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Assessment of wind-forcing impact on a global wind-wave model using the TOPEX altimeter ArchiMer
Feng, H; Vandemark, D; Quilfen, Yves; Chapron, Bertrand; Beckley, B.
The study presents assessment of an operational wave model (Wavewatch III), focusing upon the model sensitivity to wind-forcing products. Four wind fields are used to drive the model, including the NCEP/NCAR reanalysis and three other products that assimilate various satellite wind measurements having high spatial resolution, including the QuikSCAT scatterometer. Three wave field statistics: significant wave height, mean zero-crossing wave period, and mean square slope are compared with collocated TOPEX altimeter derivatives to gauge the relative skill of differing wind-forced model runs, as well as to demonstrate an extended use of the altimeter beyond simply supplying wave height for wave model validation and assimilation. Results suggest that model...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Sea state bias; Wind forcing; Scatterometer; Altimeter; Wave modeling.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Defining a Sea Ice Flag for Envisat Altimetry Mission ArchiMer
Tran, N; Ardhuin, Fanny; Ezraty, Robert; Feng, H; Femenias, P.
This letter presents the development of a sea ice flag algorithm for the Envisat altimetry mission to detect sea ice corrupted sea surface height data within quality control processing. The algorithm takes advantage of having both passive and active microwave sensors on the same platform with coregistered measurements. Its performances have been evaluated based on collocations between the along-track Envisat data with reference maps built from combination of daily grids of sea ice concentration from SSM/I sensors and backscatter cross section from SeaWinds scatterometer on QuikSCAT satellite.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Sea ice; Remote sensing; Microwave measurements; Altimetry.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Detection of ocean white-capping by combined use of Jason radiometer and radar datasets alongside global wave model predictions ArchiMer
Vandermark, D; Feng, H; Quilfen, Yves; Ardhuin, Fabrice; Chapron, Bertrand.
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2015 URL:
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New models for satellite altimeter sea state bias correction developed using global wave model data ArchiMer
Tran, N; Vandemark, D; Chapron, Bertrand; Labroue, S; Feng, H; Beckley, B; Vincent, Patrick.
Sea level determination via satellite altimetry is subject to numerous error sources. One of these is the sea state bias where changing surface wave conditions alter an altimeter's estimate of mean sea level. Recent work suggests that present day methods for correcting this bias, based solely on wave and wind information from the altimeter, may be improved if additional surface gravity wave field measurements become available. This paper tests this hypothesis by developing several new sea state bias correction models using a year long combination of Jason-1 data with wave field statistics generated from an hindcast of the WaveWatch3 ocean wave model. Each candidate model is produced in the same manner; through a nonparametric mapping between Jason-1 sea...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Ocean wave model; Altimetry; Sea state bias.
Ano: 2006 URL:
Registros recuperados: 4
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