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Comparative mitogenomic analyses of Amazona parrots and Psittaciformes Genet. Mol. Biol.
Lima,Nicholas Costa Barroso; Soares,André Elias Rodrigues; Almeida,Luiz Gonzaga de Paula; Costa,Igor Rodrigues da; Sato,Fernanda Midori; Schneider,Patricia; Aleixo,Alexandre; Schneider,Maria Paula; Santos,Fabrício R.; Mello,Claudio V.; Miyaki,Cristina; Vasconcelos,Ana Tereza R.; Prosdocimi,Francisco.
Abstract Amazon parrots are long-lived birds with highly developed cognitive skills, including vocal learning. Several parrot mitogenomes have been sequenced, but important aspects of their organization and evolution are not fully understood or have limited experimental support. The main aim of the present study was to describe the mitogenome of the blue-fronted Amazon, Amazona aestiva, and compare it to other mitogenomes from the genus Amazona and the order Psittaciformes. We observed that mitogenomes are highly conserved among Amazon parrots, and a detailed analysis of their duplicated control regions revealed conserved blocks. Population level analyses indicated that the specimen analyzed here seems to be close to A. aestiva individuals from Bahia...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Next-generation-sequencing; Psittacidae; Mitogenomics; Control region.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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The complete mitochondrial genome of the threatened Neotropical catfish Lophiosilurus alexandri (Silurifomes: Pseudopimelodidae) and phylogenomic analysis indicate monophyly of Pimelodoidea Genet. Mol. Biol.
Carvalho,Daniel Cardoso; Perini,Violeta da Rocha; Bastos,Alex Schomaker; Costa,Igor Rodrigues da; Luz,Ronald Kennedy; Furtado,Carolina; Prosdocimi,Francisco.
Abstract Lophiosilurus alexandri is an endemic catfish from the São Francisco River Basin (Brazil) popularly known as pacamã, which has economic potential for aquaculture farming. The mitochondrial genome was sequenced for the threatened Neotropical catfish L. alexandri. Assembly into scaffolds using MIRA and MITObim software produced the whole, circularized mitochondrial genome, which comprises 16,445 bp and presents the typical gene arrangement of Teleostei mitochondria. A phylogenomic analysis was performed after the concatenation of all proteins obtained from whole mitogenomes of 20 Siluriformes and two outgroups. The results confirmed the monophyly of nine families of catfishes and also clustered L. alexandri as a sister group to the family...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/other Palavras-chave: Mitogenome; Fish; Next-generation-sequencing; Illumina; Pseudopimelodidae.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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