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Anomalous Branching Pattern of Lateral Cord of Brachial Plexus 77
Das,Srijit; Paul,Shipra.
During routine dissection, an unusual formation of median nerve was detected in the right upper limb of a 55 year old male cadaver. The median nerve had an additional contribution from lateral cord. The two branches of the lateral cord designated as upper and the lower branches were observed at different levels. The upper branch was in close contact with the third part of the axillary artery and it crossed the vessel anteriorly to unite with a branch of the medial cord to form the median nerve. The median nerve thus formed was related medially to the axillary artery (instead of the normal position of being anterolateral). The median nerve descended below and was joined by an additional lower branch from the lateral cord. Interestingly, the ulnar nerve...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Lateral cord; Brachial plexus; Median nerve; Anatomical variation.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Anomalous Lobar Pattern of Right Lung: A Case Report 77
Modgil,Vishal; Das,Srijit; Suri,Rajesh.
The right lung classically has two fissures, an oblique and a horizontal, dividing it into three lobes namely the superior, middle and lower. The anomaly of the lobar pattern has been described by many research workers on CT scans, where as, there are fewer studies on gross anatomical specimens. In the present case , which was incidentally detected, we report three fissures dividing the right lung into four lobes. Such abnormal fissures and lobes are clinically important for identifying broncho-pulmonary segments. Anatomical knowledge of anomalies of fissures and lobes of lungs may be important for surgeons performing lobectomies, radiologists interpreting X ray and CT scans and also of academic interest to all medical personnel
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Anomaly; Anatomical variation; Abnormal; Fissure; Lobe; Lung.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Communication of the External and Internal Jugular Veins: A Case Report 77
Lalwani,Rekha; Rana,Kum Kum; Das,Srijit; Khan,Riyazul Qamar.
The external jugular vein, which traverses the sternocleidomastoid muscle superficially, is known to exhibit variations in its formation and course. There are less reports on the communication of the external and internal jugular vein. During routine cadaveric dissection, we detected an abnormal communication of the external jugular vein and the internal jugular vein, in a 45 year male cadaver. The knowledge of both normal and abnormal anatomy of the superficial veins of the neck may be important for clinicians performing catheterization and surgeons operating in the region of the neck. The presence of such anomalous communications may also be important for radiologists performing angiographic and sonographic studies
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: External jugular vein; Internal jugular vein; Anatomical variations.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Dorsal Digital Branch of the Thumb: An Anatomical Study 77
Verma,Ranjana; Paul,Shipra; Das,Srijit.
The level of origin of digital branch to thumb (DBT) of superficial branch of radial nerve (SBRN) and its relationship to brachioradialis muscle tendon (BRT) and its fascial sheath (FS) were studied on both sides of upper extremities of 50 cadavers (n=100). The DBT of SBRN originated in the middle third of forearm in 3 cases (3%), distal third of forearm in 10 cases (10%) and in wrist and dorsum of hand in 87 cases (87%). All cases having origin in the middle third of forearm and half of the cases having origin in the distal third of forearm were closely related to BRT or its FS. The clinical importance of the study lies in the fact that the DBT supplies dorsum of the thumb and first web space which has least cutaneous overlapping. Any injury or entrapment...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Radial nerve; Superficial branch; Digital branch; Thumb; Brachioradialis tendon.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Double Plantaris Muscle: A Cadaveric Study with Clinical Importance 77
Rana,Kum Kum; Das,Srijit; Verma,Ranjana.
The gastrocnemius, plantaris and the soleus muscles, comprise the posterior (flexor) compartment muscles of the leg. The plantaris muscle is responsible for causing plantar flexion of the foot. The muscle is vestigial in human beings and has much clinical importance. The muscle is known to exhibit variations but there are few reports on the existence of double plantaris muscle. The present case report describes double plantaris on both sides of a cadaver, which was detected during routine dissection. Knowledge of both normal and abnormal anatomy of the plantaris muscle is important for surgeons performing tendon transfer operations and clinicians diagnosing muscle tears
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Plantaris muscle; Anatomical variation.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Multiple Vascular Anomalies in the Abdomen: A Gross Anatomical Study 77
Jacob,Tony; Modgil,Vishal; Rana,Kum Kum; Das,Srijit.
Knowledge of the branching pattern of the abdominal aorta is clinically important for any abdominal surgeon operating on parts of the gut or neighboring structures like the suprarenals, spleen, pancreas, liver, kidneys and uréter. The presence of abnormal inferior phrenic artery associated with aberrant branch from the celiac trunk supplying the pancreas and duodenum is a rare anomaly. In the present case, we observed four branches of the celiac artery i.e. (a) left gastric artery (b) common hepatic artery (c) splenic artery and (d) an aberrant branch, which took a course inferiorly towards the pancreas. The aberrant artery supplied the body of the pancreas and gave a branch which supplied the horizontal part of the duodenum and then entered the transverse...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Anomaly; Celiac trunk; Branch; Inferior phrenic; Artery; Pancreas; Duodenum.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Variations of Thoracic Splanchnic Nerves and its Clinical Implications 77
Jacob,Tony George; Wadhwa,Surbhi; Paul,Shipra; Das,Srijit.
The present study reports an anomalous branching pattern of the thoracic sympathetic chain. At the level of T3 ganglion, an anomalous branch i.e accessory sympathetic chain (ASC) descended anteromedial to the main sympathetic chain (MSC). The MSC and the ASC communicated with each other at the level of T9, T10 and T11 ganglion, indicating the absence of classical pattern of greater, lesser and least splanchnic nerves on the right side. However, on the left side, the sympathetic chain displayed normal branching pattern. We opine that the ASC may be representing a higher origin of greater splanchnic nerve at the level of T3 ganglion and the branches from MSC at T9, T10 and T11 ganglion may be the lesser and least splanchnic nerves, which further joined the...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Splanchnic nerves; Sympathetic chain; Trunk thoracic; Ganglion.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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