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Expression of matrix metalloproteases-2 and -9 in horse hoof laminae after intestinal obstruction, with or without Hydrocortisone treatment 65
Laskoski,Luciane Maria; Valadão,Carlos Augusto Araújo; Vasconcelos,Rosemeri de Oliveira; Ferrucci,Danilo; Silva,Juliete Aparecida Francisco; Machado,Dagmar Ruth Stach; Doria,Renata Gebara Sampaio; Mendonça,Fabio de Sousa.
Twenty horses were used in the experiment, for composed control group, (Cg) instrumented group, (Ig;without intestinal obstruction), treated group (Tg;submitted to intestinal obstruction and hydrocortisone treatment) and non-treated group (Ntg;submitted to intestinal obstruction without treatment). Immunohistochemistry and zymography techniques were used for researches on MMPs 2 and 9 in horse hoof laminae. There was an increase in the expression of MMP-2 in animals of Tg and Ntg. MMP-9 increased on animals from groups Ntg and Ig, however there was no rise of this MMP on the Tg when compared to the other groups in the immunohistochemistry analysis. Based on the results, it was observed that the intestinal injury caused by enterotomy and intestinal...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Laminitis; Metalloprotease; Horse; Zymography; Immunohistochemistry.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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