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Coccolith-derived turbidity and hydrological conditions in May in the Bay of Biscay ArchiMer
Perrot, Laurie; Gohin, Francis; Ruiz-pino, Diana; Lampert, Luis; Huret, Martin; Dessier, Aurelie; Malestroit, Pascale; Dupuy, Christine; Bourriau, Paul.
Coccolithophore blooms occur regularly from April to June in the Bay of Biscay where they have been observed for many years from ocean-colour imagery thanks to the ability of their calcite plates to scatter light. They are easily depicted on interpolated images of non-algal Suspended Particulate Matter (SPM) derived from satellite reflectance data in May, at the time of the PELGAS (PELagique GAScogne) annual surveys. Over the springs 2012 to 2015, the PELGAS surveys provided in-situ data on the turbidity throughout the water column and on the hydrological environment prevailing during the blooms in the vicinity of the continental shelf break. The satellite-derived SPM in the area of coccolithophore blooms was closely related to measured turbidity in the...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Bay of Biscay; Ocean colour; Suspended particulate matter; Turbidity; Coccoliths; Stratification.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Small pelagic fish feeding patterns in relation to food resource variability: an isotopic investigation for Sardina pilchardus and Engraulis encrasicolus from the Bay of Biscay (north-east Atlantic) ArchiMer
Chouvelon, Tiphaine; Violamer, L.; Dessier, Aurelie; Bustamante, Paco; Mornet, Francoise; Pignon-mussaud, Cecilia; Dupuy, Christine.
Small pelagic fish represent an essential link between lower and upper trophic levels in marine pelagic ecosystems and often support important fisheries. In the Bay of Biscay in the north-east Atlantic, no obvious controlling factors have yet been described that explain observed fluctuations in European sardine Sardina pilchardus and European anchovy Engraulis encrasicolus stocks, in contrast to other systems. The aim of this study was therefore to investigate to which extent these fluctuations could be trophodynamically mediated. The trophic ecology of both fish species was characterised over three contrasting periods (spring 2010 and 2011 and autumn 2011) in the area, in relation to potential variation in the abundance and composition of the...
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Ano: 2015 URL:
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The spring mesozooplankton variability and its relationship with hydrobiological structure over year-to-year changes (2003–2013) in the southern Bay of Biscay (Northeast Atlantic) ArchiMer
Dessier, Aurelie; Bustamante, Paco; Chouvelon, Tiphaine; Huret, Martin; Pagano, Marc; Marquis, Elise; Rousseaux, Frederic; Pignon-mussaud, Cecilia; Mornet, Francoise; Breret, Martine; Dupuy, Christine.
Mesozooplankton can be considered the most important secondary producers in marine food webs because they hold an intermediate position between the phytoplankton assemblage and the upper trophic levels. They also are a robust indicator of climatic and hydrological conditions. We conducted an analysis of the interannual variability of the spring mesozooplankton assemblage, as sampled by the PELGAS fisheries survey in the southern part of the Bay of Biscay (Northeast Atlantic Ocean) between 2003 and 2013. We examined hydrology and trophic drivers to explain the variability. Our results revealed that the subsurface temperature, the subsurface salinity, the biomasses of subsurface pico-, nano-, and microphytoplankton, and the copepod assemblage exhibited a...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Tracking, feather moult and stable isotopes reveal foraging behaviour of a critically endangered seabird during the non-breeding season ArchiMer
Meier, Rhiannon E.; Votier, Stephen C.; Wynn, Russell B.; Guilford, Tim; Mcminn Grive, Miguel; Rodriguez, Ana; Newton, Jason; Maurice, Louise; Chouvelon, Tiphaine; Dessier, Aurelie; Trueman, Clive N..
Aim The movement patterns of marine top predators are likely to reflect responses to prey distributions, which themselves can be influenced by factors such as climate and fisheries. The critically endangered Balearic shearwater Puffinus mauretanicus has shown a recent northwards shift in non-breeding distribution, tentatively linked to changing forage fish distribution and/or fisheries activity. Here, we provide the first information on the foraging ecology of this species during the non-breeding period. Location Breeding grounds in Mallorca, Spain, and non-breeding areas in the north-east Atlantic and western Mediterranean. Methods Birdborne geolocation was used to identify non-breeding grounds. Information on feather moult (from digital images) and...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Balearic shearwater; Diet; Discards; Feeding ecology; Fisheries; Migration; Trophic.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Variability of energy density among mesozooplankton community: new insights in functional diversity to forage fish ArchiMer
Dessier, Aurelie; Dupuy, Christine; Kerric, Anais; Mornet, Francoise; Authier, Matthieu; Bustamante, Paco; Spitz, Jerome.
To explore some aspects of mesozooplankton functional diversity, this study quantified energy density during the springtime in the Bay of Biscay both between different species and between different size-classes. Energy densities of copepod species (Centropages typicus, Anomalocera patersoni, Calanus helgolandicus, and Labidocera wollastoni), as well as anchovy eggs (Engraulis encrasicolus) ranged from 0.5 to 6.7 kJ/g wet weight (ww). Considering size-classes, energy densities varied from 0.74 to 1.26 kJ/g ww. Energy density of C. helgolandicus exhibited a spatial pattern with the highest values in the plume of the Gironde estuary. In contrast, no spatial pattern of energy density has been detected considering size-classes. Our results showed that the...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Bay of Biscay; Profitability; Copepods; Prey-predator relationship; Fisheries.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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