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MD141 – ALIÉNOR. Rapport scientifique à bord du Marion Dufresne II ArchiMer
Turon, Jean-louis; Bourillet, Jean-francois; Delpeint, Arnaud; Simplet, Laure.
ALIENOR (A LIsbon-El Ferréol cruise. A support for North Oriental Atlantic Research) est l’intégration, dans une même campagne, de 4 projets situés sur la route du navire entre Lisbonne et Cardiff (leg 1) puis entre Cardiff et El Ferreol (leg 2). o PRIMAROSA (Paleoclimatic Research from Mediterranean Atlantic Record. Overflow Sedimentary Activity) projet de l’université de Bordeaux proposé par Jean-Louis TURON dont la première partie a été réalisée lors de la mission PRIVILEGE entre Malte et Lisbonne (Mai-Juin 2004). o SEQUOIA (Sequencing Ocean-Ice Interaction) financé par le NERC (Nature Environnement Research Council) et proposé par Ian HALL, principal investigateur. o ORSANE Oceanographic Record in the Sunart loch (Atlantic North East) présenté par...
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Ano: 2004 URL:
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Seismic stratigraphy of the Deglacial deposits of the Rhone prodelta and of the adjacent shelf ArchiMer
Labaune, Caroline; Jouet, Gwenael; Berne, Serge; Gensous, B; Tesson, M; Delpeint, Arnaud.
In order to achieve a synthesis of the stratigraphic organization of the Deglacial deposits of the inner/middle shelf in front of the Rhone delta plain, we merged high resolution (Mini-sparker and Sparker), and very high resolution (chirp and mudpenetrator) seismic data into a single seismic database. Thus, the merged seismic database improves the lateral correlation between eastern and western parts, separated by the Rhone Incised Valley deposits. As a result the interpretation of seismic units in relation to local and global environmental changes was refined. The Deglacial deposits rest on a basal erosional discontinuity capping a complex of Pleistocene prograding wedges. The identified units make up Transgressive and Highstand Systems Tracts, and are...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Sediment supply; Glacio eustacy; Seismic stratigraphy; Deglacial deposits; Rhone shelf.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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