Registros recuperados: 27 | |
立石, 識子; 古林, 与志安; 黒沢, 重人; 大林, 哲; 古岡, 秀文; 松井, 高峯; KOBAYASHI, Yoshiyasu; FURUOKA, Hidefumi. |
直腸検査により, 左腎相当部に巨大腫瘤が触知された4歳齢, 雌のホルスタイン牛を病理学的に検索した. 肉眼的に左腎は硬く, 褪色し, 分葉構造を保ちつつ顕著に腫大していた. 左腎割面では腎実質の大部分は白色硬組織により置換されていた. また, 左腎門リンパ節から左内腸骨リンパ節にかけて直径1-10cmの白色硬組織からなる腫瘤が密在していた. 組織所見では左腎に著しい結合組織増生を伴う上皮性腫瘍細胞の不整管状増殖がび漫性に認められ, 実質を置換していた. 同様の腫瘍組織は他の白色硬組織でも観察された. これらの腫瘍細胞は抗ウロモジュリン抗体に陽性を示した. 超微形態学的に腫瘍細胞には微絨毛とデスモゾームが認められた. 以上の所見から本症例を顕著な結合組織の増生を伴う腎細胞癌と診断した. |
Palavras-chave: 牛; 腎細胞癌; ウロモジュリン. |
Ano: 2005 |
URL: http://ir.obihiro.ac.jp/dspace/handle/10322/4171 |
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TAWFEEQ, Mohammad Monir; MIURA, Saori; NAKANISHI, Yuuki; SUGIMOTO, Kazuya; KOBAYASHI, Yoshiyasu; FURUOKA, Hidefumi; INOKUMA, Hisashi; 古林, 与志安; 猪熊, 壽. |
A 12-month-old Holstein heifer with anorexia, lameness, and enlargement of peripheral lymph nodes was suspected of having bovine leukosis. Although lymphocytosis was not observed, cytology of fine needle aspirate from a superficial cervical node, and increased serum lactate dehydrogenase and thymidine kinase activities, strongly suggested lymphosarcoma. Increased numbers of mononuclear cells as well as mitotic cells were observed in synovial fluid collected from swollen joints. Pathological examination confirmed B-cell calf form bovine leukosis and joint swelling related to neoplastic cell infiltration. Both interleukin-2 receptor and thymidine kinase 1 genes were highly expressed in cells from superficial cervical lymph node aspirate. |
Palavras-chave: Calf form bovine leukosis; Gene expression; Joint infiltration. |
Ano: 2012 |
URL: http://ir.obihiro.ac.jp/dspace/handle/10322/4097 |
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MAGATA, Fumie; ISHIDA, Yoshikazu; MIYAMOTO, Akio; FURUOKA, Hidefumi; INOKUMA, Hisashi; SHIMIZU, Takashi; 宮本, 明夫; 古岡, 秀文; 猪熊, 壽; 清水, 隆. |
We investigated the concentration of the bacterial endotoxin lipopolysaccharide (LPS) in the blood, ovarian follicular fluid and uterine fluid of a clinical case of bovine metritis. A 2-year-old lactating Holstein cow exhibited continuous fever >39.5°C for more than 2 weeks after normal calving. The cow produced a fetid, watery, red-brown uterine discharge from the vagina and was diagnosed with metritis. The LPS concentrations in plasma and uterine fluid were 0.94 and 6.34 endotoxin units (EU)/ml, respectively. One of seven follicles showed an extremely high level of LPS (12.40 EU/ml) compared to the other follicles (0.62–0.97 EU/ml). These results might suggest the presence of high concentration of LPS in follicles in cows with postpartum metritis. |
Palavras-chave: Dairy cow; Follicle; Lipopolysaccharide; Metritis. |
Ano: 2015 |
URL: http://ir.obihiro.ac.jp/dspace/handle/10322/4043 |
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YAMADA, Manabu; KOBAYASHI, Yoshiyasu; FURUOKA, Hidefumi; MATSUI, Takane; 古林, 与志安; 古岡, 秀文. |
Autumn crocus poisoning of cattle is characterized by severe diarrhea caused by alkaloid colchicine. Previously, we examined pathologically this poisoning in cattle and reported that enterotoxic lesions were closely associated with apoptosis. To examine enterotoxicity of autumn crocus more precisely, a reproductive study was performed using guinea pigs and mice, and pathological findings associated with autumn crocus poisoning were compared with those of colchicine. Each group of guinea pigs given the bulb of autumn crocus or colchicine exhibited severe diarrhea. Histopathological findings in intoxicated guinea pigs were entirely consistent with those in the autumn crocus-poisoned cattle. In contrast, each group of mice administered with the bulb or... |
Palavras-chave: Apoptosis; Autumn crocus (Colchicum autumnale L.); Colchicine; Guinea pig; Mouse. |
Ano: 2000 |
URL: http://ir.obihiro.ac.jp/dspace/handle/10322/4170 |
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HORIUCHI, Noriyuki; KUMAGAI, Daishiro; MATSUMOTO, Kotaro; INOKUMA, Hisashi; FURUOKA, Hidefumi; KOBAYASHI, Yoshiyasu; 松本, 高太郎; 猪熊, 壽; 古岡, 秀文; 古林, 与志安. |
Bovine dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) is an autosomal recessive genetic disorder causing congestive heart failure and subsequent death. Recently, a nonsense mutation c.343C>T in the bovine optic atrophy 3 (OPA3) gene had been reported to cause the DCM in Holstein cattle in Switzerland. However, the mutation has not been confirmed in bovine DCM outside Switzerland. Nine Holstein Friesian cows that were macroscopically and histologically diagnosed with or suspected of DCM and 12 control cows kept in Japan were tested for the mutation. The mutation surrounding OPA3 DNA fragment was amplified by PCR and subjected to direct sequences. The homogeneous c.343C>T mutation was proved to occur in all the affected cows and not in the control cows. The present... |
Palavras-chave: Cattle; Dilated cardiomyopathy; Nonsense mutation; OPA3 gene. |
Ano: 2015 |
URL: http://ir.obihiro.ac.jp/dspace/handle/10322/4208 |
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TAWFEEQ, Mohammad Monir; HORIUCHI, Noriyuki; KOBAYASHI, Yoshiyasu; FURUOKA, Hidefumi; INOKUMA, Hisashi; 堀内, 雅之; 古林, 与志安; 古岡, 秀文; 猪熊, 壽. |
Expression of six selective genes in peripheral blood cells was evaluated as diagnostic biomarkers for enzootic bovine leukosis (EBL) by using 10 EBL and 15 clinically healthy cattle. The clinically healthy cattle generally showed lower gene expression levels. Although wide variations of gene expression were found in some clinical cases of EBL, 4 and 5 among 10 EBL cattle showed higher expression of interleukin 2 receptor gene (IL2R) and Wilms’ tumor gene (WT1), respectively. Expression of IL2R in peripheral blood cells in EBL cattle was statistically increased; however, the lower sensitivity and higher variation in the gene expressions among clinical cases of EBL would be problems as diagnostic biomarkers. |
Palavras-chave: Biomarkers; Enzootic bovine leukosis; Gene expression; QRT-PCR. |
Ano: 2013 |
URL: http://ir.obihiro.ac.jp/dspace/handle/10322/3868 |
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OIKAWA, Eri; SHIMURA, Ryoji; NISHIMURA, Maki; FURUOKA, Hidefumi; 古岡, 秀文. |
A 33 month-old male flying squirrel kept in a zoo developed progressive dyspnea and died. Macroscopically, the liver and lung were enlarged with numerous nodular vesicles. Histologically, these organs were replaced by numerous collapsed vesicles demarcated by fibrous tissues. The cysts lined by a cellular, germinal layer contained numerous brood capsules with abundant production of well-developed protoscolices. Protoscolices were about 80–100 μm in diameter, and had hooks being visible as refractive structures. This zoo locates in the east of Hokkaido where is an endemic area of Echinococcus multilocularis infection. From epidemiology and pathological findings, this animal was diagnosed as E.multilocularis infection. This report describes the pathology of... |
Palavras-chave: Echinococcus multilocularis; Flying squirrel; Hokkaido; New host record; Pathology. |
Ano: 2013 |
URL: http://ir.obihiro.ac.jp/dspace/handle/10322/3944 |
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SASAKI, Naoki; IMAMURA, Yui; SEKIYA, Akio; ITOH, Megumi; FURUOKA, Hidefumi. |
In this study, fasciculation of the limbs and tongue was observed in four horses kept by a riding club. Neurogenic muscle atrophy was also observed in biopsy of pathological tissues. In addition, in two cases that subjected to autopsy, Bunina-like bodies of inclusion in the cell bodies of neurons in the spinal cord ventral horn were confirmed, leading to a diagnosis of equine motor neuron disease (EMND). Serum vitamin E concentrations varied between 0.3 and 0.4µg/ml, which is significantly lower than the levels in normal horses. Although lack of vitamin E is speculated to be a contributory factor for development of EMND, no significant improvement was observed following administration of vitamin E. |
Ano: 2016 |
URL: http://ir.obihiro.ac.jp/dspace/handle/10322/4376 |
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SASAKI, Naoki; MINAMI, Takuto; YAMADA, Kazutaka; SATOH, Motoyoshi; INOKUMA, Hisashi; KOBAYASHI, Yoshiyasu; FURUOKA, Hidefumi; YAMADA, Haruo; 佐々木, 直樹; 山田, 一孝; 猪熊, 壽; 古林, 与志安; 古岡, 秀文. |
A 17-year-old, gray Thoroughbred gelding was presented with recurrent epistaxis following exercise for over one year. Multidetector-row computed tomographic (MDCT) examination of the head performed under general anesthesia indicated the presence of malignant melanoma. MDCT examination revealed the exact location and size of masses in the right guttural pouch first identified by endoscopy and in the left guttural pouch unidentified by endoscopy. MDCT examination revealed the presence of a blood clot that filled the right maxillary sinus. The horse was euthanized due to poor prognosis as a riding horse and the owner's decision, and MDCT findings were confirmed by postmortem examination. MDCT is suggested as a useful technique for diagnosis of head problems... |
Palavras-chave: Equine; Malignant melanoma; MDCT. |
Ano: 2007 |
URL: http://ir.obihiro.ac.jp/dspace/handle/10322/3104 |
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CHIBA, Shiori; FUNATO, Shingo; HORIUCHI, Noriyuki; MATSUMOTO, Kotaro; INOKUMA, Hisashi; FURUOKA, Hidefumi; KOBAYASHI, Yoshiyasu; 堀内, 雅之; 松本, 高太郎; 猪熊, 壽; 古岡, 秀文; 古林, 与志安. |
Degeneration of the optic pathway has been reported in various animal species including cattle. We experienced a case of bilateral optic tract degeneration characterized by severe gliosis in a Japanese black cattle without any obvious visual defects. To evaluate the significance, pathological nature and pathogenesis of the lesions, we examined the optic pathway in 60 cattle (41 Japanese black, 13 Holstein and 6 crossbreed) with or without ocular abnormalities. None of these animals had optic canal stenosis. Degenerative changes with severe gliosis in the optic pathway, which includes the optic nerve, optic chiasm and optic tract, were only observed in 8 Japanese black cattle with or without ocular abnormalities. Furthermore, strong immunoreactivity of... |
Palavras-chave: Axonal degeneration; Gliosis; Japanese black cattle; Optic pathway degeneration. |
Ano: 2015 |
URL: http://ir.obihiro.ac.jp/dspace/handle/10322/4123 |
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HORIUCHI, Noriyuki; WATARAI, Masahisa; KOBAYASHI, Yoshiyasu; OMATA, Yoshitaka; FURUOKA, Hidefumi; 堀内, 雅之; 古林, 与志安; 古岡, 秀文. |
Five rabbits suffering from diarrhea were diagnosed with proliferative enteropathy (PE). Histopathology revealed a thickened mucosa consisting of hyperplastic intestinal epithelium and infiltration of inflammatory cells mainly consisted of macrophages. In the affected epithelial cytoplasm, numerous curved bacillus-like organisms were observed in the Warthin-Starry silver stain and electron microscopy observation. In polymerase chain reactions, Lawsonia intracellularis-specific DNA fragment were amplified from affected ileal tissue extracted DNA in each case and present 5 cases were confirmed to be L. intracellularis infection. Serum collected from the affected rabbit was immunohistochemically reactive with L. intracellularis in tissue sections from pigs... |
Palavras-chave: Lawsonia intracellularis; Proliferative enteropathy; Rabbit. |
Ano: 2008 |
URL: http://ir.obihiro.ac.jp/dspace/handle/10322/4169 |
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田川, 道人; 下田, 崇; 富樫, 義彦; 渡辺, 由紀; 古林, 与志安; 古岡, 秀文; 石井, 三都夫; 猪熊, 壽; KOBAYASHI, Yoshiyasu; FURUOKA, Hidefumi; ISHII, Mitsuo; INOKUMA, Hisashi. |
体表リンパ節の腫脹, 末梢血中における異型リンパ球出現を伴うリンパ球数の著増などの典型的な牛白血病症状を示していなかったことから, それぞれアミロイドーシス, 胸膜炎, 心疾患が疑われた3頭のホルスタイン種乳雌牛を病理解剖したところ, いずれも牛白血病と診断された. 血液検査および身体検査において著変が観察されない場合でも, 難診断時には鑑別診断リストに牛白血病を加えるべきであると考えられた. |
Palavras-chave: 非典型的牛白血病; 鑑別診断. |
Ano: 2008 |
URL: http://ir.obihiro.ac.jp/dspace/handle/10322/4005 |
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NISHIMURA, Maki; YOSHIDA, Tetsuya; EL-KHODERY, Sabry; MIYOSHI, Masafumi; FURUOKA, Hidefumi; YASUDA, Jun; MIYAHARA, Kazuro; 古岡, 秀文; 宮原, 和郎. |
To obtain B-mode ultrasound images of mammary glands in dairy heifers at different stages of growth, 25 clinically normal Holstein heifers were used. The heifers were divided into 5 groups (n=5/group) by stage of their growth: 2-month-old (group 1), 5-month-old (group 2), postpuberty (group 3), mid (group 4), and late (group 5) pregnancy. Furthermore, the sections of mammary glands were observed grossly at postmortem examination in one heifer in each group. Ultrasound images varied with the development of mammary glands. In group 1, the mammary glands had distinctive ultrasonographic findings: an oval to fusiform homogeneous hypoechoic structure. In all groups except group 1, mammary tissue consists of two major areas: a homogeneous, medium echogenic area... |
Palavras-chave: Dairy heifer; Mammary gland; Ultrasound. |
Ano: 2011 |
URL: http://ir.obihiro.ac.jp/dspace/handle/10322/4068 |
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TAWFEEQ, Mohammad Monir; MIURA, Saori; HORIUCHI, Noriyuki; KOBAYASHI, Yoshiyasu; FURUOKA, Hidefumi; INOKUMA, Hisashi; 堀内, 雅之; 古林, 与志安; 古岡, 秀文; 猪熊, 壽. |
This study evaluated the clinical usefulness of serum thymidine kinase (TK) activity for diagnosing bovine leukosis cases for which clinical diagnosis was difficult (‘BL with difficult diagnosis’). Median TK activity values in 24 ‘BL with difficult diagnosis’ and 36 cattle for which BL was clinically confirmed by cytology findings of enlarged superficial lymph nodes (‘clinically confirmed BL’) were 36.8 and 39.4 U/l, respectively (no significant difference). The percentage with positive TK activity (>5.4 U/l) was also similar in both groups (83.3% for ‘BL with difficult diagnosis’ and 97.2% for ‘clinically confirmed BL’). TK activity was significantly higher in cows with ‘BL with difficult diagnosis’ compared to those with other tumors (N=13) and those... |
Palavras-chave: Atypical bovine leukosis; Diagnosis; Thymidine kinase. |
Ano: 2013 |
URL: http://ir.obihiro.ac.jp/dspace/handle/10322/3869 |
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NISHIMURA, Maki; TOYOTA, Yumi; ISHIDA, Yoshikazu; NAKAYA, Hideki; KAMEYAMA, Kyohko; NISHIKAWA, Yoshifumi; MIYAHARA, Kazuro; INOKUMA, Hisashi; FURUOKA, Hidefumi; 西川, 義文; 猪熊, 壽; 古岡, 秀文. |
A 9-month-old steer was autopsied due to recurrent ruminal tympany. A macroscopic examination found an enlarged caudal mediastinal lymph node, and a section of the lymph node revealed necrosis with marked calcification, similar to tuberculous lymphadenitis. Histopathologically, the lesion consisted of multiple coagulative necrotic foci and fibrosis with macrophage, lymphocyte, eosinophil and multinucleated giant cell infiltration. Non-uniform width hyphae were detected in the necrotic area and within the cytoplasm of the multinucleated giant cells, and they were found to be anti-Rhizopus arrhizus antibody positive in an immunohistochemical examination. Therefore, the steer was diagnosed with necrotic caudal mediastinal lymphadenitis due to zygomycetes... |
Palavras-chave: Cattle; Necrotic lymphadenitis; Ruminal tympany; Zygomycosis. |
Ano: 2014 |
URL: http://ir.obihiro.ac.jp/dspace/handle/10322/3943 |
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田川, 道人; 谷, 夏深; 梶原, 綾乃; 古林, 与志安; 古岡, 秀文; 松井, 高峯; 石井, 三都夫; 猪熊, 壽; TAGAWA, Michihito; TANI, Natsumi; KAJIWARA, Ayano; KOBAYASHI, Yoshiyasu; FURUOKA, Hidefumi; MATSUMOTO, Kohtaro; ISHII, Mitsuo; INOKUMA, Hisashi. |
10 カ月齢のホルスタイン種雌育成牛が急性に斜頸,旋回,後弓反張,意識混濁の症状を呈した.大脳皮質壊死症を疑 い,ビタミンB1 製剤,コルチコステロイドおよび抗生物質による治療を実施したが反応せず,予後不良と判定された. 病理解剖により小脳に直径35. cm 大の腫瘤が確認され,左右側脳室および中脳水道の拡張がみられた.本症例は小脳腫 瘍による周辺部の圧迫および腫瘍の二次的圧迫による脳脊髄液流出障害により発生した内水頭症により,小脳徴候だけ でなく大脳および脳幹症状も出現したものと考えられた.病理組織学的検索の結果,本症例は上衣芽腫と診断された. A 10-month-old female Holstein heifer showed a sudden onset of clinical symptoms of head tilt,circling, increased extensor tone of all legs. and decreased level of consciousness. Cerebrocortical necrosis was suspected, and an administration of vitamin B1, corticosteroids,and anti-biotic was performed without a successful response. At necropsy,a neoplastic mass with a diameter of 3.5 cm in the cerebellum,dilated lateral ventricles on both sides and enlargement of the aqueducts cerebra... |
Palavras-chave: 牛; 上衣芽腫; 神経症状; Cattle; Ependymoblastoma; Neurological signs. |
Ano: 2009 |
URL: http://ir.obihiro.ac.jp/dspace/handle/10322/2807 |
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猪熊, 壽; 滄木, 孝弘; 山川, 和宏; 竹内, 俊彦; 松本, 高太郎; 石井, 三都夫; 古林, 与志安; 古岡, 秀文; INOKUMA, Hisashi; AOKI, Takahiro; YAMAKAWA, Kazuhiro; TAKEUCHI, Toshihiko; MATSUMOTO, Kotaro; ISHII, Mitsuo; KOBAYASHI, Yoshiyasu; FURUOKA, Hidefumi. |
病理学的に血様液貯留を特徴とする特発性心嚢水腫と診断された乳牛8症例(血様心嚢水貯留群)の臨床病理学的検査所見を回顧的に取りまとめ,心膜炎7症例(心膜炎群)の所見と比較した.血様心嚢水貯留群では冷性浮腫を呈する症例が心膜炎群に比べて多かったが,その他の臨床症状には両群で差がなかった.心エコー検査では血様心嚢水貯留群では,心膜炎でみられる心嚢内の顕著なフィブリン析出はなかった.血液及び生化学検査では,血様心嚢水貯留群では炎症像が弱く,心膜炎群と比較して白血球数,分葉核好中球割合,A/G比,アルブミン濃度,γグロブリン割合に有意差がみられた.両群でALP及びGGTの高値がみられたが,特に血様心嚢水貯留群のGGT増加は顕著であった.血様心嚢水貯留症例の診断は臨床症状だけでは困難であるが,心エコー検査所見,弱い炎症像,ALP及びGGTの高値などが心膜炎との鑑別診断に有用と考えられた. Clinicopathological findings of eight cases of idiopathic hydropericardium characterized by bloodhlike fluid (HBFhgroup) that were confirmed by necropsy were retrospectively summarized and compared with those of seven cows with pericarditis. Although the numbers of cows that showed edema in the HBFhgroup were larger than those in the pericarditishgroup, the frequency of... |
Palavras-chave: 特発性心餒水腫; 心膜炎; 血様心嚢水; 牛; Idiopathic hydropericardium; Pericarditis; Blood-like pericardium; Cow. |
Ano: 2012 |
URL: http://ir.obihiro.ac.jp/dspace/handle/10322/3557 |
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猪熊, 壽; 吉林台; 下田, 崇; 富樫, 義彦; 古林, 与志安; 古岡, 秀文; 佐藤, 基佳; 石井, 三都夫; INOKUMA, Hisashi; Jilintai; SHIMODA, Takashi; TOGASHl, Yoshihiko; KOBAYASHl, Yoshiyasu; FURUOKA, Hidefumi; SATHO, Motoyoshi; ISHI, Mitsuo. |
1 歳10 カ月のホルスタイン種育成雌牛が,初診時食欲不振,削痩,チアノーゼ,肺音粗励,発咳等の症状を呈した. さらに第14病日には頻脈,頸静脈拍動等の循環器症状が認められた.血液および血液生化学検査により慢性炎症像が, また心エコー検査により右心房内に三尖弁と付着しない高エコー占拠性病変が観察された.本症例は病理解剖により後 大静脈血栓症と診断されたが,血栓が心臓内において描出されたまれな症例と思われた. A 22-month-old,Holstein heifer was presented with anorexia,emaciation,cyanosis,rough vesicular breathing, and coughing on the first day. On day 14, cardiovascular symptoms such as tachycardia and jugular vein pulsation were found. A blood and blood biochemical examination revealed chronic inflammation. High echogenic obstruction without any attachment to the tricuspid valve was observed in the right atrium by echocardiograph. Pathological findings confirmed a diagnosis of caudal vena cava thrombosis. It was believed to be a rare case with thrombus in the... |
Palavras-chave: 後大静脈血栓症; 心エコー検査; Caudal vena cava thrombosis; Echocardiography. |
Ano: 2009 |
URL: http://ir.obihiro.ac.jp/dspace/handle/10322/2805 |
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佐々木, 直樹; 山田, 一孝; 石井, 三都夫; 松井, 基純; 羽田, 真悟; 松本, 高太郎; 古岡, 秀文; 古林, 与志安; 猪熊, 壽; SASAKI, Naoki; YAMADA, Kazutaka; ISHII, Mitsuo; Matsui, Motozumi; HANEDA, Shingo; Matsumoto, Kotaro; FURUOKA, Hidefumi; KOBAYASHI, Yoshiyasu; INOKUMA, Hisashi. |
Ano: 2011 |
URL: http://ir.obihiro.ac.jp/dspace/handle/10322/4378 |
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Registros recuperados: 27 | |