Cabanes, Cecile; De Boyer Montegut, Clement; Coatanoan, Christine; Ferry, N.; Pertuisot, Cecile; Von Schuckmann, Karina; Petit De La Villeon, Loic; Carval, Thierry; Pouliquen, Sylvie; Le Traon, Pierre-yves. |
Tipo: Text |
Ano: 2010 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00027/13849/10996.pdf |
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Lellouche, J. -m.; Le Galloudec, O.; Drevillon, M.; Regnier, C.; Greiner, E.; Garric, G.; Ferry, N.; Desportes, C.; Testut, C. -e.; Bricaud, C.; Bourdalle-badie, R.; Tranchant, B.; Benkiran, M.; Drillet, Y.; Daudin, A.; De Nicola, C.. |
Since December 2010, the MyOcean global analysis and forecasting system has consisted of the Mercator Ocean NEMO global 1/4 degrees configuration with a 1/12 degrees nested model over the Atlantic and the Mediterranean. The open boundary data for the nested configuration come from the global 1/4 degrees configuration at 20 degrees S and 80 degrees N. The data are assimilated by means of a reduced-order Kalman filter with a 3-D multivariate modal decomposition of the forecast error. It includes an adaptive-error estimate and a localization algorithm. A 3-D-Var scheme provides a correction for the slowly evolving large-scale biases in temperature and salinity. Altimeter data, satellite sea surface temperature and in situ temperature and salinity vertical... |
Tipo: Text |
Ano: 2013 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00141/25229/27513.pdf |
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Lellouche, Jean-michel; Le Gallouedec, O.; Drevillon, Marie; Regnier, C.; Greiner, Eric; Garric, Gilles; Ferry, N.; Desportes, C.; Testut, Charles-emmanuel; Bricaud, C.; Bourdalle-badie, R.; Tranchant, B.; Benkiran, Mounir; Drillet, Y.; Daudin, A.; De Nicola, C.. |
Since December 2010, the global analysis and forecast of the MyOcean system consists in the Mercator Océan NEMO global 1/4° configuration with a 1/12° "zoom" over the Atlantic and Mediterranean Sea. The zoom open boundaries come from the global 1/4° at 20° S and 80° N. The data assimilation uses a reduced order Kalman filter with a 3-D multivariate modal decomposition of the forecast error. It includes an adaptative error and a localization algorithm. A 3D-Var scheme corrects for the slowly evolving large-scale biases in temperature and salinity. Altimeter data, satellite temperature and in situ temperature and salinity vertical profiles are jointly assimilated to estimate the initial conditions for the numerical ocean forecasting. This paper gives a... |
Tipo: Text |
Ano: 2012 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00129/23983/21940.pdf |
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Cabanes, Cecile; Grouazel, Antoine; Von Schuckmann, Karina; Hamon, Michel; Turpin, Victor; Coatanoan, Christine; Paris, Francois; Guinehut, Stephanie; Boone, C.; Ferry, N.; De Boyer Montegut, Clement; Carval, Thierry; Reverdin, Gilles; Pouliquen, Sylvie; Le Traon, Pierre-yves. |
The French program Coriolis, as part of the French operational oceanographic system, produces the COriolis dataset for Re-Analysis (CORA) on a yearly basis. This dataset contains in-situ temperature and salinity profiles from different data types. The latest release CORA3 covers the period 1990 to 2010. Several tests have been developed to ensure a homogeneous quality control of the dataset and to meet the requirements of the physical ocean reanalysis activities (assimilation and validation). Improved tests include some simple tests based on comparison with climatology and a model background check based on a global ocean reanalysis. Visual quality control is performed on all suspicious temperature and salinity profiles identified by the tests, and quality... |
Tipo: Text |
Ano: 2013 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00117/22799/20606.pdf |
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Balmaseda, M. A.; Hernandez, F.; Storto, A.; Palmer, M. D.; Alves, O.; Shi, L.; Smith, G. C.; Toyoda, T.; Valdivieso, M.; Barnier, B.; Behringer, D.; Boyer, T.; Chang, Y-s.; Chepurin, G. A.; Ferry, N.; Forget, Gael; Fujii, Y.; Good, S.; Guinehut, S.; Haines, K.; Ishikawa, Y.; Keeley, S.; Koehls, A.; Lee, T.; Martin, M. J.; Masina, S.; Masuda, S.; Meyssignac, B.; Mogensen, K.; Parent, L.; Peterson, K. A.; Tang, Y. M.; Yin, Y.; Vernieres, G.; Wang, X.; Waters, J.; Wedd, R.; Wang, O.; Xue, Y.; Chevallier, M.; Lemieux, J-f.; Dupont, F.; Kuragano, T.; Kamachi, M.; Awaji, T.; Caltabiano, A.; Wilmer-becker, K.; Gaillard, Fabienne. |
Uncertainty in ocean analysis methods and deficiencies in the observing system are major obstacles for the reliable reconstruction of the past ocean climate. The variety of existing ocean reanalyses is exploited in a multi-reanalysis ensemble to improve the ocean state estimation and to gauge uncertainty levels. The ensemble-based analysis of signal-to-noise ratio allows the identification of ocean characteristics for which the estimation is robust (such as tropical mixed-layer-depth, upper ocean heat content), and where large uncertainty exists (deep ocean, Southern Ocean, sea ice thickness, salinity), providing guidance for future enhancement of the observing and data assimilation systems. |
Tipo: Text |
Ano: 2015 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00280/39090/37655.pdf |
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