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Entrepreneurship, Collective Entrepreneurship and the Producer-Owned Firm AgEcon
Bijman, Jos; Doorneweert, Bart.
Entrepreneurship is predominantly associated with the activities of an individual actor – the entrepreneur. It has also been related to the concept of firm ownership (e.g. Foss and Klein, 2005). This may lead to the conjecture that a collectively-owned firm is a setting for collective entrepreneurship. However, such reasoning encounters a number of taxing questions. If entrepreneurship is usually related to the individual, how does the collective embody entrepreneurial spirit and lead to effective outcomes? These and other questions will be addressed in this paper, which is mainly based on a review of the literature. The paper starts by providing an overview of the different schools of (economic) thought on entrepreneurship. Subsequently we discuss the...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Entreprepreneurship; Cooperative; Pro; Agribusiness; Industrial Organization.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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