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A new genus and species of gall midge (Diptera, Cecidomyiidae) associated with Parkia pendula (Fabaceae, Mimosoideae) 92
Maia,Valéria Cid; Fernandes,Geraldo Wilson.
Parkiamyia paraensis, a new genus and species of Cecidomyiidae that induces galls on Parkia pendula is described (larva, pupa, male,female and gall) based on material from Pará (Brazil).
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Cecidomyiidae; Diptera; Gall; Parkiamyia paraensis; Taxonomy.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Are gall midge species (Diptera, Cecidomyiidae) host-plant specialists? 92
Carneiro,Marco Antonio A.; Branco,Cristina S. A.; Braga,Carlos E. D.; Almada,Emmanuel D.; Costa,Marina B. M.; Maia,Valéria C.; Fernandes,Geraldo Wilson.
Despite the speciose fauna of gall-inducing insects in the Neotropical region, little is known about their taxonomy. On the other hand, gall morphotypes associated with host species have been extensively used as a surrogate of the inducer species worldwide. This study reviewed the described gall midges and their galls to test the generalization on the use of gall morphotypes as surrogates of gall midge species in the Brazilian fauna. We compiled taxonomic and biological data for 196 gall midge species recorded on 128 host plant species. Ninety two percent of those species were monophagous, inducing galls on a single host plant species, whereas only 5.6% species were oligophagous, inducing galls on more than one congeneric host plant species. Only four...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Biodiversity; Cecidomyiids; Herbivory; Insect galls; Species richness.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Carbon dioxide-enriched atmosphere enhances biomass accumulation and meristem production in the pioneer shrub Baccharis dracunculifolia (Asteraceae) 39
Mendes de Sá,Camila Emiliane; Negreiros,Daniel; Fernandes,Geraldo Wilson; Dias,Mariana Costa; Franco,Augusto César.
The increase in atmospheric CO2 concentration predicted to the end of this century may cause several alterations on plant species development, which shall result in changes in the structure and function of plant communities. The present work aimed to investigate the effects of the increase in atmospheric CO2 concentration on the development of Baccharis dracunculifolia, a key pioneer Neotropical shrub. Seedlings of B. dracunculifolia were exposed to 720 ppm of CO2 as well as to ambient concentration of CO2 (approximately 360 ppm) during 120 days in open top chambers. Growth and dry biomass accumulation were higher under elevated CO2 concentrations. As a response to CO2 enrichment, there was an increase of 134% in total dry mass, 208% in root dry mass and...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Climate change; Elevated [CO2]; Plant growth; Pioneer species; Resource allocation.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Comunidades de insetos galhadores (Insecta) em diferentes fisionomias do cerrado em Minas Gerais, Brasil 104
Gonçalves-Alvim,Silmary J.; Fernandes,Geraldo Wilson.
Studies on the communities of galling insects and their host plants were performed in three "cerrado" physiognomies that occur in Minas Gerais: "campo sujo", "cerrado" sensu strictu, and "cerradão". Galls and host plants were collected along transects in a total of 3,000 herbs, 300 shrubs and 135 trees in each physiognomy. Ninety two species of galling insects (morphotypes) on 62 host plant species of 28 families were found. The highest galling insect richness was observed in the "cerrado". Approximately 75.0% of galling insects belonged to the Cecidomyiidae (Diptera). The highest gall frequency was found on leaves (58.70%) of the host plants, and was glabrous (83.70%). Most gall shape were elliptic (30.43%). A low similarity in galling insect species was...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Biodiversity; Cerrado; Galling richness; Insect galls; Insect-plant interaction.
Ano: 2001 URL:
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Distribution of the endophytic fungi community in leaves of Bauhinia brevipes (Fabaceae) 39
Hilarino,Mariana Patrícia Amorim; Silveira,Fernando Augusto de Oliveira e; Oki,Yumi; Rodrigues,Leonardo; Santos,Jean Carlos; Corrêa Junior,Ary; Fernandes,Geraldo Wilson; Rosa,Carlos Augusto.
Endophytic fungi represent large, yet unexplored components of biodiversity. This work evaluated the richness and the distribution of endophytes in the leaves of Bauhinia brevipes (Fabaceae). A total of 1110 colonies were recovered from the samples and grouped by their morphological traits into 126 taxa. The total number of taxa according to leaf development was: 102 in mature leaves, 93 in recently expanded leaves and 79 for unfolded leaves. The major endophyte genera were Phomopsis, followed by Dothiorella, Pestalotiopsis and Acremonium. The richness and the isolate numbers of endophytes were not statistically affected by leaf region. However, some taxa were leaf-age specific; six were isolated only from unfolded leaves, nine from recently expanded...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Plant-endophyte interaction; Phomopsis; Tissue-recurrence; Endophyte richnes.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Estádio de adaptação de Spodoptera frugiperda (J. E. Smith) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) em hospedeiros alternativos 53
Boregas,Katia Gisele Brasil; Mendes,Simone Martins; Waquil,José Magid; Fernandes,Geraldo Wilson.
A principal praga-alvo na cultura do milho é a lagarta-do-cartucho, Spodoptera frugiperda (J.E. Smith, 1797) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), que, pela sua ampla distribuição temporal e geográfica constitui-se em uma das espécies mais nocivas nas regiões tropicais das Américas. O objetivo foi avaliar o estádio de adaptação de S. frugiperda em 17 espécies hospedeiras, cultivadas ou selvagens, mais comuns no agroecossistema brasileiro. As plantas foram cultivadas em cinco épocas, entre 2006 e 2008, utilizando o milho como padrão. Larvas de S. frugiperda recém-eclodidas foram individualizadas e confinadas em copo plástico (50 mL), onde foram alimentadas com seções de folha nova de cada hospedeiro. O alimento foi substituído a cada dois dias por folhas frescas....
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Ecologia; Interação inseto-planta; Manejo de pragas; Lagarta-do-cartucho.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Fenologia reprodutiva, sazonalidade e germinação de Kielmeyera regalis Saddi (Clusiaceae), espécie endêmica dos campos rupestres da Cadeia do Espinhaço, Brasil 39
Ranieri,Bernardo Dourado; Negreiros,Daniel; Lana,Tate Corrêa; Pezzini,Flavia Fonseca; Fernandes,Geraldo Wilson.
A fenologia reprodutiva e a germinação de sementes foram estudadas em uma população de Kielmeyera regalis da Serra do Cipó, MG. Foram calculados os índices de atividade e intensidade de produção de botões, flores, frutos imaturos e frutos maduros ao longo de 2001. A influência do clima sobre a fenologia foi avaliada por Análise de Correspondência Canônica (CCA). A germinação foi avaliada a temperaturas constantes de 15-35 ºC (com intervalos de 5 ºC) em câmaras de germinação com fotoperíodo de 12 h. A variância dos dados explicada pela CCA foi de 72,8%. A temperatura média do ar, evaporação e radiação solar global apresentaram altos coeficientes de correlação com a fenologia. O florescimento ocorreu nos meses quentes e úmidos, a maturação de frutos se...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Análise de correspondência canônica; Clima; Conservação; Dispersão de sementes; Serra do Cipó.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Gall-inducing insects from Atlantic Forest of Pernambuco, Northeastern Brazil 49
Santos,Jean Carlos; Almeida-Cortez,Jarcilene Silva de; Fernandes,Geraldo Wilson.
An inventory of gall inducing insects and their host plants in the Atlantic forest of Pernambuco, northeastern Brazil is presented. Samples of galls and their host plants were taken in six fragments of Atlantic forest. One hundred thirty-six different morphotypes of insect galls on 79 host plant species belonging to 35 plant families and 53 genera were recorded. The host plant families most attacked by galling insects were: Lecythidaceae, Myrtaceae, and Nyctaginaceae. The most frequent galling taxa were Diptera of the Cecidomyiidae family (95%), followed by Lepidoptera and Coleoptera. Galls occurred most frequently on leaves and stems, had globoid and elliptical shapes, green color and absence of trichomes on the external walls. The data indicate an...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Biodiversity; Cecidomyiidae; Host plants; Insect galls; Herbivory.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Gall-inducing insects from Campos de Altitude, Brazil 49
Coelho,Marcel Serra; Carneiro,Marco Antônio Alves; Branco,Cristina; Borges,Rafael Augusto Xavier; Fernandes,Geraldo Wilson.
Gall-inducing insects are very specious in vegetations of southeastern Brazil. Our goal was describe the gall richness by characterizing their external forms and their patterns of occurrence on host plants. Samples were collected from Campos de Altitude at four regions of the Mantiqueira Range: 1) Parque Estadual da Serra do Brigadeiro, 2) Parque Nacional do Caparaó, 3) Parque Estadual do Ibitipoca, 4) Parque Nacional do Itatiaia. We found 93 gall species within 13 families, 30 genera and 50 host plant species. We recorded 38 gall species in Parque Estadual da Serra do Brigadeiro, 21 in Parque Nacional do Caparaó, 23 in Parque Estadual do Ibitipoca and 20 in Parque Nacional do Itatiaia. Asteraceae represented 33% of the species collected, followed by...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Biodiversity; Biogeography; Herbivory; Host plant; Altitude.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Gall-inducing insects from Serra do Cabral, Minas Gerais, Brazil 49
Coelho,Marcel Serra; Carneiro,Marco Antônio Alves; Branco,Cristina Alves; Fernandes,Geraldo Wilson.
Our goal was describe the gall richness through the characterization of their external shapes and occurrence patterns in their host plants from Parque Estadual da Serra do Cabral. In a universe of 34 families, 64 genera and 89 plant species, 47 gall-inducing insects in 21 families, 32 genera and 39 host plant species were recorded. The families, which hosted higher gall richness, were those with highest abundance. Asteraceae represented 33% of the species collected followed by Malpighiaceae 8% and Fabaceae 8%, each one concentrating 25%, 19% and 8% of gall-inducing insects, respectively. The organ most attacked was the leaf (51%), followed by the stem (42%) and the terminal branch (4%). Ninety-six percent (96%) of galls were glabrous. Only 25.5% of the...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Biodiversity; Biogeography; Herbivore; Host plant; Insect-plant interaction.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Germinação de sementes de Lavoisiera cordata Cogn. e Lavoisiera francavillana Cogn. (Melastomataceae), espécies simpátricas da Serra do Cipó, Brasil 39
Ranieri,Bernardo D.; Lana,Tate C.; Negreiros,Daniel; Araújo,Luzia M.; Fernandes,Geraldo Wilson.
Neste estudo verificou-se o comportamento germinativo de sementes de Lavoisiera cordata Cogn. e Lavoisiera francavillana Cogn. (Melastomataceae), espécies que ocorrem em hábitats com características hídricas e nutricionais diferentes nos campos rupestres da Serra do Cipó, Sudeste do Brasil. Sementes coletadas no ano de 2000 foram postas para germinar em quatro réplicas de 25 nas temperaturas de 15, 20, 25 e 30ºC, sob fotoperíodo de 12h. A percentagem de germinação foi mais alta para L. cordata do que para L. francavillana (t=11.803, gl = 30, p<0.01), assim como a velocidade de emergência de radícula (t=6.71, gl=30, p<0.01). L. cordata apresentou maiores velocidades de emergência (ANOVA, F=14.282, r²=0.78, p<0.01) a partir da temperatura de 20ºC,...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Lavoisiera; Germinação de sementes; Campos rupestres; Temperatura; Espécies ameaçadas.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Influence of Apion sp. (Brentidae, Apioninae) stem-galls on induced resistance and leaf area of Diospyros hispida (Ebenaceae) 92
Souza,Rodrigo A. de; Nessim,Rafael; Santos,Jean C.; Fernandes,Geraldo Wilson.
We addressed the influence of the stem galls induced by an unidentified species of Apion sensu lato (Brentidae, Apioninae) on the host plant, Diospyros hispida (Ebenaceae) leaf area and induced resistance against a Cecidomyiidae (Diptera) leaf galls. The study was performed in a cerrado vegetation in Serra do Cipó, southeastern Brazil. Although the number of leaves produced on galled and ungalled shoots did not differ statically (p>0.05), the presence of the apionid galls influenced the area of the leaves on the attacked shoots of D. hispida. Leaves on galled stems were approximately 50% smaller compared to leaves in healthy stems. The average of the cecidomyiid leaf galls successfully induced on healthy shoots was higher compared to galls successfully...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/other Palavras-chave: Cecidomyiidae; Cerrado; Hypersensitive reaction; Insect galls; Insect herbivory; Serra do Cipó.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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More is not always better: responses of the endemic plant Vellozia nanuzae to additional nutrients 39
Cunha-Blum,Jessica; Oki,Yumi; Solar,Ricardo; Fernandes,Geraldo Wilson.
ABSTRACT Soil nutrients are one of the main drivers of plant species composition and distribution, mainly due to the role they play in plant survival and reproductive success. However, the nutritional requirements of plants inhabiting their native ecosystems are still poorly known. This is the case for most species of campo rupestre vegetation, which are found on infertile soils of quartzitic and ferruginous origin. The present study evaluated the effects of macronutrients and substrates on survival and growth of the micro-endemic Vellozia nanuzae (Velloziaceae). Plant mortality was about 95 % higher in soil enriched with macronutrients and almost 100 % in soils with added manure in the first 30 days. Individual plants from treatments with added nutrients...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Campo rupestre; Plant nutrition; Rupestrian grasslands; Soil nutrients; Velloziaceae.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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Riqueza e abundância de herbívoros em flores de Vellozia nivea (Velloziaceae) 39
Landau,Elena Charlotte; Gonçalves-Alvim,Silmary de Jesus; Fagundes,Marcílio; Fernandes,Geraldo Wilson.
Vellozia nivea (Velloziaceae) é planta de porte herbáceo que ocorre em solos rochosos, nos campos rupestres da Serra do Cipó, MG. Suas flores hermafroditas são extremamente macias, representando fonte tenra de alimento para os insetos que predam suas tépalas e estruturas reprodutivas. Este trabalho teve como objetivo observar a influência da altura e do número de flores da planta hospedeira na abundância e riqueza de insetos herbívoros. Foram encontradas o total de 21 morfoespécies de insetos (nove famílias e três ordens) associadas às flores de V. nivea. A altura e o número de flores da planta não apresentaram correlações significativas com a riqueza de herbívoros por planta (r² = 0,17; P &gt; 0,05). Entretanto, estes dois fatores juntos explicaram...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Herbivoria; Interação inseto-planta; Serra do Cipó; Vellozia nivea.
Ano: 1998 URL:
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Seed germination ecophysiology of the wild pineapple, Ananas ananassoides (Baker) L.B.Sm. (Bromeliaceae) 39
Silveira,Fernando Augusto Oliveira; Santos,Jean Carlos; Fernandes,Geraldo Wilson.
In this study we investigated the effects of light, temperature, and storage on seed germination of the wild pineapple Ananasananassoides, an understorey species found in cerrado woodlands. Seeds were germinated at temperatures of 15, 20, 25, 30 and 35 ºC and a 12-hr photoperiod and continuous darkness for 30-d. Seeds were photoblastic and the optimum temperatures for germination were 25 and 30 ºC. Seeds stored for 12-mo at room temperature and at 4 ºC were set to germinate at optimum conditions. Germinability of stored seeds did not differ from that of recently collected seeds, regardless of storage temperature, indicating their physiological potential for seed bank formation. Our results suggest that as in tropical rainforests, light may be an important...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Cerrado; Photoblastism; Recruitment; Seed bank; Seed storage.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Sex-mediated herbivory by galling insects on Baccharis concinna (Asteraceae) 92
Carneiro,Marco Antonio A.; Fernandes,Geraldo Wilson; Souza,Og F. F. de; Souza,Wyller Vicente M..
The interaction patterns between the dioecious shrub Baccharis concinna Barroso (Asteraceae) and its speciose galling insect community were studied in southeastern Brazil. Two hypotheses were tested in this study: "the differential reproduction and growth hypothesis" that predicts that male plants present fewer reproductive structures and are larger than female plants; and the 'sex-biased herbivory hypothesis' that predicts that male plants support a larger abundance of insect galls than female plants. Plants did not show sexual dimorphism in growth (= mean leaf number). However, male plants had longer shoots and a lower average number of inflorescences than female plants. These results corroborate the hypothesis that male plants grow more and reproduce...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Dioecy; Community structure; Insect galls; Plant gender; Plant-animal interactions.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Test of hypotheses about herbivory and chemical defences of Qualea parviflora (Vochysiaceae) in Brazilian Cerrado 88
Gonçalves-Alvim,Silmary J.; Lana,Tate C.; Ranieri,Bernardo D.; Fernandes,Geraldo Wilson.
(Test of hypotheses about herbivory and chemical defences of Qualea parviflora (Vochysiaceae) in Brazilian Cerrado). Qualea parviflora Mart. (Vochysiaceae), a widely distributed tree found in different habitats in Brazilian Cerrado (savanna), provides resources for a great variety of insects. In this study, we tested two hypotheses about plant investment in anti-herbivore defences along a fertility gradient in Cerrado: the carbon/nitrogen balance (CNBH) and resource availability (RAH). We also investigated how the pattern of herbivory varies through the year and among three types of vegetation in Brazilian Cerrado - campo sujo, cerrado sensu strictu and cerradão. Sampling was conducted in three types of vegetation and in rainy (January and November) and...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Brazilian savanna; Insect-plant interaction; Leaf damage; Plant defences.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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The potential of natural regeneration of rocky outcrop vegetation on rupestrian field soils in "Serra do Cipó", Brazil 88
Medina,Branca Maria Opazo; Fernandes,Geraldo Wilson.
An area's innate potential to regenerate represents a crucial factor for its conservation and management. The seed rain and seed bank are important agents in the regeneration process. Seed banks are particularly important in communities where there is a high proportion of obligate seeders. Rocky outcrops are habitats where most part of the plant species depends on their seeds to reproduce and maintain viable populations. Therefore, seed banks ought to be important in this vegetation physiognomy. We test the hypotheses that the seed bank of the rocky outcrops found in the rupestrian fields of "Serra do Cipó", Brazil, is richer in species and denser than those formed on different vegetation physiognomies neighboring the outcrops. We then compared species...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Natural regeneration; Rocky outcrops; Seed bank; Seedling emergence; "Serra do Cipó".
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Together yet separate: variation in soil chemistry determines differences in the arboreal-shrub structure of two contiguous rupestrian environments 39
Almeida,Hernani Alves; Bahia,Thaíse de Oliveira; Gélvez-Zúñiga,Irene; Fernandes,Geraldo Wilson.
ABSTRACT Rupestrian landscapes are characterized by vegetation mosaics comprised of different plant communities and strongly linked to environmental filters. These environments are nutrient-impoverished, and possess water retention deficits and high solar exposure. This study aimed to determine whether chemical properties of the soil shape the arboreal-shrub vegetation structure in two neighboring habitats; a rupestrian cerrado and a rupestrian grassland. We hypothesized that the habitat with higher soil chemical properties would have higher parameters for vegetation structure, and different species composition. We expected higher chemical properties of the soil to favor a greater variety of plant life-forms. A total of 1349 individuals of 85 species...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Arboreal-shrub; Asteraceae; Campo rupestre; Cerrado; Edaphic characteristics; Environmental filters; Myrtaceae; Phytosociology.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Trioecy in Coccoloba cereifera Schwacke (Polygonaceae), a narrow endemic and threatened tropical species 52
Silva,Celice Alexandre; Oliva,Marco Antonio; Vieira,Milene Faria; Fernandes,Geraldo Wilson.
Trioecy, the co-occurrence of the males, females, and hermaphrodite morphs in natural populations, is a rare and poorly studied breeding system. It is expressed in Coccoloba cereifera, an endemic, and endangered species from the rupestrian fields of Serra do Cipó, southeastern Brazil. Male individuals produce staminate flowers but no fruits. Female individuals produce pistillate flowers and set fruits. Both staminate and pistillate flowers present non-functional organs of the opposite sex that simulate perfect flowers. Hermaphrodite individuals produce two different perfect flowers, each one belonging to distinct individuals, and set fruits. Perfect flowers differ in the amount of pollen produced, in pollen viability, and in some morphological traits. Two...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Agamospermy; Breeding systems; Coccoloba cereifera; Sex determination; Sexual morphs; Trioecy.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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