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Constraints on the shallow velocity structure of the Lucky Strike Volcano, Mid-Atlantic Ridge, from downward continued multichannel streamer data ArchiMer
Arnulf, A. F.; Harding, A. J.; Kent, G. M.; Singh, Shubpreet; Crawford, W. C..
The shallow velocity structure of the Lucky Strike segment of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge is investigated using seismic refraction and reflection techniques applied to downward continued multichannel streamer data. We present a three-dimensional velocity model beneath the Lucky Strike Volcano with unprecedented spatial resolutions of a few hundred meters. These new constraints reveal large lateral variations in P wave velocity structure beneath this feature. Throughout the study area, uppermost crustal velocities are significantly lower than those inferred from lower resolution ocean bottom seismometer studies, with the lowest values (1.8–2.2 km/s) found beneath the three central volcanic cones. Within the central volcano, distinct shallow units are mapped that...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Mid-Atlantic Ridge; Lucky Strike; Seismic refraction; Tomography; Oceanic crust; Downward continuation.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Performance report of the RHUM-RUM ocean bottom seismometer network around La Réunion, western Indian Ocean ArchiMer
Stähler, S. C.; Sigloch, K.; Hosseini, K.; Crawford, W. C.; Barruol, G.; Schmidt-aursch, M. C.; Tsekhmistrenko, M.; Scholz, J.-r.; Mazzullo, A.; Deen, M..
RHUM-RUM is a German-French seismological experiment based on the sea floor surrounding the island of La Réunion, western Indian Ocean (Barruol and Sigloch, 2013). Its primary objective is to clarify the presence or absence of a mantle plume beneath the Reunion volcanic hotspot. RHUM-RUM's central component is a 13-month deployment (October 2012 to November 2013) of 57 broadband ocean bottom seismometers (OBS) and hydrophones over an area of 2000  ×  2000 km2 surrounding the hotspot. The array contained 48 wideband OBS from the German DEPAS pool and 9 broadband OBS from the French INSU pool. It is the largest deployment of DEPAS and INSU OBS so far, and the first joint experiment. This article reviews network performance and data quality: of the 57...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2016 URL:
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