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Aging and immunoglobulin isotype patterns in oral tolerance BJMBR
Faria,A.M.C.; Ficker,S.M.; Speziali,E.; Menezes,J.S.; Stransky,B.; Verdolin,B.A.; Lahmann,W.M.; Rodrigues,V.S.; Vaz,N.M..
In the present review we address oral tolerance as an important biological phenomenon and discuss how it is affected by aging. Other factors such as frequency of feeding and previous digestion of the antigen also seem to influence the establishment of oral tolerance. We also analyze immunoglobulin isotypes of specific antibodies formed by tolerant and immunized animals of different ages submitted to different conditions of oral antigen administration. Isotypic patterns were studied as a parameter for assessing the pathways of B and T cell interactions leading to antibody production
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Oral tolerance; Aging; Isotypes; Gut; Mucosa.
Ano: 1998 URL:
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Stabilization of serum antibody responses triggered by initial mucosal contact with the antigen independently of oral tolerance induction BJMBR
Verdolin,B.A.; Ficker,S.M.; Faria,A.M.C.; Vaz,N.M.; Carvalho,C.R..
Initial contacts with a T-dependent antigen by mucosal routes may result in oral tolerance, defined as the inhibition of specific antibody formation after subsequent parenteral immunizations with the same antigen. We describe here an additional and permanent consequence of these initial contacts, namely, the blockade of secondary-type responsiveness to subsequent parenteral contacts with the antigen. When repeatedly boosted ip with small doses (3 µg) of ovalbumin (OVA) (or lysozyme), primed B6D2F1 mice showed progressively higher antibody responses. In contrast, mice primed after a single oral exposure to the antigen, although repeatedly boosted, maintained their secondary antibody titers on a level which was inversely proportional to the dose of antigen...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Oral tolerance; Mucosal immunity; Stability; Memory.
Ano: 2001 URL:
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