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First Evidence of Realized Selection Response on Fillet Yield in Rainbow Trout Oncorhynchus mykiss, Using Sib Selection or Based on Correlated Ultrasound Measurements 5
Vandeputte, Marc; Bugeon, Jérôme; Bestin, Anastasia; Desgranges, Alexandre; Allamellou, Jean-michel; Tyran, Anne-sophie; Allal, Francois; Dupont-nivet, Mathilde; Haffray, Pierrick.
Fillet yield, the proportion of edible fillet relative to body weight, is a major trait to improve in fish sold processed, as it has a direct impact on profitability and can simultaneously decrease the environmental impact of producing a given amount of fillet. However, it is difficult to improve by selective breeding, because it cannot be measured on live breeding candidates, its phenotypic variation is low, and, as a ratio, it is not normally distributed and a same change in fillet yield can be the result of different changes in fillet weight and body weight. Residual headless gutted carcass weight (rHGCW) is heritable and highly genetically correlated to Fillet% in rainbow trout, and can be predicted by the ratio of abdominal wall thickness to depth of...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Aquaculture; Fillet yield; Selective breeding; Selection response; Production efficiency; Heritability.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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