Drouineau, Hilaire; Lobry, Jeremy; Delpech, C.; Bouchoucha, Marc; Mahevas, Stephanie; Courrat, A.; Pasquaud, S.; Lepage, M.. |
In the context of the European Water Framework Directive (WFD), monitoring programs and related indicators have been developed to assess anthropogenic impacts on various components of aquatic ecosystems. While great precautions are usually taken when selecting and calculating relevant core metrics, little attention is generally paid to the generation of the multimetric indicator, i.e. the combination of the different core metrics. Indeed, most multimetric indicators are generated by simply averaging or summing metrics, without taking into account their sensitivity and their variability. Moreover, few indicators provide a rigorous estimate of the uncertainty of the assessments, while this estimation is essential for managers. In this context, we developed a... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Multimetric fish-based indicator; Bayesian method; Pressure-impact models; Water Framework Directive; Anthropogenic pressure; Monitoring program; Transitional waters. |
Ano: 2012 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00049/16037/13572.pdf |
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Courrat, A.; Lobry, Jeremy; Nicolas, D.; Laffargue, Pascal; Amara, R.; Lepage, M.; Girardin, M.; Le Pape, O.. |
Estuaries serve as nursery grounds for many marine fish species. However increasing human activities within estuaries and surrounding areas lead to significant habitat loss for the juveniles and decrease the quality of the remaining habitats. This study is based on the data of 470 beam trawls from surveys that were conducted in 13 French estuaries for the purpose of the European Water Framework Directive. It aimed at testing the effects of anthropogenic disturbances on the nursery function of estuaries. With a multispecific approach based on ecological guilds, two fish metrics, abundance and species richness of Marine juvenile migrant fishes, were used as proxies for the estuarine nursery function. Indices of heavy metal and organic contaminations were... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Contamination; Anthropogenic disturbances; Fish indicators; Estuaries; Nursery grounds; Essential fish habitat. |
Ano: 2009 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/2009/publication-6291.pdf |
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