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Assimilation de données par méthode variationnelle utilisant l’adjoint d’un code de circulation côtière tridimensionnel ArchiMer
Devenon, Jean-luc; Dekeyser, I; Leredde, Y; Lellouche, Jm.
The optimal control technique using an adjoint method is applied to fit the parameters of a 3-D primitive equation coastal model due to a data assimilation procedure. Two of the main unknowns of coastal modelling operations - open boundary conditions and turbulent mixing processes in stratified conditions - are successively considered. The aim of the boundary control procedure is to identify boundary forcing to ensure the best fit between data and model results by minimising a function that measures model and data discrepancies. A methodology for proceeding from the continuous to the discrete formulation of a control problem is given. The robustness of the method is tested for the typical barotropic case of a semi-enclosed basin Kelvin wave. The data...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Data assimilation; 3-D coastal circulation; Boundary conditions fitting; Adjoint method; Turbulence; Data assimilation; 3-D coastal circulation; Boundary conditions fitting; Adjoint method; Turbulence.
Ano: 2001 URL:
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Hydrological characterisation of Ria de Aveiro, Portugal, in early summer ArchiMer
Dias, Jm; Lopes, Jf; Dekeyser, I.
The hydrological features of Ria de Aveiro, a coastal lagoon on the northwest Atlantic coast of Portugal, were investigated in two sampling surveys carried out between 3/6 and 24/6/97 and between 29/6 and 7/7/97, respectively There was a significant freshwater inflow into the lagoon during the first survey, especially in the first days, due to the recent rainfalls. Records concerning water level, salinity, temperature and current velocity were performed at several stations located along the four main channels of the lagoon. The type of tide at the mouth was determined and was observed that astronomical tide is the main forcing agent driving water circulation in Ria de Aveiro. The tide at the mouth is semidiurnal and the tidal wave propagation in the lagoon...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Surélévation; Salinité; Température; Vitesse du courant; Ria de Aveiro; Water level; Salinity; Temperature; Current velocity; Ria de Aveiro.
Ano: 1999 URL:
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Modelisation numerique d'un couplage physico-biologique en milieu cotier ArchiMer
Marcer, R; Fraunie, P; Dekeyser, I; Andersen, V.
This study concerns the numerical simulation of the behaviour of pelagic systems in marine environments by means of a coupled biological and physical model. The physical model is based on the resolution of the Navier-Stokes, temperature and salinity equations in the 3 dimensions of space with a turbulent closure model consisting of 2 supplementary equations ( Kappa - epsilon model). The tridimensional biological model distinguishes 5 areas: phytoplankton (alive and dead); dissolved inorganic nitrogen; herbivores (essentially copepods); and zooplanktonic wastes (dead bodies and fecal pellets). Other than biological relations (nutrition, excretion,...), the sedimentation of biogenic particles (alive and dead phytoplanktonic cells, dead herbivores) are also...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 1991 URL:
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Studies of a full-scale mechanical prototype line for the ANTARES neutrino telescope and tests of a prototype instrument for deep-sea acoustic measurements ArchiMer
Ageron, M; Aguilar, J; Albert, A; Ameli, F; Anghinolfi, M; Anton, G; Anvar, S; Ardellier Desages, F; Aslanides, E; Aubert, J; Auer, R; Barbarito, E; Basa, S; Battaglieri, M; Bazzotti, M; Becherini, Y; Bethoux, N; Beltramelli, J; Bertin, V; Bigi, A; Billault, M; Blaes, R; De Botton, N; Bouwhuis, M; Bruijn, R; Brunner, J; Burgio, G; Busto, J; Cafagna, F; Caillat, L; Calzas, A; Capone, A; Caponetto, L; Carmona, E; Carr, J; Castel, D; Castorina, E; Cavasinni, V; Ceechini, S; Ceres, A; Charvis, P; Chauchot, Pierre; Chiarusi, T; Circella, M; Coail, Jean-yves; Colnard, C; Compere, Chantal; Coniglione, R; Cottini, N; Coyle, P; Cuneo, S; Cussatlegras, A; Damy, Gilbert; Van Dantzig, R; Debonis, G; De Marzo, C; De Vita, R; Dekeyser, I; Delagnes, E; Denans, D; Deschamps, Anne; Dessa, J; Destelle, J; Dinkespieler, B; Distefano, C; Donzaud, C; Drogou, Jean-francois; Druillole, F; Durand, D; Ernenwein, J; Escoffier, S; Falchini, E; Favard, S; Fehr, F; Feinstein, F; Florello, C; Flaminio, V; Fratini, K; Fuda, J; Galeotti, S; Gallone, J; Giacomelli, G; Girard, N; Gojak, C; Goret, P; Graf, K; Guilloux, F; Hallewell, G; Harakeh, M; Hartmann, B; Heijboer, A; Heine, E; Hello, Y; Hernandez Rey, J; Hossl, J; Hoffman, C; Hogenbirk, J; Hubbard, J; Jaquet, M; Jaspers, M; De Jong, M; Jouvenot, F; Kalantar Nayestanaki, N; Kappes, A; Karg, T; Katz, U; Keller, P; Kneib, J; Kok, E; Kok, H; Kooijman, P; Kopper, C; Kouchner, A; Kretschmer, W; Kruijer, A; Kuch, S; Lagier, P; Lahmann, R; Lamanna, G; Lamare, P; Lambard, G; Languillat, J; Laschinsky, H; Lavalle, J; Le Guen, Yvon; Le Provost, H; Van Suu, A; Lefevre, D; Legou, T; Lelaizant, G; Lim, G; Lo Presti, D; Loaec, Gerard; Loehner, H; Loucatos, S; Louis, F; Lucarelli, F; Lyashuk, V; Mangano, S; Marcelin, M; Margiotta, A; Masullo, R; Mazeas, Florence; Mazure, A; Megna, R; Melissas, M; Migneco, E; Mongelli, M; Montaruli, T; Morganti, M; Moscoso, L; Motz, H; Musumeci, M; Naumann, C; Naumann Godo, M; Niess, V; Noble, A; Olivetto, C; Ostasch, R; Palanque Delabrouille, N; Payre, P; Peek, H; Perez, Amparo; Petta, C; Piattelli, P; Pillet, R; Pineau, J; Poinsignon, J; Popa, V; Pradier, T; Racca, C; Randazzo, N; Van Randwijk, J; Real, D; Regnier, M; Van Rens, B; Rethore, F; Rewiersma, P; Riccobene, G; Rigaud, Vincent; Ripani, M; Roca, V; Roda, C; Rolin, Jean-francois; Rostovtsev, A; Roux, Jean; Ruppi, M; Russo, G; Rusydi, G; Salesa, F; Salomon, K; Sapienza, P; Schmitt, F; Schuller, J; Shanidze, R; Sokalski, I; Spona, T; Spurio, M; Van Der Steenhoven, G; Stolarczyk, T; Streeb, K; Sulak, L; Taiuti, M; Tamburini, C; Tao, C; Tasca, L; Terreni, G; Urbano, F; Valdy, Pierre; Valente, V; Vallage, B; Vaudaine, G; Venekamp, G; Verlaat, B; Vernin, P; Van Wijk, R; Wijnker, G; Wobbe, G; De Wolf, E; Yao, A; Zaborov, D; Zaccone, H; Zornoza, J; Zuniga, J.
full-scale mechanical prototype line was deployed to a depth of 2500 m to test the leak tightness of the electronics containers and the pressure-resistant properties of an electromechanical cable under evaluation for use in the ANTARES deep-sea neutrino telescope. During a month-long immersion study, line parameter data were taken using miniature autonomous data loggers and shore-based optical time domain reflectometry. Details of the mechanical prototype line, the electromechanical cable and data acquisition are presented. Data taken during the immersion study revealed deficiencies in the pressure resistance of the electromechanical cable terminations at the entry points to the electronics containers. The improvements to the termination, which have been...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Sea deployment; Electromechanical cable; Optical time domain reflectometry; Leak detection; Underwater neutrino telescope; ANTARES.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Un modèle bidomaine aux équations primitives en Océanographie physique ArchiMer
Laugier, M; Mortier, L; Dekeyser, I.
This study concerns numerical simulations carried out following the elaboration of an oceanological multidomain model. These simulations demonstrate the value of such a model for physical oceanography. A simplified, two-domain version of the multidomain model is presented. It is based on a computer code which solves the Navier-Stokes and temperature equations in the three dimensions of space for an incompressible fluid in accordance with the hydrostatic approximation and Boussinesq's assumption. This model permits a zoom on a specific region of the spatial domain, where the primitive equations are solved, with a mesh refinement, in order to correct by feedback the global numerical solution. It includes a nested procedure which manages the resolution of the...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 1994 URL:
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