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Application of a Spatial Water Model in a Chinese Watershed AgEcon
Fang, Lan; Nuppenau, Ernst-August.
China’'s fast growing economy has brought some environmental problems, especially in water administration. Inefficiencies in irrigation activities have created severe negative effects to the environment of rural communities, and the more serious water shortages hamper food production, too. Major questions at hand are, how to improve water use efficiency, to reduce negative external effects, to optimize water allocation in agriculture, to invest in water saving technologies, and to assure more water for high value added agriculture. This paper investigates the impacts of irrigation technologies and investments in water saving on the rural economy and the environment. By taking into account individual farmers' inclination to adopt modern water-saving...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: A spatial model; Water use efficiency; Adoption of irrigation technology; Technology; Resource /Energy Economics and Policy; C61; Q25; Q56.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Investigations on the Impacts of China's Rural Water Policies: From Efficiency and Equity Perspectives AgEcon
Fang, Lan.
China’s water resources are scarce. Given its limited water resource, policies in China have been traditionally focused on meeting sectoral demands for water by increasing the supply rather than managing demand. However, effective water resource policies that focus on demand management and encourage efficient water use remain the main weakness of China’s water policy. Main potential for efficiency gain is the agricultural sector, which accounts for 65 percent of the nation’s total water withdrawals. Due to major inefficiencies in irrigation water systems only about 45 percent of water withdrawals for agriculture are actually used by farmers to irrigate their crops. In addition to inefficiencies, the equity of the agricultural water policies is...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Water efficiency; Equity; China’s rural water management; Environmental Economics and Policy.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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