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WASP - West Africa Swell Project - Final report and Appendices ArchiMer
Olagnon, Michel; Prevosto, Marc; Van Iseghem, Sylvie; Ewans, Kevin; Forristall, George Z..
The OGP Workshop on the Metocean and Engineering Aspects of Floating Systems which was held at St. Albans in April 2001 identified better discrimination of the low frequency end of the wave spectrum as one of the most pressing problems for the design and analysis of floating systems. The responses of many floating systems have proven to be very sensitive not only to the amplitude and frequency of the swell, but also to the details of the shape of the swell peak in the spectrum. There has been relatively little serious study of the low frequency end of the wave spectrum compared to the effort that has gone into the study of the high frequency tail of the spectrum. Much of the present interest in swell comes from the active deep water developments taking...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2004 URL:
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