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Along-arc segmentation and interaction of subducting ridges with the Lesser Antilles Subduction forearc crust revealed by MCS imaging ArchiMer
Laigle, Mireille; Becel, Anne; De Voogd, Beatrice; Sachpazi, Maria; Bayrakci, Gaye; Lebrun, Jean-frederic; Evain, Mikael; "Thales Was Right" Seismic Reflection working group.
We present the results from a new grid of deep penetration multichannel seismic (MCS) profiles over the 280-km-long north-central segment of the Lesser Antilles subduction zone. The 14 dip-lines and 7 strike-lines image the topographical variations of (i) the subduction interplate décollement, (ii) the top of the arcward subducting Atlantic oceanic crust (TOC) under the huge accretionary wedge up to 7 km thick, and (iii) the trenchward dipping basement of the deeply buried forearc backstop of the Caribbean upper plate. The four northernmost long dip-lines of this new MCS grid reveal several-kilometres-high topographic variations of the TOC beneath the accretionary wedge offshore Guadeloupe and Antigua islands. They are located in the prolongation of those...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Lesser Antilles Subduction Zone; Reflection seismics; Deep outer forearc crust; Backstop; Seismogenic megathrust fault.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Morphology and sedimentary architecture of a modern volcaniclastic turbidite system: The Cilaos fan, offshore La Reunion Island ArchiMer
Sisavath, Emmanuelle; Babonneau, Nathalie; Saint-ange, Francky; Bachelery, Patrick; Jorry, Stephan; Deplus, Christine; De Voogd, Beatrice; Savoye, Bruno.
Recent oceanographic surveys revealed the existence of five volcaniclastic deep-sea fans off La Reunion Island. The Cilaos fan is a large volcaniclastic submarine fan, connected to rivers that episodically experience torrential floods through a narrow and steep shelf-slope system. New piston cores presented in this study together with echosounder profiles give new insight into the evolution, of this extensive and sand-rich turbidite system. The Cilaos fan extends over 15,000 km(2) on an abyssal plain and is compartmentalized by topographic highs. Located southwest of the island, the sedimentary system consists of a canyon area and a deep sea fan divided into a proximal and a distal fan. The proximal fan is characterized by its wide extent and...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Turbidite; Deep-sea fan; Volcaniclastic; La Reunion Island.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Processes controlling a volcaniclastic turbiditic system during the last climatic cycle: Example of the Cilaos deep-sea fan, offshore La Réunion Island ArchiMer
Sisavath, Emmanuelle; Mazuel, Aude; Jorry, Stephan; Babonneau, Nathalie; Bachelery, Patrick; De Voogd, Beatrice; Salpin, Marie; Emmanuel, Laurent; Beaufort, Luc; Toucanne, Samuel.
The present study focused on turbidite sedimentation in the Cilaos turbidite system, a volcaniclastic deep-sea fan recently recognized offshore La Réunion Island. A set of piston cores was collected in order to establish the stratigraphy of this fan and to examine the processes controlling the turbidite sedimentation off the Cilaos cirque (Piton des Neiges volcanic massif) over the last climatic cycle. Two main phases of turbidite activity were identified, during the ca 140–127 ka and 30–0 ka periods, coinciding with the two last glacial–interglacial transitions (i.e., Terminations II and I). In addition to changes in climate and eustatic sea-level, these periods coincide with a low effusive volcanic activity of the Piton des Neiges volcano. The high...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Turbidites; La Reunion Island; Indian Ocean; Late Quaternary; Volcaniclastic system.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Spatial distribution of hotspot material added to the lithosphere under La Reunion, from wide-angle seismic data ArchiMer
Charvis, Philippe; Laesanpura, Agus; Gallart, Josep; Hirn, Alfred; Lepine, Jean-claude; De Voogd, Beatrice; Minshull, Tim A.; Hello, Yann; Pontoise, Bernard.
Wide-angle seismic lines recorded by ocean bottom and land seismometers provide a pseudo three-dimensional investigation of the crust and upper mantle structure around the volcanically active hotspot island of La Reunion. The submarine part of the edifice has fairly low seismic velocities, without evidence for intrusives. An upper unit with a velocity-depth gradient is interpreted as made of material erupted subaerially then transported and compacted downslope. Between this unit and the top of the oceanic plate, imaged by normal incidence seismic reflection, a more homogeneous unit indicated by shadow zones on several wide-angle sections may correspond to lavas of a different nature, extruded underwater in the earlier phase of volcanism. Coincident wide...
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Ano: 1999 URL:
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