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Introducción al problema de la erosión litoral en Urabá (Sector Arboletes-Turbo) Costa Caribe colombiana 20
Correa, I.D.; Vernette, G..
Shoreline retreat has been the net dominant historical trend along the 145 km-length littoral between Arboletes and Turbo (Southern Caribbean of Colombia). For the last four decades, there were identified in this littoral shoreline retreats of about 50-100m in several places (Uveros, Damaquiel, Zapata, Turbo) and a maximun of 1.6 km in the Punta Rey-Arboletes area, where land losses were of 4.5 k m2, at exceptional rates of 40m/year. The synthesis of the available information suggest that the general “susceptibility” to erosion between Arboletes and Turbo could be related primarily to relative sea level rise, associated to tectonic movements as well as to the effects of mud diapirism and hydroisostacy. In the more critical areas (Arboletes, Turbo), the...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Geomorphology; Erosion; Coastal engineering; Erosion; Geomorphology; Http://; Http://
Ano: 2004 URL:
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