The Scottish National Zoological Park at Edinburgh has been notably successful in keeping and breeding penguins. It is happy in possessing as a friend and benefactor, Mr Theodore E. Salvesen, head of the firm of Christian Salvesen & Co., Leith, to whose interest and generosity it owes the great number of penguins it has possessed. Of the seventeen known species of penguins, seven are represented in the Park, the king (Aptenodytes patagonica Miller), gentu (Pygoscelis papua Forster), ringed (Pygoscelis antarctica Forster), macaroni (Catarrhactes chrysolophus Brandt), Magellan (Spheniscus magellanicus Forster), Peruvian (Spheniscus humboldti Meyen) and black-footed (Spheniscus demersus L.). The collection has risen as high in number as 180 individuals,... |