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Habitat use and diving behaviour of gravid olive ridley sea turtles under riverine conditions in French Guiana ArchiMer
Chambault, Philippine; Giraudou, Lucie; De Thoisy, Benoit; Bonola, Marc; Kelle, Laurent; Dos Reis, Virginie; Blanchard, Fabian; Le Maho, Yvon; Chevallier, Damien.
The identification of the inter-nesting habitat used by gravid sea turtles has become a crucial factor in their protection. Their aggregation in large groups of individuals during the inter-nesting period exposes them to increased threats to their survival - particularly along the French Guiana shield, where intense legal and illegal fisheries occur. Among the three sea turtle species nesting in French Guiana, the olive ridley appears to have the most generalist diet, showing strong behavioural plasticity according to the environment encountered. The large amounts of sediments that are continuously discharged by the Amazon River create a very unusual habitat for olive ridleys, i.e. turbid waters with low salinity. This study assesses the behavioural...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Lepidochelys olivacea; Equatorial Atlantic; Inter-nesting season; Behavioural synchrony; Amazon River.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Outbreaks of Disease Possibly Due to a Natural Avian Herpesvirus Infection in a Colony of Young Magnificent Frigatebirds (Fregata magnificens) in French Guiana ArchiMer
De Thoisy, Benoit; Lavergne, Anne; Semelin, Julien; Pouliquen, Jean-francois; Blanchard, Fabian; Hansen, Eric; Lacoste, Vincent.
The Ile du Grand Connetable nature reserve is a rocky island off the Northern Atlantic coast of South America that hosts a unique population of Magnificent Frigatebirds (Fregata, magnificens, Pelecaniformes). A high chick mortality, associated with nodular proliferative lesions, involving featherless areas, such as legs, neck, eyelids, and beak, was recorded during a consecutive 2 yr and affected almost half of the generation. Investigations were therefore, conducted to determine the cause of these epidemics. Although histopathologic investigations suggested that malnutrition, because of fewer resources in the Frigates' fishing area, could be the cause of the epidemic, it novel alphaherpesvirus, tentatively called Fregata magnificens herpesvirus, was...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Frigatebird; Fregata magnificens; Chick mortality; Alphaherpesvirus.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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The Amazonian Savannas of French Guiana: Cultural and Social Importance, Biodiversity, and Conservation Challenges ArchiMer
Stier, Anna; De Carvalho, William D.; Rostain, Stephen; Catzeflis, Francois; Claessens, Olivier; Dewynter, Mael; Mckey, Doyle; Mustin, Karen; Palisse, Marianne; De Thoisy, Benoit.
The Amazonian savannas of French Guiana are rare and of high ecological and cultural value but are also highly threatened. They are socioecological systems that have been coconstructed by humans and nature and today form mosaic landscapes along the country's coast. From pre-Columbian raised fields through colonial and Creole uses to contemporary uses, they have been largely shaped and modified by human activities. They are currently threatened by changes in fire regimes, agricultural practices, invasive species, and infrastructure development. Less than 3% are protected, despite their importance for several endangered animal and plant species. A shift is required in the way we think about their conservation to create a new strategy that would be completely...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Archeology; Biodiversity; Conservation; French Guiana; Savanna; Socioecological systems.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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