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Expanding Tara Oceans Protocols for Underway, Ecosystemic Sampling of the Ocean-Atmosphere Interface During Tara Pacific Expedition (2016-2018) ArchiMer
Gorsky, Gabriel; Bourdin, Guillaume; Lombard, Fabien; Pedrotti, Maria Luiza; Audrain, Samuel; Bin, Nicolas; Boss, Emmanuel; Bowler, Chris; Cassar, Nicolas; Caudan, Loic; Chabot, Genevieve; Cohen, Natalie R.; Cron, Daniel; De Vargas, Colomban; Dolan, John R.; Douville, Eric; Elineau, Amanda; Flores, J. Michel; Ghiglione, Jean Francois; Haentjens, Nils; Hertau, Martin; John, Seth G.; Kelly, Rachel L.; Koren, Ilan; Lin, Yajuan; Marie, Dominique; Moulin, Clementine; Moucherie, Yohann; Pesant, Stephane; Picheral, Marc; Poulain, Julie; Pujo-pay, Mireille; Reverdin, Gilles; Romac, Sarah; Sullivan, Mathew B.; Trainic, Miri; Tressol, Marc; Trouble, Romain; Vardi, Assaf; Voolstra, Christian R.; Wincker, Patrick; Agostini, Sylvain; Banaigs, Bernard; Boissin, Emilie; Forcioli, Didier; Furla, Paola; Galand, Pierre E.; Gilson, Eric; Reynaud, Stephanie; Sunagawa, Shinichi; Thomas, Olivier P.; Thurber, Rebecca Lisette Vega; Zoccola, Didier; Planes, Serge; Allemand, Denis; Karsenti, Eric; Planes, S.; Banaig, B.; Boissin, E.; Iwankow, G.; Allemand, D.; Zoccola, D.; Reynaud, S.; Beraud, E.; Djerbi, N.; Forcioli, D.; Furla, P.; Gilson, E.; Mcmind, R.; Ottaviani, A.; Rottinger, E.; Rouan, A.; Zamoum, T.; Flume, B. C. C.; Pogoreutz, C.; Voolstra, C. R.; Rothig, T.; Ziegler, M.; Paoli, L.; Ruscheweyh, H-j; Salazar, G.; Sunagawa, S.; Flores, J. M.; Koren, I; Trainic, M.; Lang-yona, N.; Vardi, A.; Conan, P.; Ghiglione, J-f; Pujo-pay, M.; Galand, P. E.; Hochart, C.; Audrain, S.; Bourgois, E.; Hertau, M.; Lancelot, J.; Monmarche, D.; Moulin, C.; Moucherie, Y.; Trouble, R.; Boss, E.; Bourdin, G.; Haentjens, N.; Karp-boss, L.; Douville, Eric; Agostini, S.; Mitsuhashi, G.; Kitano, Y.; Da Silva, O.; Dolan, J. R.; Gorsky, G.; Lemee, R.; Lombard, F.; Pedrotti, M-l; Cronin, D.; Sullivan, M.; Armstrong, E.; Aury, J-m; Barbe, V; Belser, C.; Carradec, Q.; Labadie, K.; Le-hoang, J.; Noel, B.; Poulain, J.; Wincker, P.; Klinges, G.; Vega-thunder, R.; Bonnival, E.; De Vargas, C.; Henry, N.; Marie, D.; Romac, S.; Pesant, S.; Miguel-gorda, M.; Thomas, O. P.; Bowler, C.; Friedrich, R.; Cassar, N.; Lin, Y.; John, S. G.; Kelly, R. L.; Cohen, N. R.; Reverdin, G.; Filee, J..
Interactions between the ocean and the atmosphere occur at the air-sea interface through the transfer of momentum, heat, gases and particulate matter, and through the impact of the upper-ocean biology on the composition and radiative properties of this boundary layer. The Tara Pacific expedition, launched in May 2016 aboard the schooner Tara, was a 29-month exploration with the dual goals to study the ecology of reef ecosystems along ecological gradients in the Pacific Ocean and to assess inter-island and open ocean surface plankton and neuston community structures. In addition, key atmospheric properties were measured to study links between the two boundary layer properties. A major challenge for the open ocean sampling was the lack of ship-time available...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Neuston/plankton genomics/taxonomy/imaging; Aerosols; NCP; IOP; Trace metals; Microplastic.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Microbial food webs and metabolic state across oligotrophic waters of the Mediterranean Sea during summer ArchiMer
Christaki, U.; Van Wambeke, France; Lefevre, D.; Lagaria, A.; Prieur, L.; Pujo-pay, M.; Grattepanche, J. -d.; Colombet, J.; Psarra, S.; Dolan, J. R.; Sime-ngando, T.; Conan, Pascal; Weinbauer, M. G.; Moutin, T..
The abundance and activity of the major members of the heterotrophic microbial community - from viruses to ciliates - were studied along a longitudinal transect across the Mediterranean Sea in the summer of 2008. The Mediterranean Sea is characterized by a west to east gradient of deepening of DCM (deep chlorophyll maximum) and increasing oligotrophy reflected in gradients of biomass and production. However, within this well documented longitudinal trend, hydrological mesoscale features exist and likely influence microbial dynamics. Here we present data from a W-E transect of 17 stations during the period of summer stratification. Along the transect the production and fate of organic matter was investigated at three selected sites each one located in the...
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Ano: 2011 URL:
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Short-scale temporal variability of physical, biological and biogeochemical processes in the NW Mediterranean Sea: an introduction ArchiMer
Andersen, V.; Goutx, M.; Prieur, L.; Dolan, J. R..
In the framework of the PROOF-PECHE project ( a multi-disciplinary team performed experiments and collected samples during the DYNAPROC2 cruise aboard the RV Thalassa from September to October in 2004. The cruise provided data on the functioning of the pelagic food web by sampling over a month long period in the NW Mediterranean Sea at a fixed station subject to weak horizontal advection currents during a period of hydrological stability. This paper describes the background of the cruise and provides an overview of the results derived from the campaign which constitute the special section. The major objective of the cruise was to assess the relative importance and variability of the pathways of carbon in...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Spring bloom; Zooplankton community; Vertical distribution; Surface layer; Wind events; Bacterial communities; Food web; Transition; Oligotrophy; Abundance.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Similar patterns of patterns of community organization characterize distinct groups of different trophic levels in the plankton of the NW Mediterranean Sea ArchiMer
Raybaud, V.; Tunin-ley, A.; Ritchie, M. E.; Dolan, J. R..
Planktonic populations were sampled over a 4 week period in the NW Mediterranean, at a site subject to little vertical advection during the Dynaproc 2 cruise in 2004. The characteristics of the phytoplankton, the tintinnid community and the zooplankton have recently been described in detail. Based on these studies, we compared the characteristics of 3 well-circumscribed assemblages of different trophic levels: Ceratium of the phytoplankton, herbivorous tintinnids of the microzooplankton, and large (> 500 mu m) omnivorous and carnivorous copepods of the metazoan zooplankton. In all three groups, diversity as H' or species richness, was less variable than concentration of organisms. Plotting time against species accumulation, the curves approached plateau...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Species abundance distributions; Diversity; Zooplankton; Microzooplankton; Phytoplankton; Biodiversity.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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The reliability of grazing rate estimates from dilution experiments: Have we over-estimated rates of organic carbon consumption by microzooplankton? ArchiMer
Dolan, J. R.; Mckeon, K..
According to a recent global analysis, microzooplankton grazing is surprisingly invariant, ranging only between 59 and 74% of phytoplankton primary production across systems differing in seasonality, trophic status, latitude, or salinity. Thus an important biological process in the world ocean, the daily consumption of recently fixed carbon, appears nearly constant. We believe this conclusion is an artefact because dilution experiments are 1) prone to providing over-estimates of grazing rates and 2) unlikely to furnish evidence of low grazing rates. In our view the overall average rate of microzooplankton grazing probably does not exceed 50% of primary production and may be even lower in oligotrophic systems.
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Ano: 2005 URL:
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The Tara Pacific expedition-A pan-ecosystemic approach of the "-omics" complexity of coral reef holobionts across the Pacific Ocean ArchiMer
Planes, Serge; Allemand, Denis; Agostini, Sylvain; Banaigs, Bernard; Boissin, Emilie; Boss, Emmanuel; Bourdin, Guillaume; Bowler, Chris; Douville, Eric; Flores, J. Michel; Forcioli, Didier; Furla, Paola; Galand, Pierre E.; Ghiglione, Jean-francois; Gilson, Eric; Lombard, Fabien; Moulin, Clementine; Pesant, Stephane; Poulain, Julie; Reynaud, Stephanie; Romac, Sarah; Sullivan, Matthew B.; Sunagawa, Shinichi; Thomas, Olivier P.; Trouble, Romain; De Vargas, Colomban; Thurber, Rebecca Vega; Voolstra, Christian R.; Wincker, Patrick; Zoccola, Didier; Planes, S.; Allemand, D.; Agostini, S.; Armstrong, E.; Audrain, S.; Aury, J-m; Banaig, B.; Barbe, V; Belser, C.; Beraud, E.; Boissin, E.; Bonnival, E.; Boss, E.; Bourdin, G.; Bourgois, E.; Bowler, C.; Carradec, Q.; Cassar, N.; Cohen, N. R.; Conan, P.; Cronin, D. R.; Da Silva, O.; De Vargas, C.; Djerbi, N.; Dolan, J. R.; Herta, Dominguez G.; Douville, Eric; Du J,; Filee, J.; Flores, J. M.; Forcioli, D.; Friedrich, R.; Furla, P.; Galand, P. E.; Ghiglione, J-f; Gilson, E.; Gorsky, G.; Guinther, M.; Haentjens, N.; Henry, N.; Hertau, M.; Hochart, C.; Hume, B. C. C.; Iwankow, G.; John, S. G.; Karp-boss, L.; Kelly, R. L.; Kitano, Y.; Klinges, G.; Koren, I; Labadie, K.; Lancelot, J.; Lang-yona, N.; Le-hoang, J.; Lemee, R.; Lin, Y.; Lombard, F.; Marie, D.; Mcmind, R.; Miguel-gordo, M.; Trainic, M.; Monmarche, D.; Moulin, C.; Mucherie, Y.; Noel, B.; Ottaviani, A.; Paoli, L.; Pedrotti, M-l; Pesant, S.; Pogoreutz, C.; Poulain, J.; Pujo-pay, M.; Reverdin, G.; Reynaud, S.; Romac, S.; Rothig, T.; Rottinger, E.; Rouan, A.; Ruscheweyh, H-j; Salazar, G.; Sullivan, M. B.; Sunagawa, S.; Thomas, O. P.; Trouble, R.; Vardi, A.; Vega-thunder, R.; Voolstra, C. R.; Wincker, P.; Zahed, A.; Zamoum, T.; Ziegler, M.; Zoccola, D..
Coral reefs are the most diverse habitats in the marine realm. Their productivity, structural complexity, and biodiversity critically depend on ecosystem services provided by corals that are threatened because of climate change effects-in particular, ocean warming and acidification. The coral holobiont is composed of the coral animal host, endosymbiotic dinoflagellates, associated viruses, bacteria, and other microeukaryotes. In particular, the mandatory photosymbiosis with microalgae of the family Symbiodiniaceae and its consequences on the evolution, physiology, and stress resilience of the coral holobiont have yet to be fully elucidated. The functioning of the holobiont as a whole is largely unknown, although bacteria and viruses are presumed to play...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2019 URL:
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