Dulaquais, Gabriel; Boye, Marie; Middag, Rob; Owens, Stephanis; Puigcorbe, Viena; Buesseler, Ken; Masque, Pere; De Baar, Hein J. W.; Carton, Xavier. |
Dissolved cobalt (DCo; <0.2 µm; 14 to 93 pM) and the apparent particulate cobalt (PCo; >0.2 µm; <1 to 15 pM) were determined in the upper water column (<1000 m) of the western Atlantic Ocean along the GEOTRACES-A02 section (64°N to 50°S). The lowest DCo concentrations, typical of a nutrient-type distribution were observed in surface waters of the subtropical domains. Strong linear relationships between DCo and phosphate (P) as well as meridional gradients of decreasing DCo from high latitudes were characterized and both linked to the Co biological requirement. External sources such as the Amazon and the atmospheric deposition were found to contribute significantly (>10%) to the DCo stock of the mixed layer in the equatorial and north... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Cobalt; Biogeochemistry; Atlantic Ocean; Chemical Oceanography; GEOTRACES. |
Ano: 2014 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00241/35222/33732.pdf |
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Baconnais, Isabelle; Rouxel, Olivier; Dulaquais, Gabriel; Boye, Marie. |
A new technique for the determination of dissolved copper isotope composition (δ65Cu) of seawater was applied to examine copper sources and internal cycling in the Mediterranean Sea. A succession of chelating resin with nitrilotriacetic acid functional groups and strong base anion exchange resin, together with optimization of the multi-collector inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry set-up allowed to isolate copper from seawater matrix and to measure the 65Cu/63Cu ratios in seawater with an external precision of 0.06‰ (2 s.d.). This method was first applied for inter-comparison measurements to surface and deep waters sampled at station BATS in the North Atlantic Ocean. Disparities in δ65Cu reported here and in the literature over these samples... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Copper isotope; Seawater; Mediterranean Sea; Geotraces; Isotope fractionation. |
Ano: 2019 |
URL: https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00457/56880/58742.pdf |
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Dulaquais, Gabriel; Boye, Marie; Rijkenberg, M. J. A.; Carton, Xavier. |
The distributions of the bio-essential trace element dissolved cobalt (DCo) and the apparent particulate Co (PCo) are presented along the GEOTRACES-A02 deep section from 64(o) N to 50(o) S in the western Atlantic Ocean (longest section of international GEOTRACES marine environment program). PCo was determined as the difference between total cobalt (TCo, unfiltered samples) and DCo. DCo concentrations ranged from 14.7 pM to 94.3 pM, and PCo concentrations from undetectable values to 18.8 pM. The lowest DCo concentrations were observed in the subtropical domains, and the highest in the low-oxygenated Atlantic Central Waters (ACW), which appears to be the major reservoir of DCo in the western Atlantic. In the Antarctic Bottom Waters, the enrichment in DCo... |
Tipo: Text |
Ano: 2014 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00241/35223/33727.pdf |
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Mawji, Edward; Schlitzer, Reiner; Dodas, Elena Masferrer; Abadie, Cyril; Abouchami, Wafa; Anderson, Robert F.; Baars, Oliver; Bakker, Karel; Baskaran, Mark; Bates, Nicholas R.; Bluhm, Katrin; Bowie, Andrew; Bown, Johann; Boye, Marie; Boyle, Edward A.; Branellec, Pierre; Bruland, Kenneth W.; Brzezinski, Mark A.; Bucciarelli, Eva; Buesseler, Ken; Butler, Edward; Cai, Pinghe; Cardinal, Damien; Casciotti, Karen; Chaves, Joaquin; Cheng, Hai; Chever, Fanny; Church, Thomas M.; Colman, Albert S.; Conway, Tim M.; Croot, Peter L.; Cutter, Gregory A.; De Baar, Hein J. W.; De Souza, Gregory F.; Dehairs, Frank; Deng, Feifei; Huong Thi Dieu,; Dulaquais, Gabriel; Echegoyen-sanz, Yolanda; Edwards, R. Lawrence; Fahrbach, Eberhard; Fitzsimmons, Jessica; Fleisher, Martin; Frank, Martin; Friedrich, Jana; Fripiat, Francois; Galer, Stephen J. G.; Gamo, Toshitaka; Solsona, Ester Garcia; Gerringa, Loes J. A.; Godoy, Jose Marcus; Gonzalez, Santiago; Grossteffan, Emilie; Hatta, Mariko; Hayes, Christopher T.; Heller, Maija Iris; Henderson, Gideon; Huang, Kuo-fang; Jeandel, Catherine; Jenkins, William J.; John, Seth; Kenna, Timothy C.; Klunder, Maarten; Kretschmer, Sven; Kumamoto, Yuichiro; Laan, Patrick; Labatut, Marie; Lacan, Francois; Lam, Phoebe J.; Lannuzel, Delphine; Le Moigne, Frederique; Lechtenfeld, Oliver J.; Lohan, Maeve C.; Lu, Yanbin; Masque, Pere; Mcclain, Charles R.; Measures, Christopher; Middag, Rob; Moffett, James; Navidad, Alicia; Nishioka, Jun; Noble, Abigail; Obata, Hajime; Ohnemus, Daniel C.; Owens, Stephanie; Planchon, Frederic; Pradoux, Catherine; Puigcorbe, Viena; Quay, Paul; Radic, Amandine; Rehkaemper, Mark; Remenyi, Tomas; Rijkenberg, Micha J. A.; Rintoul, Stephen; Robinson, Laura F.; Roeske, Tobias; Rosenberg, Mark; Van Der Loeff, Michiel Rutgers; Ryabenko, Evgenia; Saito, Mak A.; Roshan, Saeed; Salt, Lesley; Sarthou, Geraldine; Schauer, Ursula; Scott, Peter; Sedwick, Peter N.; Sha, Lijuan; Shiller, Alan M.; Sigman, Daniel M.; Smethie, William; Smith, Geoffrey J.; Sohrin, Yoshiki; Speich, Sabrina; Stichel, Torben; Stutsman, Johnny; Swift, James H.; Tagliabue, Alessandro; Thomas, Alexander; Tsunogai, Urumu; Twining, Benjamin S.; Van Aken, Hendrik M.; Van Heuven, Steven; Van Ooijen, Jan; Van Weerlee, Evaline; Venchiarutti, Celia; Voelker, Antje H. L.; Wake, Bronwyn; Warner, Mark J.; Woodward, E. Malcolm S.; Wu, Jingfeng; Wyatt, Neil; Yoshikawa, Hisayuki; Zheng, Xin-yuan; Xue, Zichen; Zieringer, Moritz; Zimmer, Louise A.. |
The GEOTRACES Intermediate Data Product 2014 (IDP2014) is the first publicly available data product of the international GEOTRACES programme, and contains data measured and quality controlled before the end of 2013. It consists of two parts: (1) a compilation of digital data for more than 200 trace elements and isotopes (TEls) as well as classical hydrographic parameters, and (2) the eGEOTRACES Electronic Atlas providing a strongly inter-linked on-line atlas including more than 300 section plots and 90 animated 3D scenes. The IDP2014 covers the Atlantic, Arctic, and Indian oceans, exhibiting highest data density in the Atlantic. The TEI data in the IDP2014 are quality controlled by careful assessment of intercalibration results and multi-laboratory data... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: GEOTRACES; Trace elements; Isotopes; Electronic atlas. |
Ano: 2015 |
URL: https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00308/41910/41190.pdf |
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Schlitzer, Reiner; Anderson, Robert F.; Dodas, Elena Masferrer; Lohan, Maeve; Geibere, Walter; Tagliabue, Alessandro; Bowie, Andrew; Jeandel, Catherine; Maldonado, Maria T.; Landing, William M.; Cockwell, Donna; Abadie, Cyril; Abouchami, Wafa; Achterberg, Eric P.; Agather, Alison; Aguliar-islas, Ana; Van Aken, Hendrik M.; Andersen, Morten; Archer, Corey; Auro, Maureen; De Baar, Hein J.; Baars, Oliver; Baker, Alex R.; Bakker, Karel; Basak, Chandranath; Baskaran, Mark; Bates, Nicholas R.; Bauch, Dorothea; Van Beek, Pieter; Behrens, Melanie K.; Black, Erin; Bluhm, Katrin; Bopp, Laurent; Bouman, Heather; Bowman, Katlin; Bown, Johann; Boyd, Philip; Boye, Marie; Boyle, Edward A.; Branellec, Pierre; Bridgestock, Luke; Brissebrat, Guillaume; Browning, Thomas; Bruland, Kenneth W.; Brumsack, Hans-juergen; Brzezinski, Mark; Buck, Clifton S.; Buck, Kristen N.; Buesseler, Ken; Bull, Abby; Butler, Edward; Cai, Pinghe; Camara Mor, Patricia; Cardinal, Damien; Carlson, Craig; Carrasco, Gonzalo; Casacuberta, Nuria; Casciotti, Karen L.; Castrillejo, Maxi; Chamizo, Elena; Chance, Rosie; Charette, Matthew A.; Chaves, Joaquin E.; Cheng, Hai; Chever, Fanny; Christl, Marcus; Church, Thomas M.; Closset, Ivia; Colman, Albert; Conway, Tim M.; Cossa, Daniel; Croot, Peter; Cullen, Jay T.; Cutter, Gregory A.; Daniels, Chris; Dehairs, Frank; Deng, Feifei; Dieu, Huong Thi; Duggan, Brian; Dulaquais, Gabriel; Dumousseaud, Cynthia; Echegoyen-sanz, Yolanda; Edwards, R. Lawrence; Ellwood, Michael; Fahrbach, Eberhard; Fitzsimmons, Jessica N.; Flegal, A. Russell; Fleisher, Martin Q.; Van De Flierdt, Tina; Frank, Martin; Friedrich, Jana; Fripiat, Francois; Froellje, Henning; Galer, Stephen J. G.; Gamo, Toshitaka; Ganeshram, Raja S.; Garcia-orellana, Jordi; Garcia-solsona, Ester; Gault-ringold, Melanie; George, Ejin; Gerringa, Loes J. A.; Gilbert, Melissa; Godoy, Jose M.; Goldstein, Steven L.; Gonzalez, Santiago R.; Grissom, Karen; Hammerschmidt, Chad; Hartman, Alison; Hassler, Christel S.; Hathorne, Ed C.; Hatta, Mariko; Hawco, Nicholas; Hayes, Christopher T.; Heimburger, Lars-eric; Helgoe, Josh; Heller, Maija Iris; Henderson, Gideon M.; Henderson, Paul B.; Van Heuven, Steven; Ho, Peng; Horner, Tristan J.; Hsieh, Yu-te; Huang, Kuo-fang; Humphreys, Matthew P.; Isshiki, Kenji; Jacquot, Jeremy E.; Janssen, David J.; Jenkins, William J.; John, Seth; Jones, Elizabeth M.; Jones, Janice L.; Kadko, David C.; Kayser, Rick; Kenna, Timothy C.; Khondoker, Roulin; Kim, Taejin; Kipp, Lauren; Klar, Jessica K.; Klunder, Maarten; Kretschmer, Sven; Kumamoto, Yuichiro; Laan, Patrick; Labatut, Marie; Lacan, Francois; Lam, Phoebe J.; Lambelet, Myriam; Lamborg, Carl H.; Le Moigne, Frederic A. C.; Le Roy, Emilie; Lechtenfeld, Oliver J.; Lee, Jong-mi; Lherminier, Pascale; Little, Susan; Lopez-lora, Mercedes; Lu, Yanbin; Masque, Pere; Mawji, Edward; Mcclain, Charles R.; Measures, Christopher; Mehic, Sanjin; Barraqueta, Jan-lukas Menzel; Van Der Merwe, Pier; Middag, Rob; Mieruch, Sebastian; Milne, Angela; Minami, Tomoharu; Moffett, James W.; Moncoiffe, Gwenaelle; Moore, Willard S.; Morris, Paul J.; Morton, Peter L.; Nakaguchi, Yuzuru; Nakayama, Noriko; Niedermiller, John; Nishioka, Jun; Nishiuchi, Akira; Noble, Abigail; Obata, Hajime; Ober, Sven; Ohnemus, Daniel C.; Van Ooijen, Jan; O'Sullivan, Jeanette; Owens, Stephanie; Pahnke, Katharina; Paul, Maxence; Pavia, Frank; Pena, Leopoldo D.; Petersh, Brian; Planchon, Frederic; Planquette, Helene; Pradoux, Catherine; Puigcorbe, Viena; Quay, Paul; Queroue, Fabien; Radic, Amandine; Rauschenberg, S.; Rehkamper, Mark; Rember, Robert; Remenyi, Tomas; Resing, Joseph A.; Rickli, Joerg; Rigaud, Sylvain; Rijkenberg, Micha J. A.; Rintoul, Stephen; Robinson, Laura F.; Roca-marti, Montserrat; Rodellas, Valenti; Roeske, Tobias; Rolison, John M.; Rosenberg, Mark; Roshan, Saeed; Van Der Loaff, Michiel M. Rutgers; Ryabenko, Evgenia; Saito, Mak A.; Salt, Lesley A.; Sanial, Virginie; Sarthou, Geraldine; Schallenberg, Christina; Schauer, Ursula; Scher, Howie; Schlosser, Christian; Schnetger, Bernhard; Scott, Peter; Sedwick, Peter N.; Semiletov, Igor; Shelley, Rachel; Sherrell, Robert M.; Shiller, Alan M.; Sigman, Daniel M.; Singh, Sunil Kumar; Slagter, Hans A.; Slater, Emma; Smethie, William M.; Snaith, Helen; Sohrin, Yoshiki; Sohst, Bettina; Sonke, Jeroen E.; Speich, Sabrina; Steinfeldt, Reiner; Stewart, Gillian; Stichel, Torben; Stirling, Claudine H.; Stutsman, Johnny; Swarr, Gretchen J.; Swift, James H.; Thomas, Alexander; Thorne, Kay; Till, Claire P.; Till, Ralph; Townsend, Ashley T.; Townsend, Emily; Tuerena, Robyn; Twining, Benjamin S.; Vance, Derek; Velazquez, Sue; Venchiarutti, Celia; Villa-alfageme, Maria; Vivancos, Sebastian M.; Voelker, Antje H. L.; Wake, Bronwyn; Warner, Mark J.; Watson, Ros; Van Weerlee, Evaline; Weigand, M. Alexandra; Weinstein, Yishai; Weiss, Dominik; Wisotzki, Andreas; Woodward, E. Malcolm S.; Wu, Jingfeng; Wu, Yingzhe; Wuttig, Kathrin; Wyatt, Neil; Xiang, Yang; Xie, Ruifang C.; Xue, Zichen; Yoshikawa, Hisayuki; Zhang, Jing; Zhang, Pu; Zhao, Ye; Zheng, Linjie; Zheng, Xin-yuan; Zieringer, Moritz; Zimmer, Louise A.; Ziveri, Patrizia; Zunino, Patricia; Zurbrick, Cheryl. |
The new IDP2017 is a significant improvement over the earlier IDP2014 and roughly doubles the number of included cruises, stations, samples and parameters. The IDP2017 is a truly international product containing data from 326 researchers from 25 countries. The IDP2017 provides data for the Pacific Ocean, and the Mediterranean and Black seas, in addition to Atlantic, Arctic and Indian Oceans that were already represented in the previous data product. For the first time, the IDP2017 contains significant amounts of biogeochemistry data as well as TEI data for aerosols and rain. As before, users can obtain complete IDP2017 data sets as bulk downloads. Alternatively, there is now a customisable online data extraction service that allows data selections by... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: GEOTRACES; Trace elements; Isotopes; Electronic atlas; IDP2017. |
Ano: 2018 |
URL: https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00442/55362/56877.pdf |
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