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A revision of the genus Phacellaria (Santalaceae) 16
Danser, B.H..
On several occasions the author received specimens for determination under the name of Loranthaceae, which in reality appeared to be Phacellarias, usually parasitic on Loranthaceae. When trying to name these Phacellarias, he preceived how difficult it was to survey the literature of the genus. Though only eight species have been described, and the authors usually have indicated the main differences between their new species and the most closely allied previous ones, the most essential characteristics of the species, viz., the structures of the inflorescences, were never indicated, and a critical review of all the species has never been given. Therefore it appeared an attractive task to undertake such a revision, if only it were possible to examine all the...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1939 URL:
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Grammatical objections to the International Rules of Botanical Nomenclature, adopted at Cambridge in 1930 16
Danser, B.H..
It is generally known that botanical nomenclature, though sprung from mediaeval scientific Latin, and agreeing, in its orthography for the greater part, in its grammar as much as possible, with classical Latin, shows countless forms which not only from a classical-grammatical, but also from a mediaeval-grammatical point of view, must be looked upon as errors. These errors are for the greater part due to an inadequate knowledge of Latin and Greek grammar, or to indifference or lack of good taste on the part of botanists. And since a botanist cannot be expected to abstain from giving new names to plants until in the opinion of philologists he is sufficiently acquainted with Latin, Greek and other languages which he may have to use, it is unavoidable that the...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1935 URL:
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Miscellaneous notes on Loranthaceae 16—18 16
Danser, B.H..
BLUME published Viscum monilliforme first with a short diagnosis in his ’Bijdragen tot de Flora van Nederlandsch Indië“ 13 (1825) p. 667, and later he gave a figure of it in his ”Flora Javae“, plate 25 (1851?). In the ”Bijdragen“ we read: VISCUM MONILLIFORME, Bl. V: caule aphyllo inferne teretiusculo, ramulis artieulatis ancipitibus, articulis nudis, floribus verticillatis sessilibus (aff. V. opuntioidi). Crescit: in arboribus circa Buitenzorg vulgatissimum. Floret: omni tempore. Nomen: Mangando.
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1938 URL:
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Miscellaneous notes on Loranthaceae 19—24 16
Danser, B.H..
Among the indeterminate Loranthaceae of the Kew Herbarium, I found two specimens, belonging to different species, both collected by the Reverend R. B. COMINS in San Cristoval Island. One of them appeared to represent a new species, the other to belong to a species formerly described by me, and to give a welcome completion to the knowledge of this species.
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1940 URL:
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Miscellaneous notes on Loranthaceae, 25 16
Danser, B.H..
Macrosolen urceolatus DANSER, n. sp. — Omnis glabra. Caules (2 suppetunt) graciles, ad 55 cm longi et ultra (supra basin decerpti), internodiis teretibus, inferioribus 2.5—6 cm longis, ad 4 mm diametro, superioribus plerumque paulo brevioribus, gradatim tenuioribus, ad 1.5 mm diametro, nodis vetustioribus incrassatis nonnihil applanatis, ad sesquiplo crassioribus quam internodia, iunioribus applanatis et dilatatis. Folia opposita vel subopposita; petiolus 3—8 mm longus, basi subteres, 1.5—1.75 mm latus, versus laminam paulum dilalatus et applanatus, subtus rotundatus, supra fere planus; lamina ovato-lanceolata, 5—12 cm longa, 1.5—4 cm lata, sub basi cuneata in petiolum contracta, apicem obtusum vel subobtusum versus leviter acuminata, margine saepe...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1941 URL:
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Miscellaneous notes on Loranthaceae 9—15. (Nrs. 1—8 in Recueil Trav. Bot. Néerl. 31, p. 223—223 and 751—760, 1937) 16
Danser, B.H..
Ramulus c. 2 mm crassus, apice paulum incrassatus, ad 5 mm dilatatus, 2 folia et 2 inflorescentias ferens, superficie tenuiter ferrugineo furfuraceus. Folia opposita; petiolus ut costae pars basalis ferrugineo furfuraceus, c. 8 mm longus, basi tereti c. 1.5 mm crassus, laminam versus supra applanatus; lamina oblonga, 6.5—7 cm longa, 3 cm lata, sub basi rotundata abrupte in petiolum contracta, apice rotundata, faciebus vix diversis, costa basin versus facie inferiore paulo distinctiore quam facie superiore, ceterum utrinque opaca, costa nervisque crassioribus paulum prominentibus distinctis, venis indistinctis sed visibilibus. Inflorescentia racemus triadum decussatarum floribus omnibus sessilibus; axis 3—3.5 cm longus, teres, nodis paulum applanatis, a...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1936 URL:
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The British-Indian species of Viscum revised and compared with those of South-Eastern Asia, Malaysia, and Australia 16
Danser, B.H..
When revising the Visca of the Malay Archipelago and Indo-China, I met with some nomenclatorial difficulties, for which a more thorough study of the British-Indian Visca seemed necessary. The distinction of the species in HOOKER’S Flora soon appeared not to be depended upon. At the time of HOOKER’S revising the British-Indian Loranthaceae, only a scanty quantity of herbarium was available, and, the distinction between several species being extremely difficult, it is no wonder that HOOKER’S treatment of Viscum is no more up to date now. As appears from notes on herbarium sheets, GAMBLE later made a rather thorough study of the British-Indian Visca, which was only partly included in his Madras Flora, but he did not include the species of adjacent countries...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1941 URL:
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The Cornaceae, Sensu Stricto, of the Netherlands Indies 16
Danser, B.H..
After Mr. S. BLOEMBERGEN had planned a revision of the Cornaceae, sensu amplissimo, of the Netherlands Indies (inclusive those of the Malay Peninsula and the non-Dutch parts of Borneo and New Guinea) and had received, for that purpose, herbarium materials from different institutes, it appeared desirable to him to confine his revision to the Alangiaceae. I therefore took the Cornaceae, sensu stricto, for my account. It was very convenient to me that Mr. BLOEMBERGEN had already composed a nearly complete list of literature wanted. The herbaria of which materials have been worked up in this revision, arE the following. B = Herbarium of the Botanic Garden, Buitenzorg, Java. Be = Herbarium of the Botanic Garden, Berlin—Dahlem. L = State Herbarium, Leiden. S =...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1934 URL:
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The dates of publication of Blume’s Flora Javae 16
Danser, B.H..
The actual dates of publication of the greater part of BLUME’s Flora Javae (lit. 1) appear to be unknown among taxonomists. The title-page of the first volume is dated 1828, and we find the same year at the base of the preface. The volume containing the Orchideae (lit. 2) is dated 1858, but further dates are absent on the work. A cover for a fascicle containing the ”Planches inedites“ in the Groningen University Library is dated 1829, and there are indications that no such cover ever bore a later date. Therefore, perhaps, one often finds 1828, or 1828?, or 1829 as the year of publication of the whole first series. My investigations concerning the actual dates of publication have not yet given me all the information I wished to have, but the main points...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor
Ano: 1939 URL:
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