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Carbon and Nitrogen Acquisition in Shallow and Deep Holobionts of the Scleractinian Coral S. pistillata 5
Ezzat, Leila; Fine, Maoz; Maguer, Jean-francois; Grover, Renaud; Ferrier-pages, Christine.
Reef building corals can host different symbiont genotypes (clades), and form distinct holobionts in response to environmental changes. Studies on the functional significance of genetically different symbionts have focused on the thermal tolerance rather than on the nutritional significance. Here, we characterized the nitrogen and carbon assimilation rates, the allocation patterns of these nutrients within the symbiosis, and the trophic condition of two distinct holobionts of Stylophora pistillata: one associated with Symbiodinium Glade A in shallow reefs and the other one associated with Glade C in mesophotic reefs. The main findings are that: (1) Glade C-symbionts have a competitive advantage for the acquisition of carbon at low irradiance compared to...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Light acclimation; Carbon isotopes; Nitrogen isotopes; Clades; Nitrate; Ammonium; Scleractinian coral; Mesophotic coral.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Limited phosphorus availability is the Achilles heel of tropical reef corals in a warming ocean 5
Ezzat, Leila; Maguer, Jean-francois; Grover, Renaud; Ferrier-pages, Christine.
During the 20th century, seawater temperatures have significantly increased, leading to profound alterations in biogeochemical cycles and ecosystem processes. Elevated temperatures have also caused massive bleaching (symbiont/pigment loss) of autotrophic symbioses, such as in coral-dinoflagellate association. As symbionts provide most nutrients to the host, their expulsion during bleaching induces host starvation. However, with the exception of carbon, the nutritional impact of bleaching on corals is still unknown, due to the poorly understood requirements in inorganic nutrients during stress. We therefore assessed the uptake rates of nitrogen and phosphate by five coral species maintained under normal and thermal stress conditions. Our results showed that...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2016 URL:
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