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Benthic impact of fisheries in European waters: the distribution and intensity of bottom trawling ArchiMer
Eigaard, Ole R.; Bastardie, Francois; Hintzen, Niels; Buhl-mortensen, Lene; Buhl-mortensen, Pål; Catarino, Rui; Dinesen, Grete E.; Fock, Heino; Geitner, Kerstin; Gerritsen, Hans; Gonzalez, Manuel M.; Jonsson, Patrik; Kavadas, Stefanos; Laffargue, Pascal; Lundy, Mathieu; Mirelis, Genoveva G.; Nielsen, Rasmus; Papadopoulou, Nadia; Posen, Paulette; Pulcinella, Jacopo; Russo, Tomasso; Sala, Antonello; Silva, Cristina; Smith, Chris; Vanelslander, Bart; Zengin, Mustafa; Rijnsdorp, Adriaan D..
Mapping and monitoring of pressure from fishery on the marine benthic environment is necessary to support an ecosystem approach to fisheries management (EAFM). In many cases this need is not reflected in official fisheries statistics and logbooks, where focus typically is on catch rather than effort. Consequently, most logbook information is not well suited for quantitative estimation of seafloor impact (swept area and impact severity) of the different gears and trips. We developed a method to overcome this information deficiency of official statistics and produced European wide high-resolution fishing intensity maps (total yearly swept area within grid cells of 1*1 minutes longitude and latitude) for 2010, 2011 and 2012. The annual distribution and...
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Ano: 2015 URL:
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Biological traits as functional indicators to assess and predict (using statistical models) the status of different habitats - ArchiMer
Bolam, Stéphane; Eggleton, Jacqueline D.; Garcia, Clement; Kenny, Andrew J.; Buhl-mortensen, Lene; Gonzalez, Genoveva; Kooten, Tobias; Dinesen, Grete E.; Hansen, Jorgen; Hiddink, Jan Geert; Sciberras, Marija; Smith, Chris; Papadopoulou, K. Nadia; Gumus, Aysun; Van Hoey, Gert; Laffargue, Pascal; Eigaard, Ole; Bastardie, Francois.
One of the most widespread yet manageable pressures imposed on the seabed is that resulting from disturbance of the substrate by towed demersal fishing gear (bottom fishing and dredging). Demersal fishing gears are deployed on every continental shelf in the world and, in UK waters, the footprint of fishing is estimated to account for over 99% of the known footprint of all human pressures on the seabed. It is, therefore, essential that current and future management of fishing activities are based on an improved scientific rationale in order to improve the long-term sustainability of this activity. While the impacts of demersal fishing on the biological characteristics of the seabed have been well-studied, the approaches have tended to focus on assessing...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Report on options for mitigation fishing impacts in regional seas ArchiMer
Sala, Antonello; Bastardie, Francois; De Carlo, F.; Dinesen, Grete E.; Eigaard, Ole; Feekings, J.p.; Frandsen, R.f.; Jonsson, P.; Krag, L.a.; Laffargue, Pascal; Magnusson, M.; Nielsen, J. Rasmus; Notti, Emilio; Papadoupoulou, Nadia; Polet, Hans; Rijnsdorp, A. D.; Sköld, Mattias; Smith, Chris; Van Marlen, B.; Virgili, Massimo; Zengin, Mustafa.
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2014 URL:
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