Vantrepotte, Vincent; Danhiez, Francois-pierre; Loisel, Hubert; Ouillon, Sylvain; Meriaux, Xavier; Cauvin, Arnaud; Dessailly, David. |
Increasing our knowledge on dissolved organic carbon (DOC) spatio-temporal distribution in the coastal ocean represents a crucial challenge for better understanding the role of these ecosystems in the global oceanic carbon cycle. The assessment of DOC concentration from the absorption properties of the colored part of the dissolved organic matter (a(cdom)) was investigated from an extensive data set covering a variety of coastal environments. Our results confirmed that variation in the acdom(412) to DOC ratio (a*(cdom)(412)) can be depicted from the CDOM spectral slope in the UV domain (S275-295). They also evidenced that regional first order variation in both a*(cdom)(412) and S275-295 are highly correlated to variation in acdom(412). From these... |
Tipo: Text |
Ano: 2015 |
URL: https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00589/70063/68011.pdf |
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Han, Bing; Loisel, Hubert; Vantrepotte, Vincent; Meriaux, Xavier; Bryere, Philippe; Ouillon, Sylvain; Dessailly, David; Xing, Qianguo; Zhu, Jianhua. |
Remote sensing of suspended particulate matter, SPM, from space has long been used to assess its spatio-temporal variability in various coastal areas. The associated algorithms were generally site specific or developed over a relatively narrow range of concentration, which make them inappropriate for global applications (or at least over broad SPM range). In the frame of the GlobCoast project, a large in situ data set of SPM and remote sensing reflectance, R-rs(lambda), has been built gathering together measurements from various coastal areas around Europe, French Guiana, North Canada, Vietnam, and China. This data set covers various contrasting coastal environments diversely affected by different biogeochemical and physical processes such as sediment... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Specific backscattering coefficient; Empirical algorithm; Semi-analytic algorithm; Coastal waters; Suspended particulate matter; Ocean color. |
Ano: 2016 |
URL: https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00589/70062/68010.pdf |
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Loisel, Hubert; Lubac, Bertrand; Dessailly, David; Duforet-gaurier, Lucile; Vantrepotte, Vincent. |
The impact of the inherent optical properties (IOP) variability on the chlorophyll, Chl, retrieval from ocean color remote sensing algorithms is analyzed from an in situ data set covering a large dynamic range. The effect of the variability of the specific phytoplankton absorption coefficient, a(phy)/Chl, specific particulate backscattering coefficient, b(bp)/Chl, and colored detrital matter absorption to non-water absorption ratio, a(cdm)/a(nw), on the performance of standard operational algorithms is examined. This study confirms that empirical algorithms are highly dependent on the specifics IOP values (especially b(bp)/Chl and a(cdm)/a(nw)): Chl is over-estimated in waters with specific IOP values higher than averaged values, and vice versa. These... |
Tipo: Text |
Ano: 2010 |
URL: https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00240/35133/33635.pdf |
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Dessailly, David; Loisel, Hubert; Steinmetz, François; Vantrepotte, Vincent; Satra Le Bris, Catherine; Ramon, Didier; Meillon, Julien. |
In the frame of GlobCoast project (11/2012-11/2015), funded by the French National Research Agency (ANR), a completely new dataset covering the global coastal waters has been processed. For MERIS period (2002-2012), SPM, Chlorophyl, acdom, DOC, Kd, anw and bbp, are now available at global scale at 1 km resolution. Monthly climatologies (with variation coefficient), eight days and monthly means are available. Results of advanced time series analysis from census-X11 method (trend, seasonal and irregular contribution) are also available. The data, projected on a sinusoidal equal-area grid, have been filtered to only keep the coastal waters. Even with filtering each image has a potential of 64 millions of pixels. To deal with this a specific storage format... |
Tipo: Text |
Ano: 2016 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00357/46823/46693.pdf |
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