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Hydrological variations of the intermediate water masses of the western Mediterranean Sea during the past 20 ka inferred from neodymium isotopic composition in foraminifera and cold-water corals 5
Dubois-dauphin, Quentin; Montagna, Paolo; Siani, Giuseppe; Douville, Eric; Wienberg, Claudia; Hebbeln, Dierk; Liu, Zhifei; Kallel, Nejib; Dapoigny, Arnaud; Revel, Marie; Pons-branchu, Edwige; Taviani, Marco; Colin, Christophe.
We present the neodymium isotopic composition (epsilon Nd) of mixed planktonic foraminifera species from a sediment core collected at 622m water depth in the Balearic Sea, as well as epsilon Nd of scleractinian cold-water corals (CWC; Madrepora oculata, Lophelia pertusa) retrieved between 280 and 442m water depth in the Alboran Sea and at 414m depth in the southern Sardinian continental margin. The aim is to constrain hydrological variations at intermediate depths in the western Mediterranean Sea during the last 20 kyr. Planktonic (Globigerina bulloides) and benthic (Cibicidoides pachyderma) foraminifera from the Balearic Sea were also analyzed for stable oxygen (delta O-18) and carbon (delta C-13) isotopes. The foraminiferal and coral epsilon Nd values...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Link between Indian monsoon rainfall and physical erosion in the Himalayan system during the Holocene 5
Joussain, Ronan; Liu, Zhifei; Colin, Christophe; Duchamp-alphonse, Stephanie; Yu, Zhaojie; Moreno, Eva; Fournier, Lea; Zaragosi, Sebastien; Dapoigny, Arnaud; Meynadier, Laure; Bassinot, Franck.
Mineralogical and geochemical analyses conducted on cores located on the active channel-levee system of the northern Bengal Fan are used to establish changes in the weathering pattern and the sediment transport of the Himalayan system, and evaluate the effect of Indian summer monsoon rainfall during the Holocene. Our data indicate that during the Holocene, sediments from the northern Bengal Fan originate mainly from the G-B river system without any significant changes in the relative contribution of these rivers. From 9.8 to around 6 ka, relatively low smectite/(illite+chlorite) ratios and relatively high K/Si* ratios indicate high physical denudation rates of the Himalayan highlands together with a rapid transfer of the detrital material to the Bengal...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Bengal Fan; Chemical weathering; Sr and Nd isotopic compositions; Physical erosion; Clay mineralogy.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Rbiative timing of precipitation and ocean circui In changes in the western equatorial Atlantic over the last 45 kyr 5
Waelbroeck, Claire; Pichat, Sylvain; Bohm, Evelyn; Lougheed, Bryan C.; Faranda, Davide; Vrac, Mathieu; Missiaen, Lise; Vazquez Riveiros, Natalia; Burckel, Pierre; Lippold, Joerg; Arz, Helge W.; Dokken, Trond; Thil, Francois; Dapoigny, Arnaud.
Thanks to its optimal location on the northern Brazilian margin, core MD09-3257 records both ocean circulation and atmospheric changes. The latter occur locally in the form of increased rainfall on the adjacent continent during the cold intervals recorded in Greenland ice and northern North Atlantic sediment cores (i.e., Greenland stadials). These rainfall events are recorded in MD09-3257 as peaks in ln(Ti / Ca). New sedimentary Pa / Th data indicate that mid-depth western equatorial water mass transport decreased during all of the Greenland stadials of the last 40 kyr. Using cross-wavelet transforms and spectrogram analysis, we assess the relative phase between the MD09-3257 sedimentary Pa / Th and ln(Ti/Ca) signals. We show that decreased water mass...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2018 URL:
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