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Abundancias poblacionales, crecimiento y mortalidad natural de la macroinfauna de crustáceos en dos tipos morfodinámicos de playas arenosas del sur de Chile RChHN
Se realizaron muestreos mensuales durante 1994-1996 en una playa arenosa intermedia y en una playa disipativa del sur de Chile (Calfuco y Mehuín, respectivamente; ca. 39º S), para evaluar las predicciones de la hipótesis de exclusión por la resaca sobre las abundancias poblacionales e historia de vida de la macroinfauna de crustáceos que habita en el intermareal de esas playas. Se hipotetiza que solo las especies realmente intermareales (i.e., directamente afectadas por la resaca) son afectadas por diferencias en los tipos morfodinámicos de playas. Esas especies fueron los isópodos cirolánidos Excirolana braziliensis y Excirolana hirsuticauda y el cangrejo anomuro Emerita analoga. Por otra parte, el anfípodo Orchestoidea tuberculata...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Macroinfauna de playas arenosas; Crustáceos; Tipos morfodinámicos de playas; Sur de Chile.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Algal wrack deposits and macroinfaunal arthropods on sandy beaches of the Chilean coast RChHN
Four Chilean sandy beaches were sampled during the summer of 2000, to study the role of stranded algal wrack deposits on the population abundances of three detritus feeder species of the macroinfauna that inhabit the upper shore levels of that beaches: the talitrid amphipod Orchestoidea tuberculata Nicolet, the tylid isopod Tylos spinulosus Dana and the tenebrionid insect Phalerisida maculata Kulzer. The beaches were Apolillado (ca. 29° S), Quidico (ca. 38° S), Guabún and Mar Brava (ca. 42° S). Replicated samples were collected with a plastic cylinder (25 cm in diameter) from algal wrack deposits including the sediments beneath the wrack and nearby bare sand areas. Samples were collected at two beach levels, one closer to the sea with fresh deposits and...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Algal wrack deposits; Sandy beach arthropods; Chilean coast.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Community structure of the macroinfauna in the sediments below an intertidal mussel bed (Mytilus chilensis (Hupe)) of southern Chile RChHN
The mytilid mussel Mytilus chilensis (Hupe) can form dense beds in sedimentary areas of the inland coast of the Nord-Patagonic archipelagos of the Chilean coast (ca. 40-43° S). During the autumn of 2002, we collected replicated samples at five intertidal stations in Panitao (Golfo de Reloncaví) ordered along a transect parallel to the low tide level and extended from the center of the bank (stations one and two with 100 and ca. 25 % of mussel cover, respectively) to the bare sediments of the intertidal (stations 3, 4 and 5, without mussels). The macroinfauna was numerically dominated by Polychaeta, Oligochaeta and Crustacea Peracarida. The total number of species collected was 14, being the most abundant the polychaete Perinereis vallata, oligochaetes from...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Mussel beds; Mytilus chilensis; Macroinfauna; Southern Chile.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Evaluation of a semi-automatic system for long-term seawater carbonate chemistry manipulation RChHN
The assessment of the effects of Ocean Acidification (OA) on marine life has received increasing attention in recent marine research. On a mesocosmic scale, the CO2 levels in seawater can be manipulated to evaluate experimentally the consequences of OA on marine organisms (vertebrates and invertebrates). An ideal manipulation of carbonate chemistry should mimic exactly the changes to carbonate chemistry, which will occur in years to come. Although some methods have been described in the literature, here we describe in detail a simple, robust and inexpensive system to produce CO2-enriched seawater by bubbling the seawater with air-CO2 mixtures. The system uses mass flow controllers (MFC) to blend atmospheric air with pure CO2 to produce two pCO2 levels. The...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Carbonate chemistry manipulation; Ocean acidification.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Macroalgas varadas sobre la superficie de una playa arenosa del sur de Chile: preferencias alimentarias y de habitat de juveniles y adultos de Orchestoidea tuberculata (Nicolet), (Amphipoda, Talitridae) RChHN
El anfípodo Orchestoidea tuberculata, es el carroñero numéricamente dominante en los niveles superiores del intermareal de las playas arenosas del centro sur de Chile. La principal fuente de alimento para juveniles y adultos de este anfípodo son las macroalgas varadas en la playa. Con el objetivo de analizar una eventual partición de ese recurso alimentario por parte de esos juveniles y adultos, se realizaron experimentos tendientes a evaluar preferencias alimentarias sobre las tres macroalgas varadas más comunes de estas playas: Durvillaea antárctica, Macrocystis pyrifera y Lessonia nigrescens. Los juveniles prefirieron consumir L. nigrescens, mientras que los adultos mostraron una preferencia significativa por D. antárctica. Similar a lo registrado en...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Playas arenosas expuestas; Macroalgas varadas; Preferencias alimentarias; Anfípodos; Centro sur de Chile.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Sandy beach macroinfauna from the coast of Ancud, Isla de Chiloé, southern Chile RChHN
Six sandy beaches were sampled on the coast of Ancud, Isla de Chiloé, southern Chile (ca. 42º S) with the following purposes: 1) to study community structure and across shore zonation of the intertidal macroinfauna in relation to different beach types, and 2) to analyze how similar or different is the taxonomic composition and community structure of the macroinfaunal assemblages, compared to those inhabiting sandy beaches located further north of Canal de Chacao, the limit between Isla de Chiloé and the mainland coast. Sediment samples (0.1 m², 30 cm deep) were collected (April-May 1998) with plastic cylinders at fifteen equally spaced levels along three replicated transects (separated by 1 m) extending from above the drift line to the swash zone. The...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Sandy beaches; Macroinfauna; Isla de Chiloé.
Ano: 2000 URL:
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