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How to model social-ecological systems? – A case study on the effects of a future offshore wind farm on the local society and ecosystem, and whether social compensation matters 5
Haraldsson, Matilda; Raoux, Aurore; Riera, Fabien; Hay, Julien; Dambacher, Jeffrey M.; Niquil, Nathalie.
Models of social-ecological systems (SES) are acknowledged as an important tool to understand human-nature relations. However, many SES models fail to integrate adequate information from both the human and ecological subsystems. With an example model of a future Offshore Wind Farm development and its effects on both the ecosystem and local human population, we illustrate a method facilitating a “balanced” SES model, in terms of including information from both subsystems. We use qualitative mathematical modeling, which allows to quickly analyze the structure and dynamics of a system without including quantitative data, and therefore to compare alternative system structures based on different understandings of how the system works. By including similar...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Network; Renewable energy; Eastern English channel; Perception; Qualitative modeling; Acceptance.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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Qualitative modelling of functional relationships in marine benthic communities 5
Alexandridis, Nikolaos; Dambacher, Jeffrey M.; Jean, Fred; Desroy, Nicolas; Bacher, Cedric.
In order to better understand and predict the dynamics of benthic macroinvertebrate communities, we need to first define the functional components of benthic biodiversity and then provide a mechanistic description of how they interact with their abiotic environment, their basic resources and each other. These interactions should be largely controlled by readily available biological traits, making trait-based modelling an ideal framework for the synthesis of relevant hypotheses from ecological theory and expert knowledge. With the help of benthic species traits, we derived a set of first principles regarding the role of organisms in processes of environmental filtering, consumption of algae/detritus, predation, use of space, biogenic habitat modification...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Benthic macroinvertebrates; Biological traits; Biotic interactions; Community assembly; Functional groups; Qualitative modelling.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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The relative importance of environmental stochasticity, interspecific interactions, and observation error: Insights from sardine and anchovy landings 5
Hosack, Geoffrey R.; Trenkel, Verena; Dambacher, Jeffrey M..
Long-term time series of sardine and anchovy landings often suggest negative dependence between these species, and an array of mechanisms have been proposed as explanations. We reduce these propositions to four basic hypotheses of (1) independence, (2) correlated process noise, (3) interspecific interactions, and (4) correlated observational error. We use a Bayesian approach to develop priors for parsimonious state space models with both process noise and observation error that represent each of these hypotheses, and apply this approach to five long-term time series of landings collected from the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans. Model comparison criteria suggest that the hypothesis of correlated process noise has the broadest support, where the temporal...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Adaptive Metropolis; Bayes factors; DIC; Gompertz model; Hyperstability; Kalman filter; Model comparison; Reactivity; Small pelagic fishes; Stability.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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