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A model-based evaluation of Marine Protected Areas: the example of eastern Baltic cod (Gadus morhua callarias L.) 5
Kraus, Gerd; Pelletier, Dominique; Dubreuil, Julien; Moellmann, Christian; Hinrichsen, Hans-harald; Bastardie, Francois; Vermard, Youen; Mahevas, Stephanie.
The eastern Baltic cod stock collapsed as a consequence of climate-driven adverse hydrographic conditions and over fishing and has remained at historically low levels. Spatio-temporal fishing closures [Marine Protected Areas (MPAs)] have been implemented since 1995, to protect and restore the spawning stock. However, no signs of recovery have been observed yet, either suggesting that MPAs are an inappropriate management measure or pointing towards suboptimal closure design. We used the spatially explicit fishery simulation model ISIS-Fish to evaluate proposed and implemented fishery closures, combining an age-structured population module with a multifleet exploitation module and a management module in a single model environment. The model is parameterized...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Stock recovery; Model; Marine Protected Areas; Fishery management; Baltic cod.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Energy density of anchovy Engraulis encrasicolus in the Bay of Biscay 5
Dubreuil, Julien; Petitgas, Pierre.
The energy density (E-D) of anchovy Engraulis encrasicolus in the Bay of Biscay was determined by direct calorimetry and its evolution with size, age and season was investigated. The water content and energy density varied seasonally following opposite trends. The E-D g(-1) of wet mass (M-W) was highest at the end of the feeding season (autumn: c. 8 kJ g(-1) M-W) and lowest in late winter (c. 6 kJ g(-1) M-W). In winter, the fish lost mass, which was partially replaced by water, and the energy density decreased. These variations in water content and organic matter content may have implications on the buoyancy of the fish. The water content was the major driver of the energy density variations for a M-W basis. A significant linear relationship was...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Seasonal cycle; Reserves; Bioenergetics.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Marine reserve benefits and recreational fishing yields: The winners and the losers 5
Kayal, Mohsen; Cigala, Marine; Cambra, Eléonore; Soulat, Nelly; Mercader, Manon; Lebras, Audrey; Ivanoff, Pauline; Sébési, Léa; Lassus-debat, Aurélie; Hartmann, Virginie; Bradtke, Mélissa; Lenfant, Philippe; Jabouin, Coraline; Dubreuil, Julien; Pelletier, Dominique; Joguet, Manon; Le Mellionnec, Solène; Brichet, Marion; Binche, Jean-louis; Payrot, Jérôme; Saragoni, Gilles; Crec’hriou, Romain; Verdoit-jarraya, Marion.
Marine reserves constitute effective tools for preserving fish stocks and associated human benefits. However, not all reserves perform equally, and predicting the response of marine communities to management actions in the long run is challenging. Our decadal-scale survey of recreational fishing yields at France’s 45-year old Cerbère-Banyuls marine reserve indicated significant protection benefits, with 40–50% higher fishing yields per unit effort in the partial-protection zone of the reserve (where fishing is permitted but at a lower level) than in surrounding non-reserve areas. Over the period 2005–2014, catch per unit effort (CPUE) declined both inside and outside the reserve, while weight per unit effort (WPUE) increased by 131% inside and decreased by...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2020 URL:
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