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A Late Pliocene rodent fauna from Alozaina (Malaga, Spain) 16
Aguilar, J.P.; Michaux, J.; Delannoy, J.J.; Guendon, J.L..
In this paper 11 species of rodents are described, that have been found in the fossiliferous karst fissure of Alozaina (Malaga, Spain). Three species of Stephanomys (Murinae) are present in this fauna: S. thaleri, S. minor, and the new species S. prietaensis. The latter exhibits a lesser degree of evolution than Stephanomys balcellsi from Valdeganga 7 and Islas Medas. The association of rodents from Alozaina is a new one for the Upper Pliocene in Spain. It indicates that the locality of Alozaina is younger than Moreda 1B and Rambla Seca Ab, and older than Valdeganga 7.
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: 38.22.
Ano: 1993 URL:
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