejans, E..
The authors describe 5 seaweeds that have not been collected previously from the French coasts of the Channel: the Phaeophyceae <i>Mikrosyphar polysiphoniae, Myrionema</i> cf. <i>strangulans, Leathesia difformis, Punctaria latifolia</i>; the Rhodophyceae <i>Chromastrum polyblastum</i>. The Chlorophyceae <i>Spongomorpha aeruginosa</i> and <i>Cladophora sericea</i> are added to complete the existing Field Guide. Ecological data are added to the morphological and anatomical descriptions.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Algae New records ANE; France; Nord; Pas-de-Calais.
Ano: 1985 URL:
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Algues marines nouvelles pour la Côte du Boulonnais (Pas-de-Calais, France): 3. Les micro-épiphytes (Chloro-, Phaeo-, Rhodophyceae) = Algues marines nouvelles pour la Côte du Boulonnais (Pas-de-Calais, France): 3. Les micro-épiphytes (Chloro-, Phaeo-, Rhodophyceae) OMA
Beeckman, T.; Coppejans, E..
The authors describe 16 seaweeds not previously collected from the French coasts of the Channel: the Chlorophyceae <i>Halochlorococcum marinum, Pringsheimiella scutata, Stromatella monostromatica, S. papillosa, Ulvella setchellii</i>, the Phaeophyceae <i>Chilionema reptans, Myrionema corunnae</i>, the Rhodophyceae <i>Acrochaetium nemalionis, Chromastrum secundatum f. virgulatum, Erythrocladia grisea, E. irregularis</i> f. <i>irregularis</i> and f. <i>subintegra, E. violacea, Erythrotrichia boryana, Fosliella faranosa, Pneophyllum rosanoffii</i>. Ecological data are added to the morphological and anatomical descriptions.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Algae Coastal zone New records Rhodophyceae ANE; France; Nord; Boulogne-sur-Mer ANE; France; Nord; Pas-de-Calais.
Ano: 1987 URL:
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Algues marines nouvelles pour la Côte du Boulonnais ( Pas-de-Calais, France), 4 OMA
Coppejans, E..
<i>Enteromorpha pseudolinza</i> was already collected in 1984 along the coast of the Boulonnais; <i>Ceramium recissum</i> in 1974, '78, '81 and '90. The first observations of <i>Enteromorpha radiata</i> and <i>Aglaothamnion hookeri</i> in this region were only done in 1990. 11 <i>Enteromorpha</i> spp., 3 <i>Aglaothamnion</i> spp. and 6 <i>Ceramium</i> spp. are known from the northern French coast. These newly observed species are described and illustrated; completed identification keys are added.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Geographical distribution Rhodophyta [red algae] ANE; France.
Ano: 1991 URL:
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Algues marines nouvelles pour la Côte du Boulonnais ( Pas-de-Calais, France) = Algues marines nouvelles pour la Côte du Boulonnais ( Pas-de-Calais, France) OMA
Coppejans, E.; De Cock, L.; Gillis, J..
The authors describe 12 seaweeds that have not been collected previously from the French coasts of the Channel: The Chlorophyceae <i>Rosenvingiella polyrhiza, Ulothrix palusalsa, U. speciosa, Ulva pseudocurvata, U. scandinavica, Urospora bangioides</i>, the Phaeophyceae <i>Isthmoplea spaerophora, Pogotrichum filiforme</i> and <i> Stictyophon</i> cf.<i>soriferus</i> and the Rhodophyceae <i>Aglothamnion roseum, Ceramium shuttleworthianum</i> and <i>Rhodomela confervoides</i>. Ecological data are added to the morphological and anatomical description.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Chlorophyceae Phaeophyceae [brown algae] Rhodophyceae ANE; France; Nord; Pas-de-Calais.
Ano: 1984 URL:
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Annotated and illustrated survey of the marine macroalgae from Motupore Island and vicinity (Port Moresby area, Papua New Guinea): 3. Rhodophyta OMA
Millar, A. J. K.; De Clerck, O.; Coppejans, E.; Liao, L. M..
The marine benthic red algae of Motupore Island and vicinity (Port Moresby area, Papua New Guinea [PNG]) are documented and 36 of the 161 species are illustrated. All records are listed with bibliographic, biogeographic, taxonomic and nomenclatural comments. Apart from several undescribed taxa, which we are in the process of describing separately, none is endemic to the island at this stage. The discovery of the east Australian species <i>Gracilaria rhodymenioides</i> represents a substantial range extension as does <i>Ceramium lentiforme</i> from New South Wales. One species of <i>Gibsmithia</i> also represents a significant range extension from its Lord Howe Island, Norfolk Island and southern Great Barrier Reef...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Ano: 2000 URL:
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Annotated list of new records of marine macroalgae for Kenya and Tanzania, since Isaac's and Jaasund's publications OMA
Coppejans, E.; Leliaert, F.; De Clerck, O..
48 species of Rhodophyta, 10 species of Phaeophyta and 38 species of Chlorophyta, newly reported since Isaac's publications on seaweeds from Kenya and Jaasund's papers on macroalgae fiom Tanzania, are listed with bibliograpbic, taxonomic and biogeographic comments. Some of these species were previously published in more detailed taxonomic studies by this paper's authors.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Algae; New records; Kenya; Tanzania.
Ano: 2000 URL:
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Bijzondere groeivormen van <i>Codium</i> te Boulogne (Pas-de-Calais) OMA
Coppejans, E..
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Codium ANE; France; Nord; Boulogne-sur-Mer.
Ano: 1988 URL:
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Cyanophycées des côtes du Nord de la France et de la Belgique OMA
D'hont, D.; Coppejans, E..
45 taxa belonging to the Cyanophycea have been collected from September to December 1986 in the region of Boulogne and along the Belgian coast. Ecological data are added to the morphological and anatomical descriptions based on the collected material. An identification key is given for the collected species, each of which is illustrated.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Cyanophyceae ANE; Belgium ANE; France; North.
Ano: 1988 URL:
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Découverte du gamétophyte femelle et du tétrasporophyte de <i>Dasyella gracilis</i> Falkenberg (Rhodophyta: Ceramiales) OMA
Coppejans, E.; Boudouresque, C.F..
<i>Dasyella gracilis</i> had not been collected for more than a century. A detailed description is given from specimens collected in Pyrénées-Orientales (Mediterranean Sea, France). The female gametophyte and the tetrasporophyte are described for the first time. The systematic position of the genus <i>Dasyella</i> is confirmed.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Plant reproductive structures; Dasyella gracilis.
Ano: 1984 URL:
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Données supplémentaires sur <i>Polysiphonia banyulensis</i> Coppejans (Ceramiales, Rhodophyceae) OMA
Coppejans, E..
The tetrasporophytes of <i>Polysiphonia banyulensis</i> Coppejans collected in Corsica correspond exactly to those collected at Banyuls (Pyr.-Or., France), in that these also have 5 pericentral cells. The presence of 4 pericentral cells, mentioned in the original description is only correct for a part of the holotype. Thus <i>P. banyulensis</i> belongs to the section <i>Polysiphonia</i>.The female gametophytes, collected in July 1977 at Calvi (Corsica) are smaller and present numerous short-stalked spherical cystocarps without special cells around the ostiole. The other characters of the species (typical aspect of trichoblasts, presence of 5 pericentral cells, total absence of cortication) are also present.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Polysiphonia banyulensis.
Ano: 1979 URL:
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Eerste waarnemingen van <i>Undaria pinnatifida</i> (Harvey) Suringar (Laminariales, Phaeophyta) en de epifyt <i>Pterothamnion plumula</i> (Ellis) Nägeli (Ceramiales, Rhodophyta) in Noord Frankrijk en België OMA
Leliaert, F.; Kerckhof, F.; Coppejans, E..
<i>Undaria pinnatifida</i> is reported from the coast of northern France and Belgium. Its epiphyte <i>Pterothamnion plumula</i> is also new to the region. Descriptions and illustrations are given.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Ano: 2000 URL:
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Fytohydrobiologisch onderzoek van oppervlaktewaters in Vlaanderen: 5. De afgesneden Scheldemeanders: het Zonneputje, de Spanjaard, de Van-Looy-put, de Bruwee (bij Gent) OMA
De Maeseneer, M.; Gogaert, C.; Coppejans, E..
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Hydrobiology; Surface water; Belgium.
Ano: 1989 URL:
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Indirect gradient analysis of the mangal formation of Gazi Bay (Kenya) OMA
Beeckman, H.; Gallin, E.; Coppejans, E..
(1) Based on vegetation relevés of sample units along transects perpendicular to the coastline, the mangal ecosystem of Gazi Bay (Kenya) has been investigated.(2) An indirect gradient analysis is performed by the ordination method Detrended Correspondence Analysis.(3) The first ordination axis can be interpreted in terms of resistance of the different species to flooding.(4) A similar zonation pattern is found as described by Walter & Steiner (1936).(5) Zonation is closely connected with morphological and ecophysiological features of the mangrove species. Therefore stomatal density has been measured. <i>Sonneratia</i> has by far the lowest stomatal density, <i>Lumnitzera</i> the highest.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: ISW; Kenya; Gazi Bay.
Ano: 1990 URL:
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Inventaire des algues marines benthiques de la Rade et des Îles d'Hyères (Méditerranée France) OMA
Belsher, Th.; Augier, H.; Boudouresque, C.F.; Coppejans, E..
A checklist of marine algae of Hyères Bay and Islands (Mediterranean, France). 335 taxa of Rhodophyceae, Phaeophyceae, Zygnematophyceae, Chlorophyceae and Bryopsidophyceae are listed; collecting sites are given.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Benthic algae.
Ano: 1976 URL:
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L' épiflore des substrats de l'étage circalittoral dans la Baie de Calvi (Corse-Méditerranée): 2 . Méthodes et relevés OMA
Coppejans, E..
The author describes the methods used for the phytosociological study of the epiflora of the upper part of the circalittoral zone (-30/-68 m), mainly on loose substrate, in the Bay of Calvi (Corsica-Mediterranean Sea). A description of the 32 relevés is given and a table is added with the results of the sorting: number and cover of Chloro-, Phaeo- and Rhodophyceae, total number of species and the sum of the coverages for each rélevé.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Biodiversity Flora Methodology MED; France; Corsica; Calvi Bay.
Ano: 1985 URL:
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La flore algale des hauts-fonds des Ridens (Boulogne, France) OMA
Coppejans, E..
During a scuba survey on the rock formation "Les Ridens", at 21 km outside the Boulogne (northern France) coast, and at 20m depth, 5 different algae were collected, hitherto not yet found <i>in situ</i> along the coast: the Phaeophyta <i>Halidrys siliquosa</i> and the Rhodophyta <i>Brongniartella byssoides, Calliblepharis ciliata, Delesseria sanguinea, Heterosiphonia plumosa</i>.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Algae ANE; France; Boulogne.
Ano: 1988 URL:
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L'épiflore des substrats de l'étage circalittoral dans la Baie de Calvi (Corse-Méditerranée): 1. Inventaire OMA
Coppejans, E..
The author describes the biotopes seen during 55 diving-sessions (1977-'81) between 30 m and 75 m depth in the Bay of Calvi (Corsica). The phycological epiflora is shortly characterized and a list of the collected species is given, it contains 194 taxa of which 26 Chlorophyceae, 40 Phaeophyceae and 128 Rhodophyceae; 4 species are new to Corsica. This species-list is compared with those of Molinier (dredging, Cap Corse) and of Giaccone (diving, Tyrrhenean Sea).
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Flora Inventories MED; France; Corsica; Calvi Bay.
Ano: 1982 URL:
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