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Comparative analysis of the food webs of two intertidal mudflats during two seasons using inverse modelling: Aiguillon Cove and Brouage Mudflat, France ArchiMer
Degre, Delphine; Leguerrier, D; Du Chatelet, E; Rzeznik, J; Auguet, Jean-christophe; Dupuy, Christine; Marquis, E; Fichet, Denis; Struski, Caroline; Joyeux, E; Sauriau, Pierre-guy; Niquil, Nathalie.
Inverse analysis was used to model the food webs of two intertidal mudflat ecosystems: Aiguillon Cove (AC) and Brouage Mudflat (BM) (south-western Atlantic coast, France). The aim of the present study is to describe and compare the functioning of these two ecosystems. The method of inverse analysis has been adapted in order to take into account, in a single calculation, two seasons: spring/summer (mid-March to mid-October) and autumn/winter (the rest of the year). Gathering all available data on the two sites, the most important gaps in knowledge were identified with the help of sensitivity analyses: they concerned mainly the exports of material by grazing fish (such as mullet Liza ramada), resuspension of microphytobenthos, and fluxes linked to microfauna...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Atlantic coast; Sensitivity analysis; Tidal flat; Inverse analysis; Steady state; Food web.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Network analysis and inter-ecosystem comparison of two intertidal mudflat food webs (Brouage Mudflat and Aiguillon Cove, SW France) ArchiMer
Leguerrier, D; Degre, Delphine; Niquil, N.
Network analysis was used to analyse steady-state models of the food webs of two intertidat mudflat ecosystems: Aiguillon Cove and Brouage Mudflat, on the South-Western Atlantic Coast of France. The aim was to highlight emergent properties of food-web functioning in these two ecosystems and to compare these properties with other coastal ecosystems. Both ecosystems imported detritus in parallel to a high benthic primary production. They were characterised by a high diversity of resources. Both also exported living material, leading to a high quality production, quantified as export of Exergy. This export was mainly composed of cultivated bivalves during the cold season for Brouage Mudflat, and of the migration of grazing fish in Aiguillon Cove during the...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Atlantic coast; Intertidal mudflat; Network analysis; Inverse analysis; Ecosystem comparison; Food web.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Réseau trophique de l'anse de l'Aiguillon : dynamique et structure spatiale de la macrofaune et des limicoles hivernants ArchiMer
Degre, Delphine.
The Aiguillon Cove has been preserved as Natural Reserves since 1996 and 1999 for its international importance as wintering areas for waterbirds. The benthic communities of this a macrotidal bay were still little studied. In order to understand the spatial pattern and the dynamics of the main compartments of its trophic network, two cartographies were carried out at the time of the departure (March) and the arrival (October) of the waders. A monthly study was carried out too in three stations of the upper mudflat. The spatio-temporal homogeneity of the granulometry of the sediments and the strong seasonal variation of the salinity of pore water were highlighted. The molluscs' diversity is low, especially on the upper mudflat where abundance of Hydrobia...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Carrying capacity; Inverse analysis; Spatio temporal patterns; Food web; Isotope; Waders; Molluscs bivalves; Aiguillon Cove; Capacité d'accueil; Analyse inverse; Dynamique des populations; Structure spatiale; Réseau trophique; Isotope; Limicoles; Bivalves; Mollusques; Anse de l'Aiguillon.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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