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Toxicity of ammonia to turbot juveniles: I. effects oil survival, growth and food utilisation ArchiMer
Person-le Ruyet, Jeannine; Delbard, Christine; Chartois, Herve; Le Delliou, Herve.
Long-term effects of constant exogenous ammonia concentrations were investigated in two different batches of turbot juveniles (53 and 73 g) under controlled environmental and feeding conditions. Over the 84-day experiments, ambient un-ionized ammonia (UIA-N, NH3) concentrations were steady (coefficient of variation, 12-16 %) and water pH range was 7.88-7.99. Survival was maximum up to 0.33 mg.l(-1) UIA-N and at 0.73, 50 % mortalities were observed on day 52 (73 g) or day 77 (53 g). No-growth concentration was 0.73 mg.l(-1) UIA-N in the two groups and the 84-day lowest-observable-effect concentration range 0.14-0.33 mg.l(-1). In the most tolerant group (53 g), the 84-day no-observable-effect concentration was 0.14 mg.l(-1) UIA-N. The estimated 28-day...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Azote ammoniacal; Toxicité chronique; Taux de survie; Croissance; Alimentation; Ammonia; Chronic toxicity; Survival rate; Growth; Food efficiency; Psetta maxima.
Ano: 1997 URL:
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