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A systemic framework for context-based decision making in natural resource management: reflections on an integrative assessment of water and livelihood security outcomes following policy reform in South Africa 7
Pollard, Sharon; The Association for Water and Rural Development;; Biggs, Harry; SANParks;; Du Toit, Derick R; The Association for Water and Rural Development;
We aimed to contribute to the field of natural resource management (NRM) by introducing an alternative systemic context-based framework for planning, research, and decision making, which we expressed practically in the development of a decision-making “tool” or method. This holistic framework was developed in the process of studying a specific catchment area, i.e., the Sand River Catchment, but we have proposed that it can be generalized to studying the complexities of other catchment areas. Using the lens of systemic resilience to think about dynamic and complex environments differently, we have reflected on the development of a systemic framework for understanding water and livelihood security under transformation in postapartheid...
Tipo: Peer-Reviewed Reports Palavras-chave: Complexity; Decision making; Dynamic; Governance; IWRM; Livelihood security; Resilience; SES; Social-ecological systems; Transdisciplinarity; Transformation.
Ano: 2014
Registros recuperados: 1
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