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An overview of chemosynthetic symbioses in bivalves from the North Atlantic and Mediterranean Sea 5
Duperron, Sebastien; Gaudron, Sylvie M.; Rodrigues, Clara; Cunha, Marina R.; Decker, Carole; Olu, Karine.
Deep-sea bivalves found at hydrothermal vents, cold seeps and organic falls are sustained by chemosynthetic bacteria which ensure part or all of their carbon nutrition. These symbioses are of prime importance for the functioning of the ecosystems. Similar symbioses occur in other bivalve species living in shallow and coastal reduced habitats worldwide. In recent years, several deep-sea species have been investigated from continental margins around Europe, West Africa, East America, the Gulf of Mexico, and from hydrothermal vents on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. In parallel, numerous more easily accessible shallow marine species were studied. We here provide a summary of the current knowledge available on chemosymbiotic bivalves in the area ranging west-to-east...
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Ano: 2012 URL:
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Biodiversity of Cold Seep Ecosystems Along the European Margins 5
Vanreusel, Ann; Andersen, Ann C.; Boetius, Antje; Connelly, Douglas; Cunha, Marina R.; Decker, Carole; Hilario, Ana; Kormas, Konstantinos Ar.; Maignien, Lois; Olu, Karine; Pachiadaki, Maria; Ritt, Benedicte; Rodrigues, Clara; Sarrazin, Jozee; Tyler, Paul; Van Gaever, Saskia; Vanneste, Heleen.
During the European Commission's Framework Six Programme, HERMES, we investigated three main areas along the European margin, each characterized by the presence of seep-related structures exhibiting different intensity of activity and biological diversity. These areas are: (1) the Nordic margin with the Hakon Mosby mud volcano and many pockmarks, (2) the Gulf of Cadiz, and (3) the eastern Mediterranean with its hundreds of mud volcanoes and brine pool structures. One of the main goals of the HERMES project was to unravel the biodiversity associated with these seep-associated ecosystems, and to understand their driving forces and functions, using an integrated approach. Several multidisciplinary research cruises to these three areas provided evidence of...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Mosby mud volcano; Gulf of mexico; Cadiz ne atlantic; Deep sea fan; Community structure; Microbial communities; Fluid flow; Mediterranean sea; Carbonate crusts; Norwegian sea.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Colonization of plant substrates at hydrothermal vents and cold seeps in the northeast Atlantic and Mediterranean and occurrence of symbiont-related bacteria 5
Szafranski, Kamil M.; Deschamps, Philippe; Cunha, Marina R.; Gaudron, Sylvie M.; Duperron, Sebastien.
Reducing conditions with elevated sulfide and methane concentrations in ecosystems such as hydrothermal vents, cold seeps or organic falls, are suitable for chemosynthetic primary production. Understanding processes driving bacterial diversity, colonization and dispersal is of prime importance for deep-sea microbial ecology. This study provides a detailed characterization of bacterial assemblages colonizing plant-derived substrates using a standardized approach over a geographic area spanning the North-East Atlantic and Mediterranean. Wood and alfalfa substrates in colonization devices were deployed for different periods at 8 deep-sea chemosynthesis-based sites in four distinct geographic areas. Pyrosequencing of a fragment of the 16S rRNA-encoding gene...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Cold seeps; Colonization; Deep-sea; Symbiont; Hydrothermal vents; Wood falls.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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The influence of geological, geochemical, and biogenic habitat heterogeneity on seep biodiversity 5
Cordes, Erik E.; Cunha, Marina R.; Galeron, Joelle; Mora, Camilo; Olu-le Roy, Karine; Sibuet, Myriam; Van Gaever, Saskia; Vanreusel, Ann; Levin, Lisa A..
Cold seeps are among the most heterogeneous of all continental margin habitats. Abiotic Sources of heterogeneity in these systems include local variability in fluid flow, geochemistry, and substrate type, which give rise to different sets of microbial communities, microbial symbiont-bearing foundation species, and associated heterotrophic species. Biogenic habitats created by microbial mats and the symbiotic species including vesicomyid clams, bathymodiolin mussels, and siboglinid tubeworms add an additional layer of complexity to seep habitats. These forms of habitat heterogeneity result in a variety of macrofaunal and meiofaunal communities that respond to changes in structural complexity, habitat geochemistry, nutrient sources, and interspecific...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Beta diversity; Chemosynthetic communities; Cold seep; Continental margin; Macrofauna; Meiofauna; Metacommunity; Species accumulation.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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